
recent Christian prophecies

Amanda Grace links to prophecies searchable texts 2018-2023 2022-2024 videos
Julie Green links to prophecies searchable texts 2021-2024 videos

news before the news excerpts arranged by subject spotlights on fulfillments

links to prophecies through Amanda Grace

Amanda Grace with her husband Chris

2023 video@13:40 - Amanda Grace receiving a mantle that had been worn by Kim Clement (1956-2016)

2023 video@55:00 - Amanda Grace's full testimony: embracing God's calling amidst adversity

2018-03-07 2018-07-30
2018-05-04 2018-08-10
2018-06-26 2018-08-15
2018-07-26 2018-08-26

2019-09-04 2019-11-15
2019-09-30 2019-11-19
2019-10-18 2019-11-26
2019-10-25 2019-12-08
2019-11-13 2019-12-12

2020-01-14 2020-03-26 2020-06-30 2020-10-06
2020-01-18 2020-04-09 2020-07-07 2020-10-17
2020-01-22 2020-04-17 2020-07-18 2020-10-31
2020-01-30 2020-05-06 2020-08-06 2020-11-14/17
2020-02-10 2020-05-11 2020-08-14 2020-12-03
2020-02-23 2020-05-21 2020-08-26 2020-12-18
2020-03-02 2020-06-16 2020-09-14 2020-12-19
2020-03-13 2020-06-22 2020-09-23 2020-12-28

2021-01-04 2021-03-27 2021-08-02
2021-01-14 2021-04-02 2021-09-01
2021-01-22 2021-04-08 2021-09-25
2021-01-27 2021-04-16 2021-10-20
2021-02-07 2021-05-17 2021-11-04
2021-02-25 2021-05-24 2021-11-22
2021-03-03 2021-06-22 2021-12-17
2021-03-09/10 2021-07-07 2021-12-26

2022-01-27 video@24:282022-07-11 video@13:302022-11-23 video@7:30
2022-02-07/08 video@14:52 2022-07-13 video@10:352022-11-28 video@36:00
2022-02-18 video@10:302022-08-02 video@9:052022-12-08 video@7:00
2022-03-25 video@12:002022-08-13 video@36:332022-12-14/15 video@9:30
2022-04-09 video@10:212022-08-29 video@8:152022-12-23 video@6:47
2022-04-16 video@13:492022-09-13 video@13:05
2022-05-06 video@5:222022-09-17 video@5:10:30
2022-05-17/19 video@4:582022-10-06 video@15:50
2022-06-04 video@53:462022-10-12 video@1:11:35
2022-06-05 video@1:17:562022-10-21 video
2022-06-09 video@6:302022-11-04 video
2022-07-09 video2022-11-10 video@9:45

2023-01-02 video@15:302023-05-27 video@15:50
2023-01-11 video@6:352023-06-04 video@18:24
2023-01-20 video2023-06-27 video@10:40
2023-01-27 video@10:202023-07-01 video@7:00
2023-02-03 video@6:252023-08-01 video@5:15
2023-02-10 video@8:332023-09-03 video@5:42
2023-02-26 video@1:37:002023-09-25 video@10:30
2023-03-17 video@7:002023-10-14
2023-04-07 video@7:002023-10-20 video@7:00
2023-04-28 video@4:422023-11-18 video@6:15
2023-05-12 video2023-12-11 video@10:55
2023-05-24 video@6:00

2024-01-16 video@8:002024-08-16 video@9:45 2024-12-18 video@13:38
2024-01-22 2024-08-26 video@36:50
2024-02-19 video@9:36 2024-08-28 video@15:35
2024-02-21 video@1:01:20 2024-08-29 video@13:35
2024-02-25 video 2024-09-23 video@9:00
2024-03-30 video@11:10 2024-09-29 video@8:23
2024-04-13 video@8:10 2024-10-12 video@9:20
2024-04-22 video@11:00 2024-10-24 video@8:06
2024-05-06 video@10:40 2024-10-29 video@5:06:05
2024-06-08 video@28:08 2024-11-14 video@07:55
2024-06-24 video@18:10 2024-11-26 video@9:10
2024-07-11 video@15:05 2024-12-11 video

links to prophecies through Julie Green

Julie Green with her family

2024 video - Julie Green's testimony: overcoming fear, anxiety, and death with prayer

2021-12-02 the great reset of the new video
2021-12-03 justice in the fall video
2021-12-04 fresh fire flood video
2021-12-05 the perfect storm
2021-12-06 it's showtime video
2021-12-08 it's my time video
2021-12-09 let freedom ring video@19:22
2021-12-11 my days of vengeance video
2021-12-12 a second word given at the end of the service video@56:45
2021-12-12 the fall of the Bidens video
2021-12-13 restoring my America video
2021-12-14 brace for impact all is being revealed video
2021-12-15 unraveling of your enemies' plans video
2021-12-17 January of justice
2021-12-21 it's time to celebrate
2021-12-22 Jesus is your victory video
2021-12-23 full justice rests with me
2021-12-29 the great separation
2021-12-31 your days of triumphant victory video

2022-01-04 year of 2022 where all things are made right
2022-01-05 2022 the fall of illegitimate governments video
2022-01-06 2022 year of vengeance video
2022-01-07 these are biblical times video
2022-01-08 judgments are about to rain down in this earth video
2022-01-10 2022 year of fulfillment video
2022-01-12 your enemies' final days over you
2022-01-13 your enemies will all fall video
2022-01-14 God always has the final say video
2022-01-15 decertifications, restoration, and celebrations video
2022-01-16 (1) the time of removals is at hand video
2022-01-16 (2) your enemies were never in control video
2022-01-17 your enemies are finished
2022-01-19 this is the hour of judgments video
2022-01-21 the hour of great change video
2022-01-22 God's hand moving across this land video
2022-01-23 (1) a major blow will strike Biden video
2022-01-23 (2) Arizona prophecy video
2022-01-25 (1) reinstatement of the rightful president and a new inauguration video
2022-01-25 (2) you are living in unprecedented times video
2022-01-31 winds of change are here

2022-02-05 calamity is striking the enemies of Almighty God video
2022-02-07 all is being uncovered video
2022-02-08 the floodgates of truth are open video
2022-02-09 a great shift of power is about to take place
2022-02-10 justice will prevail and justice will be served video
2022-02-11 Hollywood and the film industry will be shaken to its core video
2022-02-12 eruptions and explosions are taking place at one time video
2022-02-13 the hour of reckoning is here video
2022-02-14 a righteous rebellion is growing all over this world
2022-02-15 warnings and the coming vengeance on this earth video
2022-02-16 a sudden awakening will hit this earth
2022-02-17 it's time to show the world what your enemies have done against you video
2022-02-19 massive explosions of truth are about to flood your airwaves video
2022-02-20 no enemy of Almighty God will escape judgment video
2022-02-21 brace for the coming nuclear bombs of truth against your enemies
2022-02-22 massive turnarounds and transfer of rightful governments video
2022-02-23 the truth about your capital O United States video
2022-02-24 rectifying is taking place in your land O United States video
2022-02-25 war your victory and their defeat video
2022-02-26 I AM about to silence your enemies video
2022-02-27 things are about to change all over this earth video
2022-02-28 march forward in March

2022-03-01 the nations are being shaken now for all to be restored video
2022-03-02 it's time for the world to know the great I AM video
2022-03-03 things in this world are not how they appear video
2022-03-05 a great silence is coming video
2022-03-06 more is about to be uncovered
2022-03-07 shakings are about to intensify video
2022-03-08 the deep state is being exposed video
2022-03-09 the seal has been broken over all they tried to keep hidden video
2022-03-10 nothing your enemies have done will stand when I move my hand video
2022-03-11 days of judgment destroying the works of darkness video
2022-03-13 your enemies' plans are all falling apart video
2022-03-15 destruction and chaos is filling your enemies' camps video
2022-03-16 your enemies have been trapped in the act of all their crimes video
2022-03-17 (1) 2022 a year like no other
2022-03-17 (2) the urgency of this hour
2022-03-21 truth shall come like a flood and fill this earth video
2022-03-22 your rightful president is making a comeback video
2022-03-23 a great change is upon you video
2022-03-24 your enemies will find no peace in these days of judgment video
2022-03-25 I AM moving behind the scenes to remove them all video
2022-03-27 enemies of Almighty God are in the direct line of fire video correction
2022-03-28 things are being shaken to reveal the truth video
2022-03-29 the time for your enemies to run is at hand video
2022-03-30 I know all and see all they can't hide anything from me video
2022-03-31 a firestorm of truth is hitting your enemies video

2022-04-01 I AM shaking this earth to shake the captives free
2022-04-03 it's time for their judgment and their demise video
2022-04-06 shockwaves of truth are about to hit this earth video
2022-04-07 their darkness is your deliverance video
2022-04-08 I AM setting this world free from their captivity video
2022-04-09 a great exchange is taking place
2022-04-10 these are the days of the whistleblowers video
2022-04-13 my light is distinguishing their darkness over this world video
2022-04-14 your enemies have not gotten away with anything video
2022-04-16 these are the days of big reveals video
2022-04-17 days of deliverance frome the hands of the wicked video
2022-04-18 suddenlies will break out across the nations video
2022-04-19 there is no way for your enemies to escape what's coming video
2022-04-22 a great harvest of destruction your enemies shall reap video
2022-04-23 a great change upon this earth video
2022-04-24 a tidal wave of truth is about to hit this land
2022-04-25 it's time for the wake up call video
2022-04-27 a great shaking has begun video
2022-04-28 the scenery of the United States will suddenly change video
2022-04-29 there is a shift taking place video
2022-04-30 things are heating up and changes will occur video

2022-05-02 it's all about to break wide open video
2022-05-03 I AM avenging you my children, and you haven't seen anything yet video
2022-05-04 nuclear truth bombs are coming
2022-05-05 your enemies will be brought to nothing video
2022-05-06 your enemies have no idea what's coming for them video
2022-05-07 great destruction will come to your enemies video
2022-05-08 great surprises are on the horizon video
2022-05-12 the world leaders' time on center stage is about to expire video
2022-05-16 your enemies' world system is falling video
2022-05-19 these are the days of great exposures video
2022-05-20 it's all about to change video
2022-05-21 darkness will turn to light video
2022-05-22 a great upset is coming video
2022-05-23 there is an advancement taking place video
2022-05-24 the overthrowing of your enemies video
2022-05-25 great losses and great upsets are coming to your enemies video

2022-06-01 something big is on the horizon video
2022-06-02 your enemies are not invincible video
2022-06-03 a time of great acceleration video
2022-06-04 shockwaves are coming to destroy your enemies' plans video
2022-06-05 a word read during Pentecost Sunday service video@42:41
2022-06-06 my mighty works will be seen by the world video
2022-06-07 a dismantling has begun video
2022-06-08 the tide is turning in this nation and around the world video
2022-06-13 a great shake-up video
2022-06-15 a great exchange is about to take place video
2022-06-16 my glory destroys it all video
2022-06-17 I AM changing it all video
2022-06-18 a storm is brewing video
2022-06-19 suddenlies are about to break out worldwide video
2022-06-20 a large chess move is about to be made video
2022-06-22 things are heating up and will completely change video
2022-06-27 a shaking has begun to remove what doesn't belong to your enemies video
2022-06-28 the eagle is being set free video
2022-06-29 the tide has turned video
2022-06-30 an empire will fall and a dynasty will be devastated video

2022-07-01 the end is near for your enemies video
2022-07-02 unusual times you are entering video
2022-07-03 the eagle is rising video
2022-07-04 defeat is coming to the ones that held you captive video
2022-07-07 a shakedown has begun video
2022-07-16 they are all coming down video
2022-07-17 (1) I will remove them all in unconventional ways video
2022-07-17 (2) I AM the same God video
2022-07-18 disruptions are happening all over the world video
2022-07-19 you are at the door of change video
2022-07-20 the squatters in your capital will all be removed video
2022-07-21 a surprise is coming, one that will shock the world video
2022-07-23 one government will fall and another one will replace them video
2022-07-24 it's all come to a head video
2022-07-25 a mighty showdown is coming video
2022-07-27 the big lie will be overturned video
2022-07-28 an explosion of truth will bring them all down video
2022-07-29 it's coming to a close video
2022-07-30 a reversal is coming video

2022-08-01 the dominos have started to fall video
2022-08-03 the rise of my trumpet is about to be heard video
2022-08-04 a great fall is coming video
2022-08-05 great betrayals will be seen everywhere video
2022-08-06 the scales of justice are tipping in the right direction video
2022-08-07 I AM turning the tables on your enemies video
2022-08-09 your enemies' time is about to expire video
2022-08-12 your midterm elections are not the answer to save you - I AM video
2022-08-14 your enemies are taking hits you don't see video
2022-08-16 your enemies' plans are denied video
2022-08-17 arrests are being made video
2022-08-18 the shift of political power has begun video
2022-08-19 the storm is upon your enemies video
2022-08-19 more whistleblowers are about to come forward that will change everything video
2022-08-24 (1) defeat will consume the fake Biden administration video
2022-08-24 (2) indictments are consuming your enemies video
2022-08-25 your enemies are self-destructing video
2022-08-30 a resistance is growing across the world video
2022-08-31 judgment is coming to all government officials against me video

2022-09-01 whistleblowers are coming forward to change the narrative and the course of this nation video
2022-09-02 a dismantling of Washington DC has begun video
2022-09-03 nothing will keep the eagle from being set free because the eagle is mine video
2022-09-05 the destruction of the UN and the EU video
2022-09-07 a great silence is coming video
2022-09-08 the Biden will be unmasked video
2022-09-09 reversals are coming video
2022-09-15 (1) a time of governmental change video
2022-09-15 (2) times are changing video@9:52
2022-09-15 (3) it's now time for the plagues of Egypt to be seen video
2022-09-16 the release of my eagle has begun video
2022-09-17 something big is brewing video
2022-09-18 an army is marching toward your capitol to take back this nation video
2022-09-19 watch the White House video
2022-09-20 things are not how they appear to be in Washington DC video
2022-09-21 explosive evidence is coming that will destroy the supposed reign of the biden video
2022-09-23 the corporate world is going to shake like never before video
2022-09-28 get ready to see a great change video
2022-09-29 their house of cards is coming down video

2022-10-01 (1) the tide has turned and your enemies are about to surrender video
2022-10-01 (2) it's harvest time for my children video
2022-10-02 more questions are being asked your enemies can't answer video
2022-10-03 soon you will see a checkmate video
2022-10-05 a great darkness is coming against your enemies video
2022-10-06 it's time to choose video
2022-10-08 it's time for the eagle's release video
2022-10-09 inspired counsel during Sunday service video@1:08:40
2022-10-10 things are not how they appear to be around the world video
2022-10-12 woe to those in Wasington DC, this nation is not yours video
2022-10-14 sirens will be heard that will signal the great silence video
2022-10-15 great upsets are about to take place politically video
2022-10-17 an overthrow of a government is about to take place video
2022-10-18 (1) the rise of my United States video
2022-10-18 (2) God is giving us our nation back video
2022-10-21 live prophecy at a ReAwaken America conference in Pennsylvania video
2022-10-22 great military moves are about to be seen video
2022-10-26 these are the days for the giants to fall video
2022-10-27 leaders all over this world will suddenly change video
2022-10-28 the best is yet to come for my nation video
2022-10-29 your enemies are about to regret taking my nation even for one day video
2022-10-30 the rightful President's soon return video
2022-10-31 your enemies' plans will not succeed against this nation video

2022-11-01 career politicians will be no more video
2022-11-02 this is the time for the fall of the Bidens video
2022-11-03 all that you see is coming to an end, they will no longer hold my nation hostage video
2022-11-05 live prophecy at a ReAwaken America conference in Missouri video
2022-11-06 (1) a removal that will make the world stand still video
2022-11-06 (2) I am bringing a correction to your 2020 election video
2022-11-09 your enemies' supposed victories will be short-lived video
2022-11-10 something significant is about to take place in the land of the eagle video
2022-11-11 my David is coming back to bring down the giants video
2022-11-12 your elections will be overturned video
2022-11-16 many in high powerful positions are about to be removed video
2022-11-18 I am returning what has been stolen video
2022-11-21 I am bringing a great deliverance to my eagle that is about to be celebrated video
2022-11-24 Washington DC is about to look very differently video
2022-11-28 a great correction is coming video
2022-11-29 a great shaking in the land of the eagle video
2022-11-30 it's time for the pharaohs of today to fall like the pharaohs of old video

2022-12-01 a mighty move against this fraudulent government is about to take place video
2022-12-03 the movie you see in front of you is about to come to an end video
2022-12-04 (1) the mighty fall of the giants video
2022-12-04 (2) the Biden's unmasking is about to begin video
2022-12-05 the perfect storm is upon your enemies video
2022-12-07 a great removal and a great reinstatement video
2022-12-10 the rightful president is in charge in more ways than you see video
2022-12-11 big changes are coming to Washington DC video
2022-12-12 this fraudulent government is coming down video
2022-12-15 everything is being overturned video
2022-12-16 many things on the horizon will change what you see video
2022-12-19 giant moves have been made to secure this nation video
2022-12-22 their house of cards is imploding video
2022-12-23 something is coming that will bring down every fraudulent election video
2022-12-24 it's time for a great fall video
2022-12-27 something significant will take place on Capitol Hill video
2022-12-28 a shake-up is coming to the government of the United States video
2022-12-29 tribunals have started and will soon be seen video
2022-12-31 it's time to tear the one world government apart video

2023-01-02 2023 a year to be free and a year of great victory video
2023-01-03 the swamp is being destroyed video
2023-01-04 disruptions and eruptions are coming to Washington DC video
2023-01-07 do not wait for another election to save you I AM video
2023-01-08 the tech giants are about to fall video
2023-01-09 the judgment of Wall Street is about to be seen video
2023-01-10 a shake-up on Capitol Hill is coming video
2023-01-11 the fall of the Biden is near video
2023-01-12 more documemts are coming to destroy your enemies' control over my nations video
2023-01-13 truth is about to pour out of Mar-a-Lago your enemies didn't know was there video
2023-01-14 it's time for governmental changes worldwide video
2023-01-15 impeachments are coming video
2023-01-16 a shift of power in the senate will take place video
2023-01-18 a warning on what is to come video
2023-01-19 I am the same God who saved a nation before and I am doing it again video
2023-01-21 I am cleaning out the government in DC video
2023-01-23 many in leadership will step away and some arrests will be seen video
2023-01-24 this is the time for things to intensify video
2023-01-30 judgments are coming that will bring back order, justice, and freedom video
2023-01-31 great destruction is coming to the new world order video

2023-02-01 evidence is coming that will take many out of their positions video
2023-02-03 nations will collapse in a day video
2023-02-05 a darkness is comng that no man can see video
2023-02-07 chaos is about to erupt in many nations video
2023-02-13 an unexpected end to an unruly government video
2023-02-14 the deep state is collapsing video
2023-02-15 the DOJ and their narrative is about to collapse video
2023-02-16 many political changes in this nation are about to take place video
2023-02-18 (1) China is about to step up conflict in this nation it will be allowed by DC video
2023-02-18 (2) great revival in the midst of great darkness video
2023-02-20 O United States, justice is being served and a revoltion has begun video
2023-02-22 revolution and revival will bring a great restoration video
2023-02-23 (1) a tsunami of truth is coming video
2023-02-23 (2) the fall of China video
2023-02-27 the collapse of global governmental control video

2023-03-02 the walls of congress are being exposed on what has been hidden inside video
2023-03-03 a great American revolution has begun video
2023-03-04 the collapse of the world's media video
2023-03-05 the worldwide banking ponzi scheme is coming to an abrupt end video
2023-03-06 every nation plotting against my nations will implode video
2023-03-10 indictments are coming video
2023-03-12 (1) this fake administration is imploding video
2023-03-12 (2) rest in God no matter what things look like video
2023-03-13 these are the days of great distractions video
2023-03-14 (1)more bombshell reports are coming that can't be denied video
2023-03-14 (2) importance of the prophets video
2023-03-17 it's time for justice in the land of my eagle video
2023-03-20 their lies are coming to an end video
2023-03-22 get ready to see things you never thought you would see video
2023-03-29 it's time to pray video
2023-03-31 what's in store for America video

2023-04-03 your enemies will not decide the next President of this nation video
2023-04-05 the establishment in DC is about to fall apart in front of your eyes video
2023-04-06 these are the days of great vindication video
2023-04-09 freedom will be celebrated video
2023-04-10 the United States and Israel will rise together video
2023-04-11 get ready for change video
2023-04-12 a warning on what is coming video
2023-04-14 the time has come for the wake-up call video
2023-04-19 (1) a great shaking is coming to the news industry video
2023-04-19 (2) a biblical economic reset is coming video
2023-04-20 is God going to do anything to help us? video
2023-04-21 there is an end coming video
2023-04-25 many governmental secrets will be revealed that will change the course of this nation video
2023-04-26 the end of the global reset video
2023-04-28 the war for the soul of this nation is coming to an end video

2023-05-01 a great fall is coming video
2023-05-02 God's hand is moving like never before video
2023-05-05 how to walk closely with God video
2023-05-07 (1) a removal of the Biden is coming video
2023-05-07 (2) things are not how they appear to be with governments worldwide video
2023-05-15 (1) the pressure is building against your enemies video
2023-05-15 (2) there is coming an end to Hidin' Biden video
2023-05-16 (1)another laptop is about to surface video
2023-05-16 (2) what will God do for you in unprecedented times? video
2023-05-19 what to do about the chaos araound you video
2023-05-22 living under an open heaven video
2023-05-23 what to expect for the rest of 2023 video
2023-05-24 times are changing video
2023-05-25 a weeding out of an evil in your nations has begun video
2023-05-26 a warning to be aware of what is about to take place video

2023-06-03 the destruction of the great coup is coming video
2023-06-04 a warning: the days of Noah are here video
2023-06-05 the days of great removal are here video
2023-06-07 (1) an army is moving that can't be stopped video
2023-06-07 (2) a shocking announcement is about to come out of your White House video
2023-06-08 (1) the Washington establishment is being annihilated video
2023-06-08 (2) a storm is coming to shake this earth video
2023-06-08 (3) it's time to make a decision video
2023-06-08 (4) these are the days to rest in God video
2023-06-09 (1) the great dam of lies is breaking video
2023-06-09 (2) get to know the great I AM video
2023-06-09 (3) vengeance and vindication are coming video
2023-06-12 a great darkness is coming video
2023-06-15 the coming fall of the gobal government, their economy and their control video
2023-06-19 the great return video
2023-06-22 (1) these are the days to stand united video
2023-06-22 (2) dead man walking video
2023-06-23 (1) the winds of change are blowing video
2023-06-23 (2) what all belongs to a child of the Most High God video
2023-06-23 (3) things are ramping up worldwide video
2023-06-26 it's time to get serious video
2023-06-27 enter into the special place video

2023-07-03 one nation under God video
2023-07-05 an entire illegitimate government will fall video
2023-07-06 it's time to fight back video
2023-07-07 remember who is standing between them and you video
2023-07-10 (1) breaking the chains off of your life video
2023-07-10 (2) what your enemies are planning next will not stand video
2023-07-11 it's time to be more aware video
2023-07-12 get ready to fight video
2023-07-18 the coming darkness video
2023-07-19 it's time to decide video
2023-07-24 the giants are falling video
2023-07-28 woe to those against Almighty God video

2023-08-04 the end to the establishment in DC video
2023-08-07 (1) whistleblowers are coming that will destroy many in DC video
2023-08-07 (2) don't wait for the next election to save this nation video
2023-08-08 (2) great judgment is coming against the justice system in this land video
2023-08-09 (2) the truth of who is really trying to control this nation video
2023-08-10 (1) a great dismantling of their power in this country has begun video
2023-08-10 (2) the coming change in the economy video
2023-08-13 something will take place before the 2024 election that will rattle this nation video
2023-08-14 a great darkness is coming video
2023-08-16 (1) the puppet is about to be replaced video
2023-08-16 (2) prophecy during live broadcast video
2023-08-16 (3) your enemies have dreaded this day video
2023-08-21 your enemies' ultimate defeat video
2023-08-27 (1) nothing will stop my hand from saving this nation video
2023-08-27 (2) their narrative is breaking and a great awakening is taking place video
2023-08-29 (1) a great storm is coming video
2023-08-29 (2) it's time to stay alert video
2023-08-30 I the Lord will have the final say video
2023-08-31 a massive event is about to take place video

2023-09-01 a great unmasking has begun video
2023-09-05 your enemies are not prepared for what is about to take place video
2023-09-06 a warning to those against my David video
2023-09-08 (1) America will survive video
2023-09-08 (2) the great silencer video
2023-09-08 (3) the end is near (1) video
2023-09-11 the great fall of the global government video
2023-09-12 a great uniting has begun video
2023-09-14 a freedom your enemies can't take away video
2023-09-15 the way is about to show up video
2023-09-21 (1) a call to arms video@14:17
2023-09-21 (2) great secrets are about to be told video
2023-09-22 the greatest revolution in human history video
2023-09-23 catastrophic damage is coming to this so-called administration video

2023-10-01 (1) an attack is coming video
2023-10-01 (2) a resistance is growing video
2023-10-01 (3) enemies of God, back up video
2023-10-04 (1) it's time to prepare video
2023-10-04 (2) the time of darkness video
2023-10-04 (3) I will not let go of your nation video
2023-10-10 (1) removals are coming video
2023-10-10 (2) a shattering of your enemies' narrative video
2023-10-17 this is the time of my David video
2023-10-18 it's time to resist video
2023-10-19 (1) this is the time I have warned about video
2023-10-19 (2) it's time for arrests video
2023-10-21 (1) uniting of the prophets video
2023-10-21 (2) the overthrow of a rogue government video
2023-10-22 a storm is coming video
2023-10-23 (1) urgency of the times video
2023-10-23 (2) now is the time video
2023-10-24 a storm is coming to Washington DC video
2023-10-26 (1) this is the time video
2023-10-26 (2) the removal of the puppet video
2023-10-30 weakness is growing in the White House video
2023-10-31 a great finale is coming video

2023-11-01 pressure is building video
2023-11-05 (1) vacancies in the White House video
2023-11-05 (2) watch how quickly governments can fall video
2023-11-13 a showdown has begun video
2023-11-14 my David is coming back with vengeance video
2023-11-15 (1) a great shaking among the nations video
2023-11-15 (2) fraud will no longer control my nations video
2023-11-16 your enemies' plans for the 2024 election video
2023-11-20 your enemies do not have the power to take your freedoms away video
2023-11-21 things are not how they appear to be in your governments video
2023-11-22 their expiration date is coming due video
2023-11-27 2024 the year for more video

2023-12-01 a darkness in the White House video
2023-12-02 government scandals are being exposed like never before video
2023-12-03 the mighty move of God video
2023-12-04 God's warning on what is to come video
2023-12-05 the end is near (2) video
2023-12-08 the removal of the deep state in this nation video
2023-12-11 it's time to push back video
2023-12-12 God is making America great again video
2023-12-14 the collapse of the Biden regime video
2023-12-18 secrets in your White House are about to be revealed video
2023-12-20 bombshell after bombshell will reveal the traitors in your nation video
2023-12-21 every stolen election will be overturned video
2023-12-27 2024 is the year that you have been waiting for video
2023-12-28 great judgments are about to hit many nations around the world video
2023-12-29 a great clean-up has begun to remove dirty politicians from their positions video
2023-12-31 the final battle for this nation is underway video

2024-01-01 2024 the year of the great release video
2024-01-02 (1) a silent war that has been be won and a return of the rightful President video
2024-01-02 (2) great destruction is coming to those who are against you video
2024-01-03 the old establishment in DC is dying video
2024-01-04 (1) it's time for the Washington establishment to pay for the treason against this nation video
2024-01-04 (2) it's time for truth to destroy every lie and every government against you video
2024-01-05 (1) exposing informants and infiltrators in your government O United States video
2024-01-05 (2) Red Sea like moments will change this world video
2024-01-06 unusual things will start to take place in your White House video
2024-01-07 the coming collapse video
2024-01-08 (1) the gloves are off video
2024-01-08 (2) the time of silence is drawing near video
2024-01-09 (1) massive coverups the FBI committed are about to be uncovered video
2024-01-09 (2) great changes are coming wordwide to every nation in every way video
2024-01-12 (1) a great shaking is coming to corporate america video
2024-01-12 (2) the world is about to see who really is in control of the United States video
2024-01-15 (1) global government is collapsing worldwide video
2024-01-15 (2) judgment is here and judgment is clear video
2024-01-16 a death blow has hit the globalists and the Washington establishment video
2024-01-18 it's time for the fall of the globalists and their agenda video
2024-01-23 the tides have turned video
2024-01-24 (2) the coup against this nation is unraveling video
2024-01-26 arise United States and defend yourself, and I will defend you video
2024-01-31 bribes in your government, intelligence agencies, corporate America, and Hollywood are all being exposed video

2024-02-01 many secrets that have been hidden in the Oval Office are about to be exposed video
2025-02-04 a great shock is coming to the United States video
2024-02-06 stand strong in me no matter what you are about to see video
2024-02-07 the Washington establishment is losing its power over this nation video
2024-02-09 a great awakening in the United States video
2024-02-10 the fall of the Biden is here video
2024-02-11 proof is coming that Biden is the fall man for the Democrat party video
2024-02-12 a financial storm is coming that will wipe out your enemies wordwide video
2024-02-13 exposing the plan of the establishment to manipulate the 2024 election video
2024-02-14 things are about to turn that you need to prepare for video
2024-02-15 (1) documents are coming that will crush the enemies against you video
2024-02-15 (2) you need to be prepared for what is coming video
2024-02-16 warning to America: the Washington establishment is your biggest security threat video
2024-02-23 the coming confusion and destruction of the Washington establishment video

2024-03-08 the great political reset video
2024-03-09 whistleblowers are about to expose the TSA, airports, and DHS in a major way video
2024-03-10 great exposures on how your enemies are trying to stop this next election video
2024-03-11 many former presidents are about to be exposed video
2024-03-12 a mass exodus is about to take place in Washington DC video
2024-03-15 your enemies are planning more darkness against you video
2024-03-16 a fallout has begun video
2024-03-17 something big is coming against you video
2024-03-18 many things will take place before the next election video
2024-03-20 (1) time is running short of what it looks like to be normal video
2024-03-20 (2) the council of the nationa will be brought to nothing video
2024-03-21 the great wake-up call for the United States video
2024-03-28 (1) the countdown has begun video
2024-03-28 (2) these are the days of sabotage video
2024-03-29 a trojan horse is about to be unleashed against you video
2024-03-30 the world's systems are falling video
2024-03-31 this nation will be plunged into a darkness video

2024-04-01 your nation is under attack video
2024-04-02 an overturning is about to take place video
2024-04-03 (1) the coming calamity video
2024-04-03 (2) the battle is intensifying video
2024-04-05 your enemies' coming destruction video
2024-04-06 the time of the great shift has begun video
2024-04-10 this is the time to fully trust God video
2024-04-15 (1) exposing the ones who are causing the invasion from within video
2024-04-15 (2) an attack is coming to your land video
2024-04-17 your enemies' last attacks against you video
2024-04-21 (1) this is the time for advancement video
2024-04-21 (2) a great shaking is coming to your leaders in Washington video
2024-04-21 (3) your enemies are turning up the heat video
2024-04-22 (1) unrest is coming video
2024-04-22 (2) attacks are coming against you video
2024-04-23 the coming pressure from your enemies video
2024-04-25 your enemies are trying to start a summer of chaos video
2024-04-28 bad news for the White House will continue video
2024-04-29 waves of judgment are coming video

2024-05-05 (1) prepare for the rest of this year video
2024-05-05 (2) it's the calm before the storm video
2024-05-07 a smoking gun that will destroy the establishment video
2024-05-08 a trump card is about to be played video
2024-05-09 a time of uncertainty has begun video
2024-05-10 computers and deleted e-mails will bring down the establishment video
2024-05-11 a shutdown is coming video
2024-05-12 a surrender is about to take place video
2024-05-13 a murder will be uncovered that will rattle those in your Capitol video
2024-05-14 (1) the overthrow of godless nations video
2024-05-14 (2) the demise of fake polticians video
2024-05-20 a court ruling is about to shake this nation video
2024-05-22 no leaders are safe from the truth video
2024-05-26 a book of secrets wll tear the Washington establishment apart video
2024-05-27 your enemies are being forced out of their positions video
2024-05-29 your enemies in DC are about to have the tables turned on them video
2024-05-30 (1) the cases against my David video
2024-05-30 (2) the celebrations against my David will not last long video

2024-06-02 (1) your enemies are about to take more bold steps against you video
2024-06-02 (2) secrets are coming that will shake this nation video
2024-06-11 America, you are about to be shaken video
2024-06-12 the announcement of a replacement is coming soon video
2024-06-13 a political seat is about to be vacated video
2024-06-14 do not fear what is in your waters video
2024-06-15 you've entered a time where things will no longer be the same video
2024-06-16 a great shaking is coming to the Justice Department video
2024-06-17 your enemies are being evicted from power video
2024-06-18 their plans to smoothly switch their candidate will fail video
2024-06-20 your enemies are being banished and evicted from their seats of power video
2024-06-21 why this darkness had to be allowed video
2024-06-22 your enemies want a total breakdown of society video
2024-06-23 many attacks against you will intensify video
2024-06-26 a coup is completely falling apart in front of your eyes video

2024-07-02 the establishment is about to tear itself apart video
2024-07-03 a total reset of a government video
2024-07-06 (1) an election is near but not how you suppose video
2024-07-06 (2) a shaking in the church has begun video
2024-07-07 the return of my David video
2024-07-10 (1) trust in my hand to free your land video@5:25
2024-07-10 (2) globalism is collapsing video
2024-07-11 we are growing stronger as our enemies are growing weaker video@2:30
2024-07-14 (1) the attempted murder of my son will be exposed video
2024-07-14 (2) proof is coming of how your enemies are trying to stop the next election video
2024-07-14 (3) this nation is mine video
2024-07-14 (4) your enemies' destruction video
2024-07-15 it's almost over for the Biden video
2024-07-18 things are heating up video
2024-07-19 this is not the time when things will stay the same video
2024-07-20 (1) you are about to see more disruptions video
2024-07-20 (2) this is the time to change governments and how they run video
2024-07-21 (1) don't let your guard down video
2024-07-21 (2) a great eruption is taking place in your capital, O United States video
2024-07-21 (3) it's time for the giants to come down video
2024-07-23 the time of the establishment is over video
2024-07-24 the FBI as you know it is about to change video
2024-07-25 the giants in your land will be driven out video
2024-07-28 unprecedented chain of events are coming video
2024-07-30 the world is waiting for my church to arise video

2024-08-01 a great surrender is coming video
2024-08-04 (1) a civil war is growing in Washington video
2024-08-04 (2) a short silence is coming video
2024-08-07 you have entered into unprecedented times video
2024-08-08 a great divide in Washington video
2024-08-09 drastic measures will be taken to secure the next election video
2024-08-10 the forged Biden resignation will be exposed video
2024-08-15 the destruction of the deceiving ruling class video
2024-08-16 the perfect storm is about to take a surprising turn and hit Washington head-on video
2024-08-18 this is life or death of a nation video
2024-08-21 a political storm is about to hit this nation video
2024-08-22 the establishment is on life support video
2024-08-24 (1) another presidential debate disaster is about to take place video
2024-08-24 (2) the left is not done tearing itself apart video
2024-08-25 the news outlets are about to turn on the new puppet video
2024-08-26 (1) more shocking and unprecented turn of events against this coming presidential election video
2024-08-26 (2) panic in your White House video
2024-08-28 (1) a war is coming against Washington video
2024-08-28 (2) the seat of the president does not belong to the establishment video
2024-08-28 (3) the ruling class is no longer in charge video

2024-09-01 the October surprise will bring great devastation to the establishment video
2024-09-02 a battle is brewing in the White House video
2024-09-04 the silencers are about to be silenced video
2024-09-07 your enemies now know they are in trouble video
2024-09-08 there will be a reset of things around the world video
2024-09-10 dirty deals made are about to be put out in the open video
2024-09-11 their puppet cannot act alone video
2024-09-13 it's time for your enemies to pay up video
2024-09-14 (1) what happened in 2020 is nothing compared with what they have planned now video
2024-09-14 (2) the war on the middle class video
2024-09-19 pandora's box of election fraud and election interference is about to be opened video
2024-09-20 2024 is not done shaking video
2024-09-21 another coup is coming video
2024-09-22 a foreign militia is about to be activated in your nation video
2024-09-24 fake presidents and fake kings will be exposed and removed from where they are video
2024-09-26 your enemies are about to try the unthinkable against your nation video
2024-09-28 a political storm is coming that will devour the establishment video
2024-09-29 (1) this October surprise will be a game changer video
2024-09-29 (2) your enemies are ready to strike this nation in an unprecedented way video
2024-09-30 (1) many in your capitol are not fit for office video
2024-09-30 (2) the United States does not belong to the establishment in Washington video

2024-10-03 your enemies will soon regret taking on this nation video
2024-10-05 judgment day is coming for the one world government video
2024-10-06 (1) 2020's big lie will come back with vengeance against Washington video
2024-10-06 (2) Washington will be forced to let this nation go video
2024-10-08 rise up against your enemies video
2024-10-11 your enemies are in for a rough road ahead video
2024-10-12 political walls are coming down video
2024-10-13 no one in the establishment is safe from exposure video
2024-10-17 there will be a great death in this nation video
2024-10-18 tensions are growing in the enemies' camp video
2024-10-19 presentation at ReAwaken America event at Selma, North Carolina video
2024-10-21 your enemies are working overtime against your elections video
2024-10-23 "the Biden" and Obama's regimes are imploding video
2024-10-24 your enemies' firewall has been breached video
2024-10-26 your enemies' conversations are about to be exposed video
2024-10-27 your enemies will not remain in the White House video
2024-10-28 the DNC will erupt in scandal and be completely exposed video
2024-10-30 I'm sending my David back to lead this nation video

2024-11-02 don't back down from this fight video
2024-11-03 this nation will not stay in the hands of the establishment video
2024-11-05 we shouldn't be here video
2024-11-07 the establishment will be ripped from power video
2024-11-08 a political and spiritual shift has taken place that will change the world video
2024-11-09 (1) the calm before the storm video
2024-11-09 (2) revenge in Washington is growing video
2024-11-10 there is still a war going on for this nation video
2024-11-11 your enemies are on a war path to stop my David video
2024-11-14 America, you are becoming great again video
2024-11-15 your enemies are planning to blindside this nation with an act of war video
2024-11-16 there is a power struggle growing in Washington video
2024-11-17 many leaders will be removed in unprecedented ways video
2024-11-19 the war against the United States is coming to an end video
2024-11-20 your enemies are about to be silenced video
2024-11-23 (1) an election is not the only way your enemies will be removed video
2024-11-23 (2) all DC secrets are all about to brought out into the open video
2024-11-24 your enemies have been caught red-handed in shocking ways video
2024-11-29 your enemies are about to lose it all video
2024-11-30 your enemies are in a state of disarray video

2024-12-01 (1) the walls of the establishment are starting to crumble and fall away video
2024-12-01 (2) your enemies are through controlling you video
2024-12-02 your enemies' servers have been breached video
2024-12-04 (1) 2025: when my church will come alive video
2024-12-04 (2) your enemies' next planned attack is being stopped video
2024-12-05 I'm drawing your enemies out video
2024-12-14 (1) many leaders are coming down video
2024-12-14 (2) your enemies are not going down without a fight video
2024-12-15 (1) a spiritual war is brewing video
2024-12-15 (2) global secrets are about to be exposed in unprecedented ways video
2024-12-18 (1) a great exchange is taking place video
2024-12-18 (2)
2024-12-26 laptops are coming that will tear the establishment apart video
2024-12-27 a time of unprecedented change in leadership around the world video