envelope addressed to "Mr. E. Williamson Bushnell McDonough Co Ills"
with postmark of "CHICAGO Ills. NOV 4"
image of envelope slightly enlarged — images of letter greatly enlarged
Camp Doudlas
C[h]icago Ils nov 3
Mr Williamson
I take the presant oppetunity to send you afiew linds to let you know how I am getting
along tha do evry thing upon a squar her we hav examination and Drees perade avry
Sunday morning we hav to com out with heads comd clean shirts on and Boots black
we hav got agood Place to s[t]ay her thare is over 4000 her in camp evry thing gos on
finely her the Boys is all sadis fide but one or to that is home sick that is all the Deseese
that is in the camp
I thot when I comenced [this letter] that I would not hav to quit until I got dun I had
to quit for Dress Perade all of Chicago was out to Day thar was a big smashup on the
Illinois Central Rode this morning it was about a quarter of amile from camp the hole
camp went Down to see it it was ahard looking sight the Engineer and fire man was
both cilled the Engin Eeere was all cut to peases and th[r]ond in to the Edg of the Lake
the fireman was throne about 50 feet up the bank the Engine and four cars was all
broke to Peeses it was cos by two freight left standing on the track
tha say that we will leve her nexst week for St Luis for the quarters her is fool and and
we will hav to make rom for more I will hav to quit for super rite when you git this
Direct to 2nd Regiment
Douglas Brig Camp Douglas
Chicago Ill in car of Capt Haney
J Benton