images of letter greatly enlarged
Camp Peoria
september the 15 1862
Dear uncle
it is with pleasure I take this opportun_ to write you a fiew lines I have been sick ever
since we came here and I do not get aney better I im i fraid that I will not be able to
pass examination I wold not be sent home for one hundard dollars if they wont
accept me here I will go home untel I get well and then I will go down to the 7the
James [Williamson] is as harty as b__ buck we fare furst rate if we was well but it is a
hard place to be sick George and uncle John was up here yester day you must try to
come up here the last of this week or the first of next for I dont expect we will stay
here more than next week George is comeing up here this week and you could come
up there and come up with him we have got the meanest Captan that there is in
camp we got our ove[r]Coats saturday and we will get the rest today
Aunt we will get picktures before we lieve here and make uncle come up and get them
no more at presant give my love to all inqiring friengs
Write soon
yourse respectively
John T. Williamson
Direct to camp Peoria 103 reg Ill vol in care of Cap J S Wyckoff