letters to Enoch Williamson or included with them
images of letter slightly enlarged

front side of the letter was too large to scan in one sweep

Manchester Dearborn County Indiana. May 23d 1859

My Dear Cousin.

I received your letter the 13th of may and; I now hasten to answer it; we are all well
at presant; and I hope these few lines may find you all enjoying the same. Father
and Mother have gone to Church. I and the rest of the children are at home. we
have a very good sunday school in our neighberhood. I have a class in the sabbath

Uncle Chilion has sold out and gone to Illinois; he lives half a mile east of Uncle
John. he swapped his land for Cousin Elams in Illinois. he went to see the land he
got of Cousin Elam and he thought it was to far from school for him. he has
bought a farm containig 160 acres of praire and 90 of timber he has 19 acres of
winter wheat and 7 of spring wheat and 9 of oats and a chance to plant 30 or 60
acres of corn so you see he all ready to go to farming. Cousin Elam and his sister
Sally Williams are a keeping house where Uncle Chilion used to live. Gramy others
[Gramy's other] folks are all well I have not been there for four months so you see
that I do not go there oftener than I did when you was there. I wish you were there
now. I would be very much pleased to see you. and I expect you would like to see
me to but I do [not?] know when we will [ see?] each other. I wish it would be soon.
Laura is not maried yet but Eliza Ann is she was maried on the 18th of march to a
Cousin of mine it was Darwin Hathaway. he came from Illinois last fall to spend
the winter at home. he and wife and one of his sisters started for Illinois the first of
day [day of] april they got there the tenth. I am not maried yet nor I do not expect
to be very soon but when I do I will send you word.

we have had some of sprisial [spiritual?] rappings in our neighberhood but there is
not may [many] that believe in it I have not seen nor heard any of it myself for I do
not believe in it.

we have a school here this summer Juliett [?] and Eldren and Ervin are a going to

we have had a very cold and backward spring we have a great deal of rain there
was quite a frost last tuesday morning we was a fraid it would kill all the fruit; we
will have a few apples this summer. Father does not say anything about going to
the new country he has bought the farm that we lived on when you was here. it is
very healthy around here for the presant

the last we heard from Uncle Samuel he was and doing well he and Aunt Catherine
live five miles from Mr Sawyers folks they maried on the 15th of December at three
Oclock in the afternoon.

we had a very severe storm three weeks ago last friday night it blowed down a
great deal of fence and timber nine miles from our house it blowed down four
houses and in another place forty houses it blowed the most of our fence and a
great deal of our tinber.

I believe I have told you all the news I can think of this time you must write as
soon as you get this for I love to hear from you give my love and best respects to
all of your folks and acept a large portion for your self and believe me ever your
friend and affectionate Cousin Ann Mariah Day

Enoch Williamson