envelope addressed to "Enoch Williamson Bushnell Ill"
with postmark of "COLUMBUS KY DE_ _4"
image of envelope slightly enlarged — images of letter greatly enlarged
Clumbus Ky 1862 the 23
Enoch i set my ____ tow wright you a few lines tow let you all know
that i am well at present and hope thes few lines ma find you all well at
present i spose you heard that hafe of are regment was taken _r__enky
and had tow retreat frome Kenton tow Crocket bout six mils fome
Kenton three Company of us at Crocet and tha telagraph tow Clumbus
fore a trane to com tow Crocet afto us and we cam tow Clumbus
monday moring the rebls was after us Sunday night tha mad us run like
the devel tha was bout six thous of them tha was in six mils of us when
we started tow run tha hant got us yet they got three of compen H tha
was at the hospetel and tha got are kernel we cam tow Clumbus then got
tow rigment got on the cars and started down to meat them we went a
beas down the Rale Road tha telagabh [telegraph] fore us tow come
back tow Clumbus and we had too com back her tha reasen tha thought
tha wod ____t tow tack Clumbus last night but tha hant taek it yet the
rebls had seven bease of artily and six thousen of them and we had tow
run ore be taken we codent fght theme cos tha had tow meny tow fight
a gine us tha had a fight east of Jackson and are men whip them and tha
came rond Jackso and came up the rale rod whare tha wosent but tow
are three company at a blase and tha com down took them and we
got out of the way be fore tha got us _ the night was all running
like deers i gess we will leave here tow morow i dont now whare
tow we left very thing we had some left thar blanket and knabsack
well i must close fore it is petey neare night John __egg is her at the
hospetel hee is giting well tell my fouks that i am well and and tell
them tow wright tell Bell Wheeller that we had run this time but i
hope that it will be the last time we will run well i must close now
we will giv them the devel yet if __ting h__y i will wright more the
nex time wright soon good by to day
Ben Frankenbury
we gev them devel yet
Ben Frank.