Hosted Fan Fiction
Okay, I know ya'll hate this, but I have to get it over with: NONE of these stories are real! They are all results of our over-active imaginations. And as much as we may wish, none of us are in any way related to the BSB in any way, shape, or form. Yes, a few of us have been to concerts and maybe even had the pleasures of meeting them, but that's as far as it goes. I'm asking you now to PLEASE NOT STEAL ANY OF THESE STORIES!!! Dire circumstances will result if I find out anyone took it upon themselves to punk any of these stories and claim them as their own. If you would like to host any of the stories on your own homepage, then just e-mail the authors and ask permission. ALSO DON'T FORGET TO LET THEM KNOW WHAT YOU THINK OF THEIR STORIES! Us writers love feedback! Okay, enought of that! Now for the Fan Fic...
If You Go Away...
Living A Lie
Six Roses and a Teddy Bear
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