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Stats and Biography

Name: Kevin Scott Richardson

Nicknames: Kev, Kevvy-Kev, Boo(Bear), Emerald Eyes, Mr.Bodybeautiful, Pumpkin,and Train," Because he was a line-backer on his highschool football team and he ran over guys like a train," Brian says about cousin Kev. and OLD MAN...

Bithdate: October 3rd, 1971

Birthplace: Lexington, Kentucky

Zodiac: Libra

Parents: Mom: Anne Father: Jerald( Sr.)

Siblings: Tim and Jerald( Jr. )

Pets: A black cat named Quincy

Favorite Color: Royal Blue, Black, Purple

Favorite Music: " Uh, Are Elton John, Billy Joel and Prince. I think that Prince is a musical genius, just because if his writing ability. " Others are; R. Kelly, Babyface, and Tedy Riley.

Favorite Movies: Top Gun and The Shawshank Redemption

Favorite Actors: Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman

Favorite TV Shows: Roseanne and Martin

Favorite Food: Mexican and anything Asian, and "I'll eat any food with Peanut Butter."

Favorite Book: Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice

Favorite Country: Sweden

Unique Talent: Kev is a qualified ballroom dance instructor.

Most Likely Too: Urge you too chase your dreams! Kev believes that if you can dream it you can be it.

Looks 4 In A Girl: Kev's attracted too girls who accept him for who he is." I'm a shy guy. Sometimes I think too much about what I'm going to say to somebody or what they are going to think....I'm bashful. I like it when a girl tells me she likes me. "

Worst Habit: Sleeping Late.

Previous Experience: Singing in church choirs and Barber shop groups. " I grew up singing in church with my family. My cousin Brian and I used too harmonize all the time..."

Favorite Saying: Wha's Up?? Wha's Up??

What can one say about the oldest member of the Backstreet Boys, Kevin Richardson? Except that responsibility seems too fall naturally on his shoulders. Kev is the one who most often tells the other guys to cut out the sillyness when it comes time to workimg seriously.

One thing that some people might not have known about Kev, is that he absolutely adores children. He will even take the time out to give autographs and take pictures with the Backstreet Boys littlest fans. In the future, Kev admits that he is looking forward to being a father himself some day.

Kev loves to explore new cultures and exotic foods, and whenever the Backstreet Boys are visiting a new city or country, Kev insists on taking the time out to organize a sight seeing expedition, even though their busy schedules might not allow them too see everything that they might like too.

Unlike many people, Kev has always known what he wanted to do with his life, especially when he discovered his love for music at a young age. " Me and Brian are cousins and both of our families are really musical. I grew up singing in church. Me and my Mom, who is Brian's Father's sister-,I sang with her in church."

The first nine years of Kev's life were spent living on a 10-acre farm, and the next eight years of his life were spent living in a gorgeous modern day log cabin. " I had a great childhood, I loved school, played little league football, rode horses and dirtbikes, and I sang into a hairbrush infront of my bedroom mirror."

When Kev was a freshman in highschool, he recieved his first set of keyboards. This turned out to be an important factor in his evolution as an artist. Through constant practising, Kev eventually became skilled enough as a solo act, to entertain patrons in restaurants and at weddings.

Kev earned his first stage experience with the local theatrical productions of famous Musicals like; Bye Bye Birdie, and Barefoot in the Park. While at home, his natural grace and affinity for dance landed him a job as a qualified Ballroom Dance Instructor.

Eventually, Lexington became too small to hold Kev's talent and so, he moves to Florida, hoping for a break in the fiercely competetive entertainment business. Once there, Kev's good looks and outgoing personality convinced Disney World to hire him too play the part of Aladdin on stage and in daily parades. Kev also played a Ninja Turtle.

While Kev was working at Disney, a friend who he had met at a dance club, told him about the auditions for a new vocal group called the Backstreet Boys. Kev's deep, gorgeous, sensual voice landed him a place in the group, where soon after he brought his cousin Brian into the mix.

For Kev, the Backstreet Boys has been an incredible learning experience." We've learned so much, and we're learning everyday. Just the whole process of how the radio stations and how the record industry works. And I've learned so much as far as production in the studios. I mean, I was just soaking all that in like a sponge."

What's in the future for Kevin and the Backstreet Boys? No one can say for sure, but hopefully a couple more hit albums here in Canada, in Europe and in the United States. And the hope too hear Kev and his deep, sensual voice singing a few more lead songs on the Backstreet Boys third Album.

