(written by Lacy) Jade sat alone in the hospital bathroom against the cold, pasty-yellow wall. "No, no, no..." she mumbled to herself, staring at the ceiling. How could her life be falling apart like this? Everything had been so perfect before... she had her dream job, she lived in her dream home which just happened to be next to one of her favorite singers, and she had her own hammock. But right now the hammock was probably the best thing she had going for her. And then there was Jess... Jess. How could she do this to her best friend? How could she do this to herself? She wasn't supposed to take the pills, it's all my fault, she thought to herself, hugging her knees to her even tighter. And then the conversation from about 20 minutes ago in the waiting room came flooding back to Jade's head... how they had all reacted to what she had said...
"I know how..." Jade trailed off after Nick asked how Jess' drug overdose could of happened. "What? How? Jade tell us... if you know what she took please tell us!" Brian said frantically, standing up from his chair and then kneeling back down in front of her. "SHE DIDN'T TAKE ANYTHING ON PURPOSE!!! She would never--I can't believe you would even accuse her of--oh, nevermind!" Jade exploded, standing up quickly and toppling Brian over backwards. She looked at him as if she were seeing him for the first time and fell back in her chair sobbing.
"Jade, it's okay. We're all upset. But she's gonna be okay, don't worry," Brian said, cautiously getting up off the floor and sitting in the chair beside her. "No, no, you don't understand," she said, raising her head to look at him. He just looked back at her with blank, wet eyes. Looking around the room, her gaze stopped at Kevin. She had felt someone's eyes on her for the past half-an-hour, and now she knew who they belonged to. He smiled at her and put his hands behind his back and took a step back. He's so disgusted with me he can't even stand being in the same room as me, she thought to herself, feeling the tears well behind her eyes even more. I can't take this anymore. And without another word, she fled to the cold vastness of the hospital bathroom.
*End Flashback*
"Kevin, are you okay, man?" AJ asked, coming up behind where Kevin was leaning against the wall and putting a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, great," Kevin said, running his hands through his hair and sitting down beside Nick. "Someone should of gone after her," Nick said. I couldn't agree with you more, buddy, Kevin thought to himself. Brian and Howie had held Nick back when he had tried to after Jade about 10 minutes ago. Kevin hadn't even moved. He couldn't. He was afraid of what he might do. The reason he had put his hands behind his back and backed away from Jade earlier was becuase he was afraid if he didn't he would of reached out and taken her in his arms. She didn't need that now... he didn't know if she ever even would.
"Yeah, I know what you mean," a women laughed to her friend as they entered the bathroom, pulling Jade from her thoughts. "Oh my dear, are you okay?" the blond woman with big earings asked her, stopping in her tracks when she saw Jade sitting on the floor. "Yeah, I'm fine. My friend's just really sick, that's all," Jade said, standing up and wiping the tears from her face. "I'm sure she'll be fine dear, just pray for her and God will have mercy," the red haired woman said. Yeah, whatever you say lady, Jade thought as she walked out of the bathroom.
"God," Jade said out loud, not realizing it. And without a second thought, she walked to the elevator and pushed the button for the second floor. I know I can't help Jess, but maybe He can, she thought to herself as the elevator doors opened and she saw the wooden doors to the hospital Church in front of her. Quietly opening them, she stepped into the room and onto the plush red carpet. She had always felt the safest in a Church more than any other place, even though she had never really been to a Sunday Mass. Dropping to her knees in front of the Holy Mary, she clasped her hands together tightly and began to pray for the first time in her life.
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