A:"MJ,(she was the Boy's opening act), She came out at 8:00pm and was off at 8:30. Then they let the fans throw anything they wanted to give to the Boys on stage." (Reminder!! Don't throw flowers on the stage!! The Boys might slip on the water!!)
Q: What was it like waiting in line?
A:" Oh my God!!! There was pushing and shoving, lots of screaming. Oh Boy! It was very boring. The anticipation was high. Some girls thought that they saw Nick and Howie, and started screaming. There was alot of banging on the glass doors...If you don't want too stand around, don't come until 7:00pm, because that's when they let you in."
Q: You are in the Stadium, in your seat, and the Boys come out; What happened at that moment and throughout the rest of the concert?
A:" OH MY GOD!!!! Basically your eyes are glued to the stage, as soon as they come out. Somebody just said " Let's hear it for the Backstreet Boys!", and the curtain pulled away, then you could see the stage..One minute the Boys weren't there, the next they are..They came shooting up with sparklers. (The Pyrotechnics). The song they came out with was "That's the way I like it", then "I wanna be with you". Near the end of that song Howie disappeared. Then Howie came back and did his solo..the song..was "Give me your heart"..I think it's different than the one on the CD(On Qiut Playng Games Single)...And he handed out roses during the song...Then he told everyone in Toronto that " Even when I'm not in Toronto, You guys are always in my heart. " After Howie came Kevin, he sang "Nobody but you", (It's on the Quit playing Games single). He had lots of audience participation.
"AJ, he did "Lay down beside me" (too appear on the 3rd album.) He didn't do too much but walk around. After AJ, came Brain and he performed "That's what she said", while playing the guitar. Then came Nick. I don't know what the name of the song he did was, because his fans were screaming so much that I missed the name.(After the solo's),they did "Let's have a party". I think they did "I'll never break your heart", next. During this song Brian got hit in the head with a box of Kraft Dinner. Howie started laughing and almost couldn't continue singing. Brian picked up the box and looked at howie, and motioned that he got hit in the head.(Canadian Fans Have A Riot When Brian Is Hit In Head With Kraft Dinner). Brian quickly found the camera that was putting them on the big screens, held up the box of Kraft Dinner and did his trade mark grin.
"Hey Mister DJ" was next, and then "Quit playing games(with my heart)". They thanked us for making this song #1 in Canada, and then the band started playing, and the boys started dancing. Then all of a sudden the band started playing too slow, so Howie said, " Hey! Woh!!! Wait a minute!! Let's try this again. Sorry Toronto! " Then the band started playing again, this time too fast, while Nick and the others tried too keep up with the dance moves. So, Howie stopped them again, " Woh!!! Wait a minute!!! What are you guys doing??" Then one of the boys mentioned that it must have been the fact that they were on vacation too long. Then one of the band members said " If you don't like the way we're playing, come and play it yourself!!" So, each of the Boys took an instrument. Nick on drums, Howie on guitar, AJ ont the Bass guitar, Kevin on keyboards, and Brian on the Bongo drums. And then they just performed the song. When they were finished, the instruments were given back too their rightful players.
I think "Anywhere for you" came next, which the Boys dedicated to the Toronto fans. Then after that was "All I have too give", then "As long as you love me". At the near end of the comcert, they introduced themselves. They didn't give any special message, although Kevin, in between stuff, was always saying " We love you!!!... We love you Toronto.!!!" Plus they wished us a Happy 1998, and a happy New Year. Then there was the encore performance, which was a combination of "We've got it goin' on", "Get Down", and "Everybody(Backstreet's Back)".
Q: What noteable things happened in the concert?
A:" Nick was the only one to use a hand held mic in the concert with the song, Let's have a party. Brain did his trade mark noises throughout the whole concert. I was watching AJ throughout Let's have a party, too see if he'd bounce on the ground (like he did in the Live Aus Frankfurt Concert Video, If you missed it, watch it closely!), but he didn't.
Q: What did you think of AJ's fro?
A:" I didn;t like it too much, but one scary fact... He actually managed too still look hot with it.."If you don't know, Grow a Fro!" ( From the MuchMusic Intimate and Interactive, which really wasn't either of the two, but just another concert, without the solo's, held at the MuchMusic building the next evening, Jan 4th, at 7:00pm. I was disappointed!)
Q: What was it like seeing the guys Live?
A:" Constant Excitement!!! When you're sitting there and they come out om stage it's like wow! I'm actually in the same building with them. It helps you realize that they are human beings too, and deserve too be treated that way. Plus, it helps you too realize that they're just like you and me. When you go and see them Live, afterwards you'll have a totally new outlook on them."
Q: If you had the chance to go another concert, would you?
A:" Definately!!!!! Only next time I hope I can be on the floor, by the stage... If you get the chance too see a concert, do so, you'll be glad you did."
Q: Any last words too the Backstreet Boys themselves?
A:" I enjoyed the show very much. You guys taking over the instruments, I feel, was a much needed part of the show, to prove that you guys can do much more than sing and dance, which us fans have known all along. Keep up the good work. I Love you all. Sue McClennon. (PS: AJ, I love you best!)
Would you like to get in touch with Sue? If so, you can e-mail her at: ajs_1_girl@hotmail.com . Sue would be happy to hear from you. You can also check out her BSB Heaven web site at: www.angelfire.com/me/bsbfunky/index.com.