letters to Enoch Williamson or included with them
images of letter slightly enlarged

front side of the letter was too large to scan in one sweep

Cecil Maryland January 21st 1858

My Dear and much Respected Absalom I take my pen this morning to try to write afew
lines to you. I have heard of the death of your dear daughter Mary & I can feel with all
the feeling of a mother for you my much thought of son. I only heard it afew days ago I
have had no letter nor anything about you but just one of your daughters was dead and
by the dint of inquiry I was told it was Mary.

John McVey was at port and heard it their, but never told me anything about it. I have
had so many tryals myself I well know the what it is to bear up under such heavy tryals
and this is one that harrows up my feelings and brings every thing to my mind. may the
Lord be your support as he has been mine

I have not had aletter sence september I got one then I went down to port to stay a few
weeks to go to meeting as I never get to meeting only when I can get to port after I had
been their some days he gave me aletter dated in august that is the last one I have had
I have wrote. this is the third time I have wrote to you. I wrote one before I came home
Levi told me he would put it in for me I do not expect ever you got my. I have thought
much about you I had a dreem this winter about you, and I fully expected every day to
hear something from you, for that all ways has been atoken to me if I dreem I surely
heard from you soon after. I am going to put this in the Office at Bayvew that is at the
Shellemiah meeting house. our famely goes to the Church and to the store their is two
stores on gravelly hill and over a dozen houses the post Office is kept their and they
have changed the name to Bayvew is the name it goes by now I wish if ever you get
these lines to Answer as soon as you can and Direct to Bayvew it may be I may get it.
then I ask you to send me all the Satisfaction Respecting her death and illness. without
I heir from you I never will know.

I got the likeness you sent I look on them every day. Tho very unlike you I think your
wife is anoble looking woman and the little girl I think is Correct I can see agood dale
of her mothers likeness in her, dear little girl, may the Lord Bless her.

Send me how the baby is if his head is better or how it apears if this goes safe and I
write again I will tell more if you would wish to hear

I have had very good health this winter my hearts desece is considerable better that I
have been for along time I am very frail I wrote to aletter on my seventy Eighth
Birthday I wish you had got it I had a good pen it was the best wrote letter I think I
have wrote this seven years

now I will close my letter and hope you will soon have the prusal of these lines my
love to your wife and all the children the Blessing of the Lord be with and rest upon
you and be your consolation under all your trialls through life

fairwell I remain your Affectionate
Mother Ann Mcvey