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A Chatter's Interview

This Interview comes from a friend of another friend of mine that went to the Toronto Concert on January 3rd/98. Known as the *Mystery Lady* she had the opportunity to chat with Kevin Richardson and Brian Littrell on one of the Internet chat lines previous to the Toronto Concert.

1.: On what day previous to the Toronto Concert did you run into Kevin and Brian in the chatlines? At approximately what time was this?

A.: December 1st/1997 at about 12:00am

2.: You stated once that you first saw them in a fan chat line. What is the URL for this chatline?

A.: I can't remember really!! I was just surfing around and decided to see if there were any fans chatting in the homepage, and to my suprise there was.!

3.: What was the name of the room you were in?

A.: *******. In a fan homepage (dedicated to just *****).

4.: When you first entered the chatroom, did you proceed as you normally do... or were you approached by Kevin?

A.: There was only him and a girl in there when I went in...and I didn't see his name. I chatted with the fan. Then she left and Kevin said "HI" and so I said "HI" and then he told me about himself.

5.: As you were chatting with Kevin, did you ask him what he looked like?

A.: Yes! He said he was tall, 6'1", dark brown hair, green eyes, 2 earings, he said his hobbie is singing...all the time.

6.: Did he change any of their physical features and place of residence to try too fool you?

A.: No, he came straight up and told me where he lived and what he looked like.

7.: What was your first reaction when the person you were chatting with told you that he was Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys?

A.: I said "Yeah right!! and I'm Brian Littrell of the BSB. He said, "I'm telling you the truth, really, I'm Kevin!"

8.: Did you ask for any proof of identification from him? ie : date of birth.

A.: Yes. I asked him alot of questions like, how old are you? When and where were you born? What's your middle name? Nicknames? What are your parents names? you have any pets? If so what are their names?

9.: What do you feel was the reason for Kevin to be on the internet that evening?

A.: Kevin said that it was because he couldn't sleep and he didn't know what else to do, so he wanted to see what some fans were doing!

10.: Would you say that Kevin was interested in meeting some of their fans, and hearing their views on the group and stuff like that?...or would you say that he was out to have some fun and to relax?

A.: I'd have to say both. Before he said "I'm really Kevin!", he said he wanted to know what I thought of the Backstreet Boys music, why I liked them, and if I was going to go to any concerts. And he said that he couldn't sleep, so I think he was trying to pass time.

11.: In short, What was the nature of your conversation?

A.: He was just really polite, he would ask questions about me and say "if that's alright to ask?". He was just really nice, we talked about the upcoming (then)Toronto Concert.

12.: During your conversation with Kevin and Brian, did they ever tell you that they were going to announce your name at the Toronto Concert as proof that you were talking to them?

A.: Kevin said that he would. Brian said that he would get Kevin to announce other names at the concert, and Brian said "We will porve that it was us!!"

13.: The night of the concert, Kevin comes out on stage and announces that he was on the chatlines earlier and that he was chatting to some fansm and that he was going to read out your names...As he did so, your name was on the list...What was your immediate reaction to this?

A.: Actually I started laughing, then I cried and then my friend said to me, "Oh my Gosh!! That was them, it was really them!" I started jumping and screaming, Kevin noticed me and waved at me!! I had told Brian and Kevin what I would be wearing at the as soon as Brian came out, he was on my side of the stage and waved to me about 25times during the concert, and I pushed my way to front row when Brian was singing "That's what she said". He came right over to me, smiled and looked at my eyes. As soon as he walked away, I thought I was going to die!!

14.: What do you feel is the most memorable part of the concert for you?

A.: I think all the times Brian waved at me and looked at my eyes...When Howie held my hand (at first row) and when Kevin announced the names!!!

15.: When chatting with Kevin and Brian, what was your first impression of their personalities?

A.: They are just as I thought they would be! Sweet, polite, good hearts..funny...great personalities. Now when someone says to me, "I love Nick (Howie, Kevin, Brian or AJ)". I say, "Why do you love them?" If they say, " he/they are cute!" I say, " I love them because of their great music, GREAT personalities, and then I say they are really nice looking."

16.: Did they say anything too you that might have shocked you or taken you by suprise?

A.: Not really. Like I said, they are just like I thought they would be. But when I went too leave the chatroom one time, Brian said "don't go!!", I said "why?", he said "Because You're really nice, and fun too talk too." I loved that! Before I knew it was them, I also asked, "what are you going to be wearing in your new video (All I Have Too Give)?" So he said to me..." I can tell you we will be in water, in a circle, and that we are all wearing light colored clothes."

17.: Do you know whether or not, AJ, Nick and Howie were on the chatlines that evening as well? or was it just Kevin and Brian?

A.: Oh yeah!! I've talked to each of the BSB, except Howie. :0(

18.: What rooms within the chatline were you chatting in?

A.: In ***chat, in the **...or the *****. Just the spots to look for them, the ** and the ****!! :0)

19.: What handle did Kevin and Brian go under?

A.: ******** (bleeped out for confidentiality the page creator)

20.: With the new changed in the chatroom, what rooms to Kevin and Brian use now that you know of?

A.: I don't know. I haven't seen them or talked to them in a very long time...

21.: Aound what time can Kevin and Brian , and the others, be found in the chatlines?

A.: REALLY LATE!!! About 1:00am, maybe a little earlier.!

22.: Even now, more than 4 and 1/2 months after the Toronto Concert, do you still chat with Kevin and Brian on the internet?

A.: I haven't seen them since January 26th!!

I would like to say thank you to the *Mystery Lady* for doing this interview with me. I really appreciate it, and I hope that you run into the Boys on the internet again sometime soon.

This interview was first seen in my Newsletter for the World of B-Rok: The Brian Littrell FanClub, issue #2.

