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The Interview

This is a mock interview. I have never met Kevin Richardson personally, or otherwise, and so was unable to ask him these questions myself. All quotes, opinions and statements shown here ARE strictly those of Kevin Richardson and were taken from many different sources; Actual broadcast Interviews, Video's, and any articles out in the market and on the Internet. All information and quotes shown here are subject to change at any time. Most of the questions seen here, however, are my own, and any similarity between them and any other questions asked to Kevin Richardson are absolutely coincidental.

Kevin!.. If you ever see this, or read it, I would be honored if you would do a real interview with me when the time is convenient for you. If you are interested, please E-mail me at the address listed on this Website. Thank you.

Q: It is the beginning of a brand new year, and so too stay in touch with all new beginings, What is your New Year's Resolution?

A:" My New Year's Resolution is to manage my time more wisely than I have in the past. With all the touring that we do, and with our schedules, I don't have alot of free time. I want to make the most of what little time that I do have, so I can get my personal life in order.. I'm also going to have to work on my sleeping habits. We're so busy now that, when we do get some free time, we don't want to waist it sleeping. So I get back to the hotel rooms and I'm watching TV, reading, writing music, or playing video games. It's hard for me to just wind down and got to sleep."

Q: How would you best describe yourself?

A: " I'm, a perfectionist. I want to go places and I want things to be done right. " ( Kev also feels that the girl in his life should feel the same way.)

Q: What would be your ideal date?

A: " I'd like to go to dinner and have some good conversation. If the vibe is right, then maybe a romantic walk in the park or on the beach."

Q: Was music and singing an inportant factor throughout your life?

A: " Music's always been a big part of my family. It mainly started in church just singing hymns. When we were driving on long trips we'd sing to the radio, and I'd be up in my room some nights infront of the mirror with a hair brush or whatever, pretending I was singing infront of a big audience, and I always loved singing. It was something that just came easy."

Q: Where did the Backstreet Boys get their name?

A: " Well, there's a place in Orlando called the Backstreet Market and, uh... it used to be a popular place for the teens, tourists, and the locals to just hang out. So, we, uh, took Backstreet, put boys on it... Backstreet Boys!"

S: On the shoot of the Video, Anywhere for you, it's early morning and Kev's looking around for a towel so that he can wash his hair.

R: " Look! I gotta a question! Is there a big towel in here?; cuz I need to stick my head in the sink."

Q:Could you tell me about the song Anywhere for you?

A: " The song's a love song, uh,...and it's about a guy..well, just us telling someone that we care for them, we'd go anywhere and do anything for the one we love."

Q:How about the set of Anywhere for you?

A: "..We're here on the set of Baywatch, here on Miami beach. We decided to take the beach from the West Coast and bring it to the East Coast for this episode.."

Q:Where did the concept for 'Everybody: Backstreet's Back' Vid come from?

A: " We were on a plane, flying somewhere, I can't remember where, but wew were talking about videos and things we'd like to do and Nick had mentioned something about ' Man we need to be like Superhero's, ' or something like that, and I'd mentioned that nobody had done a monster type(video). So, that's were it all began, and I thought it'd be cool to uh, to have, like, you know, just make it more realistic, have it all be a dream."

Q: What character did you pick for the Everybody Vid?

A:" I was the Mad Scientist Jekyll and Hyde type character, and my set was, some book cases that sped around and opened to reveal a secret laboratory, were I started out, intellectual scientific looking, and I turned around and on this side, ( points too right cheek ), and you see,uh, a mutant... It's kinda taking the Jekyll and Hyde thing to another level. A 90's type feel."

Q: What can you tell me about Brian's choice to be the Werewolf?

A: " Brian was really set on the wolfman, because he... you know... it sorta matches his personality. Just the crazyness...I don't know.. I guess, rambunctious, rampaging...jumping around things that he sometimes likes to do. So, that matches him really good."

Q: How would you describe AJ?

A:" AJ? Uh. He's kinda a combination of everybody I guess... I don't know,..he likes to talk, he's a flirt..let's see, he's very good at what he does.. He's very serious about his work."

Q: And Fatima?

A:"She does a good job at making us look good.. You have to have alot of patience to work with us, because sometimes in rehearsal we can be,..some of our attention spans can wonder."

Q: Could you tell me a little bit about the finished product of the Everybody Vid?

A:" Well, when you see it on TV, there's alot that goes into it, and it looks like everything's just really smooth..;But there's alot of takes that goes into making that one move look good,..There's alot of hours, alot of rehearsal time, it's alot of work.... It's alot of fun too. "

Q: What was the biggest suprise you had when you entered this type of business?

A:" We put in alot of hours in this business, uh, that's something that was, I guess, a big suprise to me beacause, how many hours you work a day, especially when you're lucky enough to have success in so many countries."

Q: Do you guys follow the latest fashion trends?

A:"We don't consider ourselves fashion Guru's or anything. We're just, I don't know, we're guys and we just pick out what we like, what looks good on us."

Q: What's the best thing about touring?

A:" Too see the reaction of the fans. That's probably the most rewarding part...I just wish we had more time, sometimes, too seeall the things, because I mean, we are working alot and sometimes you only get to see the hotel room and venue."

Q: What do you miss the most when touring?

A:" Sometimes we miss the food at home...Right now, we go out in the mornings for breakfast and we hear Christmas music playing, and it sorta makes you a little home sick. Even though I'm away from my family, I try to get home on the holidays when I can."

Q: How do you go about preparing for a concert?

A:" Usually before a show we do 15, 20 to 30, depending on the time we have, minutes in vocal work up, then singing a couple of songs of ours that we're gonna do in the show a capella..."

Q: How are the songs in the concert arranged?

A:" Our first song, is you know you come out, you wanna come out with a bang, so you usually come out with an uptempo song, and then after that, we usually slow it down a bit, do a little a capella..."

Q: What do you enjoy most about performing?

A:" I enjoy probably most performing, but at the same time I enjoy creating, and like... I've learned so much recording this album because eventually I would like to produce...To really enjoy, when I get out on stage and just, just get it all out and give it everything you've got, and then you get the feedback from the audience, it's a great feeling."

Q: What age range are the BSB striving to reach with their music?

A:" We have such a wide age range..We hope to cover that range and even older. I mean, my parents, my grandparents, like our music, our ballads. You know, our uptempo fast stuff, it's not gonna please everybody, but our ballads are very deep, they're ballads that adults can get into...We want to get into the adult contemporary market as well. So, we hope to span from as young as 7-8 years old, up to 60-70 years old."

Q: What would you like to see in the future of the BSB?

A:" A hit career...In five years we'd like to have, you know, maybe a nice big triple, quadrupal platinum albums or something like that. That would be great. We'd like to be writing and producing all of our own stuff from here on out, because we all write, and we're getting better at it, and we hope to be respected for our writing, our vocals, and our talents."

Q: What would you like for yourself once the BSB's fame has ended?

A:" I don't want to be out on the road all my life. Family is very important to me, and eventually I'd like to have one of my own."

Well that is it for the interview, For now. I hope that you enjoyed it. And I hope that all the quotes in it were correct. If there were some mistakes that I should be aware of, please mail me and let me know. Thanks Again. :)

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