images of letter greatly enlarged
Memphis Tenn Oct 7th 1863
Dear Father and Mother [John and Mary Benton, the parents of Julia Williamson]
I take this oppertunity to let you know that I am alive and well and doing well
I havnot got mutch time to write as we hav not bin her but a day or to and leave again
in the morning for Corinth [Mississippi] and from thare I dont know whare but I supose
that we will ceap on threw to Chattanuga [Tennessee] or untill we find old Bragg I got
my likness taken to day I will one to you and one to Jula_ and Mary tha wanted me to
send them a potograph I could not get them takend as it would take two days to ahav
got them and I could not hav time to get them I want you to send me yorse and mothers
and all the rest that can the Chaplin has not got back yet I dont know how he will get
along as it is very slow traveling as the River is very low
I will close for the present time I will write again as swone as we stop again write as
of ten as you can Nomore at present remain yorse as aver
Joshua Benton