recent Christian prophecies

excerpts arranged by subject

the fall of corrupt leaders monuments and statues
angels administering God's justice ancient sacred records
"who he really is" Israel
cargo ships Canada & Australia
United States Supreme Court United Arab Emirates

Texts of prophecies are in blue font. Geographic
indicators within prophecies are in red font.

the fall of corrupt leaders

Psalm 37:9 NIV
A little while, and the wicked will be no more;
though you look for them, they will not be found.

Amanda Grace 2020-10-31
And I the Lord am judging leadership in states that think they can wave Almighty
God off. In 2021, Mr. Cuomo [Governor of New York] indeed will be issued a heavy
blow for the indignant, smug, defiant, rebellious position he has taken against the
holy [wholly] pleasing acceptable things of Almighty God [on 2021-08-24, Andrew
Cuomo was replaced as Governor of New York by Kathy Hochul]
. Gavin Newsom
is putting a noose around his own neck, as his chance to repent is quickly drawing
to a close, as he has allowed portals of hell to open in that state [California], and
filth worse than Sodom and Gomorrah has been poured out. The sulfuric stench
of those fires is a testament to the sinful stench of the enemy being poured out by
such wicked men and henchmen. There are those crying out in California, and I
the Lord shall answer, as a VERY SUDDEN chain of events takes place in
California in 2021 [to survive a recall election in 2021, Gavin Newsome had to use
election fraud that made it look like he won, but this will later be uncovered]

Amanda Grace 2020-12-28
There will be a loss in the House, a loss of power for one who holds the gavel [Nancy
. It's coming in 2021, for that gavel has been abused, and the Athaliahs and
the Delilahs will be humiliated as their books are opened, and shock and awe as their
power is shredded and shame covers them... I the Lord am warning Mitch
[McConnell] to stop shaking hands and making agreements with the rich, for this is
an hour where those in office shall be made transparent, and revealed to the people
what has been hidden away in their tents, and all will make sense, a pence for your
thoughts, says the Lord of hosts.

Amanda Grace 2021-05-17
One who sits high up in the party of the elephant shall be found out to be a wolf in
sheep's clothing, and their face and name shall be smeared across the screens and the
tickers, says the Lord of hosts this day.

Amanda Grace 2021-09-01
A shaking in the halls of Congress shall occur, and an overthrowing suddenly of
leadership whose seat they thought was so secure. However, I the Lord have denied
the continuance of such, as a changing of the guards must occur.

Amanda Grace 2021-10-20
The leadership of New York has attempted to double down and has attempted to
turn and twist the word until it was so mangled in the midst of the people to push
the second half of this wicked agenda filled with malice and oppression. However,
says the Lord, I have driven a wedge in their plans and ordered principalities to
retreat, and the scandal Cuomo was embroiled in, well, it shall get twice as hot
under the collar for the interim, VERY temporary governor of New York for what
she [Kathy Hochul] has chosen to do, SAYS THE LORD. SHE HAS INDEED MADE

Julie Green
2021-12-02 [CNN]
2021-12-03 [bad justices and judges, Bill Gates, Disney]
2021-12-05 [Nancy Pelosi]
2021-12-12 [the Bidens, Kamala]
2021-12-13 [Wall Street, UN, Clinton Foundation, Chelsea, Gavin Newsom]
2021-12-14 [Mitt Romney, Adam Schiff, Chuck Shumer]
2021-12-21 [the Biden, Kamala, Obama, the puppet masters]
2021-12-31 [China's CCP, British royals, Chuck Shumer, Nancy Pelosi]
2022-01-05 [the Biden, Kamala, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Bill, puppet masters]
2022-01-06 [the Biden]
2022-01-10 [financiers of Epstein Island]
2022-01-12 [AOC and the squad, wolves in sheep's clothing]
2022-01-13 [many political figures in both parties will unexpectantly die]
2022-01-16 [Fauci, McConnell, China Joe, Pelosi, Romney, Shumer, Clintons, Obama]
2022-01-19 [Bill Gates, the Biden, Obama]
2022-01-22 [Hunter Biden]
2022-01-23 [the Biden]
2022-01-23 [Arizona governor Ducey]
2022-01-25 [Nancy Pelosi, Obama, puppet masters, others]
2022-01-25 [the Biden, Jill Biden, others]
2022-01-31 [Chuck Shumer, Obama, the Biden, Harris]
2022-02-05 [Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shumer, Mitch McConnell]
2022-02-07 [Prince Charles, Andrew, Adam Schiff, Mitt Romney]

Amanda Grace 2022-02-07/08
The west coast governor [Gavin Newsom] is hanging on by a thread, a frayed, dirty,
tarnished thread that is about to snap and the backlash shall be great... In this hour there
shall be a squeeze and a sudden release, as I am letting the air out of Trudeau's balloon.

Julie Green
2022-02-08 [Liz Chaney, Lindsey Graham, Omar, Waters, the Clintons, Michelle Obama]
2022-02-09 [Chris Matthews, Chris Wallace, Rachel Maddow]
2022-02-10 [Nancy Pelosi, Harris, the Biden, Obama, Romney, Schumer, McConnell]
2022-02-14 [Obama, the Biden, Kamala, Nancy Pelosi]
2022-02-15 [Trudeau and everyone with you]
2022-02-16 [Eric Swalwell]
2022-02-17 [Tlaib, Pressley, Swalwell, Koch, Disney, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Stelter, Lemon]
2022-02-19 [Jerry Nadler, Ilhan Omar, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Obama]
2022-02-20 [Merrick Garland, Pentagon generals, Chris Wallace]
2022-02-21 [Nancy, Gavin Newsom, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Shumer, Bill and Hillary]
2022-02-22 [the Biden, Kamala, Obama]
2022-02-23 [Kamala, the Biden, Jen Psaki]
2022-02-24 [Doug Ducey, Katie Hobbs, Maricopa Board of Supervisors]
2022-02-25 [Jen Psaki, Obama, the Biden, Fox News]
2022-02-26 [Ilhan Omar, Jerry Nadler, Brad Pitt, Alec Baldwin]
2022-02-28 [Pennsylvania governor Tom Wolf]
2022-03-01 [Hillary Clinton]
2022-03-08 [a wrongful death in the Everglades, General Milley]
2022-03-11 [General Petraeus, the news industry, Yellen]
2022-03-15 [Jay-Z, Beyoncé]
2022-03-21 [Appalachians, Mormons, Donzy, Mitt Romney, CIA, Manheim]
2022-03-22 [Hardy]
2022-03-23 [Fauci]
2022-03-27 [Dianne Feinstein, Liz Cheney, a well-known man, Jimmy Carter]
2022-03-28 [Hurdler, Jerry Nadler]
2022-03-29 [governor, judge, AOC, Merrick Garland, Erik Holder, Loretta Lynch, mayor]
2022-04-06 [Jim Acosta, CNN, Disney, Hollywood, Leonardo DiCaprio]
2022-04-13 [Mitt Romney, Kent, Matt Lauer]

angels administering God's justice

Matthew 13:41-43 KJV
The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all
things that offend, and them which do iniquity; and shall cast them into a furnace of fire
[international shame]: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the
righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.

Amanda Grace 2021-01-14
I the Lord of Hosts have sent in my army of warring angels to assist those fighting for
truth and to cut down those who have made contracts with the devil, says the Lord of
hosts this day.

Johnny Enlow 2021-10-29
I will unleash the host of heaven to bring order where no order seems possible. I am
freeing up my angels to take matters in their own hands. I am allowing them to move at
their own discretion on matters they have been privy to for a long time. You think you
are impatient with the delay of my justice? Well, my mighty angels much more so. They
have seen for decades and even centuries what you have just discovered in the last year
or two. They are ready to execute my vengeance on unrepentant intentional wickedness.
They are ready to decimate that and those who are completely given over to what is evil.
I'm going to step aside and allow them to exercise their own judgment as I trust them
and they know me.

Amanda Grace 2021-11-04
Watch, as I the Lord execute the judgments that are going forth on scrolls and being
taken into the earth to be executed and carried out by the army of the Lord of hosts.

Julie Green 2022-02-25
A storm is brewing, my children, yes, a major storm in the natural and also in the
Spirit. A major storm is about to break over DC. Many are fleeing. Do you hear it?
Marching? Yes, military marching, but they are not alone. They are with my angel
armies, and they are about to take over and descend on DC with ultimate destruction
of that capital. To all who want to protect it and try to stand their ground against
my army: Failure and defeat you will have.

Julie Green 2022-04-13
My angel armies are surrounding them along with the military, who are breathing down
their necks, and fear is overwhelming them. They now know they don't have much time left.

Julie Green 2022-04-28
A war is raging in the atmosphere. Your enemies are trying so desperately to start wars
and chaos across the nations. You will soon hear of more unrest throughout the world
that they, the elites, are causing with Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Japan, and Taiwan. Many
Arab nations
will join in to help China and this fraudulent government against these
. They have already started things, and many more will try to break out in this
hour. Oh yes, they are all in it for causing so much mass chaos to break out, so they
can take more power over this world, but it won't work. They will try to cause wars,
but they won't get that far. My angel armies are in place all throughout this world,
and they are there to stop every plot and plan your enemies have come up with.

Julie Green 2022-05-06
For I, the Lord, this day am letting you know, my children, I am in control and in
charge of the host of angels that have been dispersed all over the earth to protect and
avenge you in this hour. I am moving my hand, and my angel armies have been at war
in the heavenlies against principalities, powers, and rulers of the air. That war has
been raging, and you didn't even know about it. It brought down those strongholds
that have been propping up your enemies for centuries.

"who he really is"

Julie Green 2021-12-08
Watch the royal family. Great exposures are about to surface regarding Prince Charles, who will be
exposed for who he really is. It was part of his plan to destroy you, United States, working with the
globalists and the one world government leaders. And yes, all of their dirty deals and the secret
heinous crimes that had been committed by Prince Charles will come to light, even the ones
concerning the death of Diana. I am bringing down anyone in power on this earth who has evil in
their heart, an evil agenda, and won't turn from their wicked ways or repent.

Julie Green 2021-12-12
The Biden's fall is coming, including a great reveal on camera that will be caught with your eyes
and also through the words that come out of his mouth. He will say who he really is. It is the time
for all of the Bidens to fall, yes, not just for one but for all of them. And I am including his wife
for the cover-up she knew about. I am also including Hunter for his filthy lifestyle and for all the
damage they caused to make him into the man he is today. Hunter will have a mighty fall. They are
letting him fall now, thinking that by Hunter taking the fall, they can save their secret regarding
Joe. Well, that's not going to happen.

Julie Green 2022-03-10
George W. Bush will be in the news again, exposing who he really is and what side he is on. He does
things behind the scene, and no one knows about it. George, you were warned, but with no remorse,
you chose the side of Obama and the world elites, so now judgment will come, and you too will have
treason written on you for all eternity.

Julie Green 2022-04-23
The Pope will be in major headlines once again, exposing who he really is, a one world government
pawn to destroy as many lives as he could with their lies. But a high price will be paid in this time of
justice and judgment, saith the Lord.

Julie Green 2022-06-01
Your enemies see the world is not buying their lies. Now they have to come up with another one fast
to cover up this failure the Biden is causing. Once again, I tell you he is the front man to take all the
heat and the fall for their policies and decisions. They knew the world wouldn't like some of it. They
had the Biden in a corner where he couldn't say no, and he paid the price. Watch as the fake one
gives himself away. It's about time for the world to hear who he really is. Listen carefully. Your
enemies will try to cover it up quickly. But it can't be unheard by the world. Things will intensify to
take your minds off of and distract you from it.

Julie Green 2022-07-20
The Biden will soon trip and fall. Yes, he will trip and slip more words he didn't mean to say. Watch
him continue to get worse and worse on live TV. Just when you think he couldn't get worse, he will
do something no one thought possible. He is dysfunctional, and he is losing what mind he had left.
Thebcurse has fallen on him, and there is no recovering from this. A video is about to surface with
him, little children, and his sick lifestyle behind closed doors, even the fake one. Yes, the fake Biden
is just as sick as the original. That's why they chose him to play this part. It will be revealed who he
really is
, and he will fall like Joe fell. And judgment will be their end. Treason will be written on
them for all eternity, saith the Lord of hosts.

Julie Green 2022-07-21
A congregation will be shaken. Their leader will take a hit, and the truth will come out about who he
really is
. My children, things are shaking, and people are being removed from everywhere, including
from my pulpits. I am doing a cleansing of my churches, saith the Lord.

Julie Green 2022-10-03
President Zelensky is going down. Watch and see who turns on him and exposes him for who he
really is

Julie Green 2023-03-02
"Liar!" people will shout, and it will be proven over and over again. They will call him "liar in chief."
Yes, that is the Biden. The more he tries to lie the more he will be exposed, and the truth will come
out about who he really is and all that he has been hiding. Liars never prosper; you will see that is
true, saith the Lord of hosts.

Monarchy. Watch and see what is about to be exposed about this family and their narrative. I have told
you before that it will not keep going, and once again, I say Charles will be completely exposed, who
he really is
and all that he has done. He is not who people think he is. Then wickedness and evil that
have been lurking in his chambers are about to be released to the world. A whistleblower is about to
come and blow the doors wide open, and a changing of the guard will take place.

Julie Green 2023-05-15
There is coming an end to "hidin' Biden," the one that hides from the spotlight every chance he gets,
the one who tried to steal a nation, and who has faked an entire presidency and administration. Not
only has he faked all these things, but he's also faked who he truly is. He is not who he says he is. The
ones who are hiding him and controlling him will also be revealed to the world. The ones who have
been controlling the puppet strings are about to have them completely cut off. A great reveal is
coming, a day when people will know all that has taken place in this nation and every person who
played a part in stealing this country from its citizens because they didn't like what this country
stood for. Yes, a great reveal is coming that will heal and restore this nation, that will reveal all
who lied to you, stole from you, hijacked this nation, manipulated this nation, and killed for control
of this nation, the United States. I say again, a great unifying will take place to bring this country
to where it has been called to be. So, get ready for proof. Get ready for evidence that is coming that
can no longer be ignored, (evidence that was hidden) to save a person that has been hiding in a
basement, away from the people, to hide a great lie, who he really is and all that is wrong with him.
Bigger problems with "Biden" will be revealed. This nation is about to find out who is behind the
mask that they tried so hard to hide, a person who has been pretending to be more than just a person.

Julie Green 2023-08-04
A whistleblower is about to come forward about President Zelensky and who he really is, and will
blow the doors wide open with the truth about Ukraine. Every secret hidden in that nation, because
of the establishment of DC will be exposed.

Julie Green 2023-08-08
"Paris has fallen," the news will say. The government will collapse, and the president will be removed.
Great exposures are coming about Macron and who he really is. Judgment is coming for all who are
against the truth.

Julie Green 2023-10-21
Fetterman will be in your news. They will not be able to keep hiding who he really is.

Julie Green 2023-12-21
Mitt Romney is about to be exposed big time. Listen to the evidence that will reveal who he really
and all that he has been hiding.

Julie Green 2024-02-10
The fall of the Biden is clear, the fall of the Biden is here, and the fall of this so-called president
will be like no other fall. For I, the Lord, will show great vengeance, vindication, and judgment on
everyone who has taken part in stealing my nation. Not only will the Biden fall, but he will also be
exposed. The world will see who he really was and who is being removed.

cargo ships

On 2021-03-23, 4 days prior to the start of the 2021 Passover season, all ship traffic
through the Suez Canal ceased, due to the Evergreen Line container ship Ever Given
intentionally blocking the Suez Canal for reasons to be revealed when the time is right.

Q post 1279 2018-04-26
[EG]. Define Evergreen. When do you call a plumber? Ongoing investigations require...
[Egypt hired the Dutch company Smit Salvage to open up blockage in the Suez Canal
caused by the Evergreen Line ship Ever Given.]

Q post 3856 2020-02-12
The lines are drawn. [Zw7301-&vQ-00-00-03] Define Renegade [Hussein USSS code
name]. Standard definition. Define Evergreen [HRC USSS coden name] Non-standard
definition. Think depopulation. The Silent War continues...
[Barack Hussein Obama's
Secret Service code name was Renegade. Hillary Rodham Clinton's Secret Service code
name was Evergreen. The call sign of the Ever Given was H3RC, which includes Hillary
Rodham Clinton's initials. A tugboat trying to free H3RC was named BARAKA I.]

Amanda Grace 2020-11-17
Watch Holland, says the Lord. [Holland is a region comprising most of the western coast
of the Netherlands. Marine Traffic reported that the container ship Ever Given was
bound for, and eventually did arrive at Rotterdam, a port city in South Holland.]

Amanda Grace 2021-01-14
Passover will be highlighted this year BY MAJOR events occurring surrounding it, for
the pharaohs can serve Ra and Baal and the prince of Persia, however, I the Lord God
laugh at them and the wicked, for they are powerless in my presence, and so I shall
demonstrate MY power in such a way that men will drop to their knees to surrender,
for some hearts will fail at the evils that will now be exposed.
[When what was
discovered on the Ever Given is publicly revealed, it wlll be shocking.]

Robin D. Bullock 2021-03-23 video [The Ever Given got stuck on 2021-03-23 at 07:40 AM
Egypt time. Due to an 8 hour time difference between Egypt and Alabama, Robin D.
Bullock's "ship prophecy" was actually spoken after the Ever Given got stuck.]

Amanda Grace 2021-04-02
The dragon [China] shall make a store (strong) advance at sea with the backing of
Persia [Iran] in order to steal and take territory not theirs to claim. So I the Lord shall
stir up the waves and cause catastrophe to hit those ships, as many will turn around
after a string of attacks, and unexplained accidents so force a major turn. So as the
container ship [Ever Given] was so turned [implying that its cargo was for evil
, I shall do the same to the fleet of the dragon, and they shall be driven back
for who they shall point their canons [pun on cannons] at to attack. The Philippines
are crying out, says the Lord. I have heard the cries of those faithful ones, and I the
Lord shall protect them from wicked advancements upon their land, says the Lord of

Julie Green 2022-01-13
Watch a ship, and its contents inside will be revealed and shock this world, and anger
will break out, a righteous anger, because you will see the second joke they put on the
and how it affected the rest of this earth. Your enemies have overplayed their
hands, and I will show you what they have in their hands, have had in their hands all
along. All will be revealed this year [2022].

Julie Green 2022-03-01
Do not listen as they scream about a world crash and shortages. They are lying and
manipulating the markets while holding back and stockpiling what belongs to you. A
cargo ship will reveal this, my children.

Julie Green 2022-03-08
People hid chips from the world to cause mass chaos and shortages. They were
stockpiling them up. Reports will expose these facts and show the world these
hidden contents in another cargo ship.

Julie Green 2022-03-23
Watch the Gulf of Mexico, as a major sign will be seen there. Listen for another cargo
ship. Yes, but pay attention to what is in this ship and what they say is on board.

Julie Green 2022-03-30
Shortages they are saying regarding your food supply. There are no shortages. I am
the most high God, and I have said this before. There is plenty. They are hiding and
manipulating these shortages, and a whistleblower along with a cargo ship will expose
this. My children, this is a tactic of war to bring you into submission of ultimate fear,
but I am destroying this war against you and exposing it all, saith the Lord of hosts.

Julie Green 2022-04-08
A cargo ship company will be in your news once again. Evergreen? Yes, they have
been hiding things in plain sight. It will now be exposed, their walls will come down,
and their plans they thought they could keep getting away with will be destroyed. I
am the great I AM, and I am against them. Another ship will get stuck. It is no
accident that this continues to happen, for I am the Lord. I am exposing what they
have on those ships, and it will not prosper against you anymore, my children, for
my hand is moving and knocking them all down to the ground.

Julie Green 2022-04-22
There will be more breaking headlines on another cargo ship being stuck. Truth
will be uncovered about what is really on that ship. Listen for the company's name.
That is no coincidence. This is the end to the shortages they created, my children. I
am a God of multiplication, and there are no limits with me. I knew they would do
this, and I made sure there would be more than enough. They are hiding it from the
world. A whistleblower is about to come forward with the information exposing all
who were involved, how they did it, and where all of the supplies are. It will be
surprising to some where it all was and how they did it.

Julie Green 2022-05-05
Watch more cargo ships as they will be in the news. There is definitely more going
on with those ships than is being told. But the truth will be leaked to a major news
station that will actually tell this story.

Julie Green 2022-05-21
Cargo ships and containers: watch. Another one will get stuck. Evergreen is its name.

Julie Green 2022-06-08
Evergreen: truth is coming for your company. All that you tried to keep hidden and
thought was safe; I have all your plans and blueprints, saith the Lord. You will be
exposed for what you have in your shipping containers. Oh yes, your books were
cooked. You tried to do things in the shadows and the dark. But My light is exposing
it all, and I mean everything you have done and everyone who paid you to do it. The
elites, yes. This fraudulent government, yes. China, yes. They all had a part, but
they will not save you from the destruction that will come to you, saith the Lord.

Julie Green 2022-06-19
Activities in the Mediterranean Sea will be reported on again. Many things have been
going on there that had been hidden and now have been found. A secret cargo or
container ship will be found, and there will be video evidence of what is inside that
they can't hide, saith the Lord.

Julie Green 2022-08-14
Watch the cargo ships. Some will be in the news, and what is inside will be revealed.
Again I say, it's not what you think.

Julie Green 2022-12-07
Another cargo ship will be in your news for a significant reason, and who it will be
connected to will no longer stay hidden.

Julie Green 2023-01-14
Watch the ships, my children. There are lots of things hidden and stored on cargo ships
you had no idea about, but I will show you. One is about to run underground, and they
will try to hide the contents of this ship, but they can't. A spill will reveal the truth, saith
the Lord.

Julie Green 2023-02-23
Cargo ships, watch the ships. One will get stuck, one will catch on fire, and one will
sink. They have been sabotaged, and this will all be exposed. They desperately wanted
a food supply chain problem. They have sabotaged everything behind closed doors,
including the trains. You have seen derailments, and they planned more, but won't get
all they wanted. This will also happen to ships and semi-trucks. They will all be caught
and persecuted [prosecuted?] and never get what they want.

Julie Green 2023-08-04
Great exposure is coming concerning a cargo ship. It will show the children inside and
how this was one of the ways used to traffic children from one country to the next. I
have warned you about the cargo ships, my children. What is inside them, who those
ships belong to, and where the money came from, will all be exposed.

Julie Green 2024-03-28
You will see that nothing has gotten past me. I have told you for years, my children,
to watch the cargo ships. Again, I go back to the one in Baltimore. Do you remember
that it was a cargo ship? There was much hidden on that ship and many others in that
bay, surrounding it, or near it
. I will show you what was in those containers. I will
show you what they are trying to hide or disrupt.

Julie Green 2024-11-10
A cargo ship will be in your news. It will run aground. It will seem like nothing at
first, but watch. There is more to the story that will be told, no matter how hard
they try to hide it.

United States Supreme Court

Kim Clement 2014-02-22
There are those who are in a strong position, I'm just hearing this now, in the highest
court in the land, the Supreme Court. Two shall step down for the embarrassment of
what shall take place, for I wish to place in the highest court in the land, righteousness.
And they shall attempt to put others in to endeavor, to reach their endeavors, but God
says, hear me tonight, hear me today. I have this whole thing planned out according
to my will, for it is now time for me to restore the fortunes of Zion, the fortunes to
those that had it once. You are going to get it back. This is my promise, says the Lord
of hosts.

Amanda Grace 2020-08-06
A shake up in the Supreme Court is coming. Watch and see.

Amanda Grace 2020-10-06
Do not prematurely judge Ms. Barrett, for I the Lord have her on the potters wheel,
and I the Lord am molding her. Remember, Saul at one point was far from Paul, and
I the Lord did an incredible work, and I the Lord says the quick pharisaical
judgments of her must end, for I the Lord God shall write my word on her heart,
and I the Lord shall speak to her and call her by name and mold her into a vessel to
be filled overflowing with my wisdom.

Amanda Grace 2021-02-07
Follow me, says the Lord, believe in me, says the Lord, know I am a mighty God,
the alpha and omega, the righteous Judge, as I shake up the Supreme Court even
more, says the Lord. The apple cart shall be upset, says the Lord.

Amanda Grace 2021-02-25
There shall be even more pressure upon the judges to act uprightly or step down, as
the Supreme Court is no longer supreme, says the Lord, for they have allowed
darkness to rule over them, and I the Lord your God shall expose this and shake
the courts, says the Lord.

Amanda Grace 2021-03-10
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, This shall be a memorable Passover, for I
the Lord God shall put an exclamation point on such, and foundations shall be
shifted and shaken as even the Supreme Court shall feel what I the Lord God have
set out to do, for a power struggle has ensued behind the scenes of the courts, a
hostile takeover, says the Lord, as they have sold their powers off to the highest
bidder, for men are filled with lawlessness and do not fear the law because they
have taken control of the law and make and manipulate their own. "Do what thou
wilt" is not the whole of MY LAW, says the Lord of hosts, and my righteous laws
are touching down and being carried out in many areas of life, not only personally,
but up to the highest seats in the land, says the Lord of hosts.
[On 2021-03-29, two
days into the 2021 Passover season, dredgers and tugboats successfully removed
Ever Given from where it was stuck, and ship traffic through the Suez Canal, in
Egypt, resumed. This was announced at 3PM Cairo time, which is 9AM
Washington time. That same day the United States Supreme Court denied efforts
to require former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to face a deposition over her
unsecured e-mail setup while she served in the Obama administration.]

Amanda Grace 2021-06-22
Watch the Supreme Court, says the Lord. In this hour the landscape is changing,
the judges are changing, a dividing line where the sheep shall be separated from
the goats, the true justices from mere imposters playing a role. The Supreme
will be shaken, says the Lord of hosts, shaken in a way not yet seen, as a
sign to the nation that I the Lord your God AM A GOD OF JUSTICE AND

Amanda Grace 2021-10-20
A tipping point shall occur in the Supreme Court going into next year, as a
scarlet thread shall be found tied to two judges says the Lord, scarlet, red for
the blood of the innocent and the blood of those lost in the quagmire of events
in your nation of America. A record has indeed been kept of the judges' records,
says the Lord, including multiple appellate court judges who are tied to these
scarlet threads... There shall be many twists and turns, as the unexpected and
unprecedented takes place, as a rushing wind a rushing holy wind shall gust
through the Supreme Court and Washington DC and blow out that which has
so desperately been turned over on the tables, says the Lord of hosts this day.

Amanda Grace 2021-11-04
And says the Spirit, Hear this day, the Lord your God is issuing a WARNING
TO THE HIGHEST court in the land, this warning shall be noted this day in
the book of records. Thus says the Lord, Stop serving your own interests and
your fallible and skewed vision of what is right and what is wrong, what is life
and where life is not human. Stop playing God and manipulating the laws of
the land and aiding and abetting the most heinous of perpetrators and those
with agendas that are far from roses and rainbows, but it is bitter gall, says
the Spirit. Hear this this day, O courts, O judges, this is your warning to turn
now and line up with what is Almighty God’s rulings. Cleanse yourselves and
abandon the unrighteous acts and transactions and acquisitions you have so
done in secret to elevate yourselves and secure your seats even further, for
your seats are far from secure, and one shortly, their seat shall be shaken.
For the courts and judges need the fear of the Lord to fill them, which is the
beginning of wisdom. Do not align with the agenda of the kingdom of darkness,
and do not take their temptations and indulgences and bribes that they are
dangling before you, for it shall be your sentence, if you so choose, says the
Lord of hosts. Choose this day whom you will serve.

Amanda Grace 2021-11-22
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, [Arizona] Senator [Wendy] Rogers shall
be handed a smoking smoldering gun that will be hard for attorney generals to
ignore, that shall be hard for the courts to look the other way and say, This is not
true. The courts shall say, How can we deny that this is true, how can we walk this
back legally? However, there will be nowhere to go but forward, as brief after brief
comes forth, and I the Lord give men and women with the tenacity to make brilliant
arguments, who have a heart for the people and for the Lord their God. They have
been positioned, and there shall be a legal push that corners the highest courts in
the land
. They must face what has happened (s)in the nation, and they must face
the calling of the robe they wear. And those who refuse to be the judges they were
appointed to be, there shall be a jostling and a shakeup, as a boldness amongst
judges is moving in the Spirit across your nation, O America, and filling these
judges. The gavel shall strike down much in this hour, says the Lord of hosts.

Julie Green 2021-12-05
All hope is lost in this world for the enemies of my children. Riots are about to break
out after the overturning of Roe V Wade. Yes, the enemy will try and fill the streets
once again with chaos. But I, the Lord, will deal with the ones in the streets and the
ones that drove them there to do this. Yes, many payments were dispersed to cause
great chaos. Watch during this time for people with big names to fall in the fall.
Fall is not over yet, my children, and this great fall is about to take place before
the end of this season.

Julie Green 2022-01-14
Watch the Supreme Court. They will stand against this illegitimate government more
in this hour. They see the writing is on the wall, that the supposed government is
finished, and all the threats they had made against them are now over, how the puppet
masters were for a short time controlling what and how all the justices were ruling.
They were forced to turn their backs on the elections: (1) I did not want them taking
the credit; (2) The puppet masters blackmailed, threatened their lives and the lives
of their families, so a few had to rule in the ways they never wanted. Watch the
boldness come forth out of the Supreme Court. I am making the highest court in the
land powerful once again. But first I will remove and cleanse the justices. The ones
that don't belong there I will remove by my hand. One will step down on his own
because of the truth that is coming for him. He knows he cannot stay in that seat of
power any longer. The Supreme Court will be filled with people who love me and will
stand for the Constitution again, and justice is coming in a magnitude never seen
before on this earth.

Julie Green 2022-01-21
I am blowing the lid off this whole coup. A major ruling out of your Supreme Court
will change the course of this nation. They will continue to rule against the puppet
masters, because they know the truth. My team and my rightful government that I
have put together has been formed, and are moving forward to take back power.
The Supreme Court justices, the ones I want to know this information, they are safe
to rule how they always wanted to.

Julie Green 2022-01-31
The second Supreme Court justice will be removed from the court by me. He is
being charged for the control, fear, and blackmailing he has done against the other
justices. Chief Justice Roberts, you are no Chief at all. Step down from your place
of power. You are being removed by my hand for your heinous acts against this
nation and the children. There is blood dripping from your hands, and there is no
wiping off the stains. You chose your path, you refused to heed my warnings, so
you will take a great fall from power. The truth regarding Amy Coney Barrett
will come out as to who she really is. She is my Deborah on your highest court.
Her name will be vindicated, and you will see what had to take place in order to
bring order back into the court once again. I am shining my light on the highest
court in the land and cleansing it of all the evil that has infiltrated it.

Julie Green 2022-03-27
Justice Clarence Thomas, all will be well with you. All they have are words that
will not stand. You will remain on the Supreme Court, and those I want removed, I
will remove. Thomas, that is not you. Chief will be in your name. Yes, I am
promoting you, my son, so do not fear what they have threatened you with. I am
moving my hand against those who have threatened you. These are the days of
Haman, and what they wanted for you will come upon them. I am your protector,
so Justice Thomas, all will be well with you and your house.

Julie Green 2022-04-13
Clarence Thomas, I say to you again, nothing they are doing to you will stand. Your
wife is safe, and so is your family. I have my angels surrounding you, and they don't
have the power to penetrate through that. I am your protector, and I know all they
have done to you, and I will judge them all, even the ones you sit next to on the
Supreme Court
that turned on you. They will all be removed, those who have set
you up and who sided with the ones who control them. Yes, your colleagues have
been paid off, but I have everything I need for them all to be removed from their
places of power. I am cleansing the Supreme Court. I know, Clarence, that looks
impossible, but I am the God, and nothing is impossible for me. So stand with my
boldness, Clarence, that I have given you. Remember, I have the final say, and
none of them against you will be left standing, saith the Lord of hosts.

Julie Green 2022-04-16
A Supreme Court justice will be in your news. A sudden death? My children, every
lie will be revealed. And things again are not always as they appear.

Julie Green 2022-05-05
More explosive information, some will call it regarding the Supreme Court. A
civil war is breaking out in the highest court of the land, and more sabotages,
blackmail, and threats will be released to the public. I told you these are the days
of whistleblowers. Two Supreme Court justices: their days are numbered for
being on that court. Their power is being stripped away by me, saith the Lord of
hosts, for their defiance and the destruction and chaos they have caused this
nation. Audio and video are about to surface, showing the world who they really
are, and treason will be their end.

Amanda Grace 2022-05-17/19
There shall be an unprecedented event that occurs in the Supreme Court from what
is transpiring, for the picture is changing, a major shift that will force out those
who have conspired in secret. What they have PLANNED shall not prosper and it
shall turn on them and cause enormous financial loss and loss of influence. Planned
Parented Hood, says the Lord, just watch, watch the heads and what happens.

Julie Green 2022-06-27
Watch your Supreme Court, O United States. A shaking has begun that will shake
your freedoms loose from the chokeholds that held them down. Look! Many
changes will occur, and another person will no longer stay in their seat on the court.
Yes, another one will be removed, saith the Lord. A change and who is in charge
will take place as well on the court. That will shake things to another level.

Amanda Grace 2022-10-06
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, Watch the Supreme Court for a split of
sorts and a fall as the conditions are being made right for them to hear the cases
of the century, says the Lord. Certain judges shall be enabled and equipped to step
forth with such a boldness that they shall challenge the giants. They shall shine a
spotlight on antitrust, says the Lord of hosts.

Julie Green 2022-10-29
A shake-up is about to be seen in the Supreme Court.

Julie Green 2022-11-06
I have cut the elites of their power over the rightful Supreme Court justices. There
are the rightful ones and then the ones who are not. There are also those who refuse
to repent and obey and were sent there by the devil himself. I am removing them.

Julie Green 2023-01-02
A Supreme Court ruling will shock this Nation and bring a great shaking to this
, saith the Lord.

Julie Green 2023-01-10
Do not be moved by the Supreme Court and all the decisions they seem to be making
right now. Nothing will stop what is coming for that court. Justice will prevail, and
justice will be served. Call them down, and call for them to be removed, the ones
who do not belong in those seats of power.

Julie Green 2023-02-18
A Supreme Court judge is about to make a bold decision and a bold statement,
because something big is brewing in the Supreme Court that many cannot see but
soon will. Another Supreme Court justice is about to step down unexpectedly, but
the truth surrounding this resignation will be revealed.

Amanda Grace 2023-04-28
And in this hour, says the Lord, the judges who have met with the Justice
Department behind closed doors, who have met to attempt to FIX trials, who have
met to bring indulgences before the judges in order to falsely tip their scales before
ever hearing the case, those judges I the Lord am exposing in this hour. Their
nakedness shall be exposed, says the Lord. What they have hidden under their robes
shall be exposed, their written agreements shall be exposed to skew national cases,
including a justice in the Supreme Court that will step down in scandal, says the
Lord. And another shall be exonerated, says the Lord. For in this hour the righteous
judges, those who truly hold the standard of the law will be exonerated, will be lifted
up, will be honored, vindicated. Justice is coming to them in this season with a scroll
of redemption. And justice as well in this season is coming with a scroll that contains
the wage for their sin for partnering and being tied by a garland, a pact in order take
down who is a threat to them, that garland string and all attached to it by their finger
shall be exposed.

Julie Green 2023-05-25
Watch: the Supreme Court will make a major ruling.

Julie Green 2023-06-07
Something shocking will come out of the the Supreme Court. You think you know
what it is, but you don't. People won't see these things coming, not this way.

Julie Green 2023-08-10
All eyes are about to be on the Supreme Court regarding a case they will rule on.
A great uproar will be heard in the land of My eagle, but first, a Supreme Court
Justice will step down (bringing) a vacancy that no one expected. I will expose
all that has been going on behind closed doors in the highest court of this land,
and I will cleanse it all out, saith the Lord.

Julie Green 2023-08-27
To those of you on the Supreme Court that I have chosen: make the right choice. Stand
up now and choose which side you are on, my side or theirs. Be bold. I will protect you
and your families. The case that is coming to you and your court cannot be denied or
ignored. Justice, justice, there is a great cry for justice in this land. I am justice. So,
knowing who I am, stand now, uphold the Constitution, and never back down from the
truth. I will remove those who don't belong, and I will remove those threatening you.
And you will soon see your chief replaced by me, saith the Lord.

Amanda Grace 2023-09-25
Thus says the Lord, Watch the Supreme Court in this hour and the judges of the
appellate courts. A shrewd maneuver and an emergency injunction, says the Lord, for
the righteous shall have to take the wheel and turn the courts and these cases in the
direction I the Lord say they should go.

Julie Green 2023-12-02
Also, watch the Supreme Court. Watch the shaking and the quaking in that court. I
have told you that I am not done with removals. Watch what happens to the Supreme
. Something shocking is about to come to the surface. Again, my children, the
mouths that were shut or closed with gag orders, are now being released. Just like in
2 Chronicles chapter 20, this is the time of this battle where the enemies are turning
against themselves. They will destroy themselves. So, get ready to start to see more
and more of it.

Amanda Grace 2023-12-11
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the Supreme Court, the supreme courts of the
states shall be smeared if they DO NOT do MY WILL during this time. A judge is a
serious position. It is supposed to be a representation of righteous judgment, which
is different than the corrupted judgments many see in this world. I AM WARNING

Julie Green 2024-01-09
A shakeup in your Supreme Court is about to take place. There will be removals from
the highest court of this land, O United States.

Julie Green 2024-02-23
And there is a great shaking coming in the Supreme Court. There will be a ruling that
will bring a death blow to the establishment. I will say this again. This ruling, which
concerns keeping my David from his seat, will bring a death blow to the establishment.

Julie Green 2024-03-28
A rattling is occurring now. A rattling is taking place in your Supreme Court. Their
walls are cracking, and they are about to crumble. Do you hear my words? The highest
court in the land
has ruled against your nation because of blackmail or because they
were paid off. I will show you the treasonous traitors. Some will be removed. Some will
not keep their lives.

Julie Green 2024-05-07
A Supreme Court justice is about to be in your news for a significant reason. Their
secrets will soon be secrets no more. Audio evidence is coming, and it will show who
controls your Supreme Court and how they rule. It will show how they run the court
systems in this country, not just the highest court in the land, but every court in this
. It is all about to come to an abrupt end. Justice will once again rule and
destroy all the injustice that has been wreaking havoc in your country.

Julie Green 2024-06-11
My America, you are about to be shaken, a shaking that will continue to increase as
you move closer to your elections. Watch the Supreme Court. A ruling is about to
change everything, and the deep state will not like it. More evidence is coming out
that will tear down the indictments against my David. A great shock is coming to
Capitol Hill, and it will destroy the swamp before their next moves.

Julie Green 2024-08-04
Your enemies want to reform your your Supreme Court, but I will show you that it will
be my reform and my reset. I will show you who really belongs on that court and who
does not. A shaking of the highest court is coming because I am the judge who will
remove the judges on this Earth who do not belong, and that goes for anyone who was
appointed by a fake president or a fake election.

Julie Green 2024-08-24
A Supreme Court justice will come out with a surprising ruling.

Amanda Grace 2024-09-29
And thus says the Lord, to the Supreme Court, in this hour, you are a representation of
me on this earth. You are a judge. You are a high judge. I expect you to rule and walk
in righteousness and to not back down to the threats, for if you do, your seat will
rupture and you will lose your seat before the nation. For I require obedience in this
hour from those who want to sit in the highest seats of the land. I require it, says the
Lord. From their families, I require it. And they will humble themselves in obedience,
or they will not serve.

Julie Green 2024-10-11
A court case is about to rip your enemies apart, a case they never thought would take
place, because they had threatened and blackmailed your Supreme Court justices. Yes,
something will rock this nation as boldness sets in and a revolt takes place. A Supreme
justice will rise in boldness and rule in the way he was threatened not to. Enemies
of Almighty God in Washington: you do not own that court. You do not pull the strings
on what they can or cannot rule on. You cannot blackmail anyone, because I have
opened a door for whom I have chosen, and they will be in a safe place when they rule
you out of yours.

monuments and statues

Amanda Grace 2021-02-25
Watch the Statue of Liberty, says the Lord, just watch.

2021-06-23 documentary about the Statue of Liberty

Amanda Grace 2021-07-07
There shall be a fall, says the Lord, even to Liberty Island, says the Spirit of the
Lord this day. There shall be a crumbling and a cracking and a falling, for I am the
God that gives free will, that gives liberty, and says the Spirit of the Lord this day,
the true motives of France [who gave America the Statue of Liberty] shall be
revealed. Beware, O United States, of countries embedded in mysticism and occultism
who come bearing gifts. Beware, says the Lord thy God this day, of leadership of
France bearing gifts, for it is a trojan horse, says the Spirit of the Lord this day.
There are trojan horses in this hour that shall present themselves. Ready yourselves,
O leaders of this nation, to identify these trojan horses and destroy them and reject
them, instead of letting them into your people. Do not make agreements with such in
this hour, for I the Lord am dealing with those who thought they were untouchable.

Julie Green 2022-01-21
Again watch the Statue of Liberty as it starts with a crack and it crumbles to the
ground. You will find out what was hidden inside the statue, what that statue actually
stood for. It's not what you think. The landscape of this nation is changing, and all
the monuments, symbols, and buildings, anything that they [enemies of God] erected,
will be destroyed in this hour.

Julie Green 2022-01-31
Watch DC as a major monument will fall. The Washington Monument is cracking as I
speak. A shaking will strike that area, and it will fall just like all of your enemies in DC.

Julie Green 2022-02-10
The Statue of Liberty is about to fall. The crack is getting bigger, and it will crumble
to the ground. Watch the lightning hit some monuments across this land.

Julie Green 2022-02-20
Watch for unusual weather around DC. Things are heating up, and you are about to see
the landscape become completely different there. Everything you see which they put up
will be completely destroyed by me. I will leave nothing standing that stood for
anything that was against me, saith the Lord.

Julie Green 2022-02-25
Yes, there is a major sign to look for. A massive lightning bolt will strike the White
and the Washington Monument on the same day. Watch for a lightning
storm to hit your capital. Rain, wind, and a major storm are going to strike there,
directed at the ones holding this nation hostage.

Julie Green 2022-03-11
Again, I am mentioning the Statue of Liberty. One day you shall see it standing, but the
next day there will be a collapse and then only rubble on the ground. The same goes for
the Washington Monument and many other monuments and symbols across this nation.

Julie Green 2022-03-27
Biblical weather events are about to descend on DC, yes, lightning, hail, and wind like
no other type of event ever to hit there. News stations all over will be reporting on the
damage from the storm. A monster they will call it, and it will appear to be that way
toward the enemies of Almighty God. It will come out of nowhere. No one expected it.
They will be in their chambers and offices with nowhere to go and nowhere to escape.

Amanda Grace 2022-04-16
Watch and see as the Statue of Liberty shall be struck and lose a piece as a sign their
regime is falling and coming down.

Julie Green 2022-04-28
Washington DC will be hit violently with storms no one thought could hit there, not
like this. They can't prepare for what is about to hit that area. I told you, my
children, buildings and monuments will not stand when I move my hand.

Julie Green 2022-05-23
Another major crack will be discovered on the Washington Monument, and it will soon
topple to the ground.

Julie Green 2022-09-15
A monstrous storm is coming to the east coast. It will slam into DC to stop what they
were planning to do next against you, O United States, but their plans will continue
to falter in front of the world.

Julie Green 2022-11-02
O United States, one of your well-known monuments will fall. This will signal the fall
of the Babylon of today, yes, the fall of the evil that controlled my nations and tried
to control the world. The time has come for its end, saith the Lord.

Julie Green 2022-12-28
The Washington Monument will be in your news for a shocking reason. I have told
you, my children, I am removing all their monuments, and every symbol of theirs will
be destroyed. I am also mentioning the Statue of Liberty because something significant
will take place with it.

Julie Green 2023-02-05
Another symbol, a statue or monument of the globalists and their agenda, is about
to fall to the ground because so are they and their plans.

Amanda Grace 2024-10-24
Those scrolls [of divine judgment] have been placed near the Washington Monument,
which will fracture again, says the Lord.

ancient sacred records

The Book of Mormon RLDS 1 Nephi 3:191-193 LDS 1 Nephi 13:39-40
I beheld other books which came forth by the power of the Lamb from the Gentiles
unto them, unto the convincing of the Gentiles, and the remnant of the seed of my
brethren, and also the Jews, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth, that
the records of the prophets and of the twelve apostles of the Lamb are true. And the
angel spake unto me, saying, These last records which thou hast seen among the
Gentiles shall establish the truth of the first, which are of the twelve apostles of the
Lamb, and shall make known the plain and precious things which have been taken
away from them; and shall make known to all kindreds, tongues, and people that the
Lamb of God is the Son of the Eternal Father and the Savior of the world, and that
all men must come unto him or they cannot be saved.

Kim Clement 2008-06-21
The Spirit of God said, There will be ancient parchments, there will be scrolls that will
be discovered, and this will bring more truths that will once again [like the Dead Sea
bring about evidence of the existence of certain things that have been ruled out
in the Bible and the Scriptures. It will substantiate so many things, and once again
there will be a severe blow to the antagonists of my church and my holy word, says the
Lord. The Spirit of God said, Those who say they are atheists, those who say there is no
God, three times [after the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered] I will again prove
through the ancient scrolls and that which will be discovered, that that which they have
disputed shall be in fact the truth, says the Spirit of the Living God.

Kim Clement 2014-04-19 [spoken 13 months after the Francis papacy began]
They will find in the [Vatican] treasuries, in the cryptos, material and scrolls. They were
supposed to be hidden, but will get into the hands of scientists, and they shall say, We
must hide these. But because of this pope, which was spoken years ago of, my Spirit will
guide him, and he shall present these things that are hidden in the caves. People shall be
amazed at what has been hidden, but the world shall understand there is a key. It is the
key of David that shall unlock. And they will say, we must argue that this is not
authentic, but they shall be proven wrong because of technology that shall emerge. I do
this for my kingdom, which is coming, says the Lord, and for my King, who is coming,
my Son. Before that great day, before that great hour, there shall be a discovery after
discovery of the scrolls and the documents, and truths shall emerge from caves, from
tunnels, from the ground. And Christ shall be known throughout the earth, and great
celebration shall take place because of this, says the Lord.

Kim Clement 2014-12-31
Scientists shall say, what we thought was a fact has now become fiction. For in Turkiye,
in Iraq, and in Israel there shall be discoveries come out of the earth that shall prove
over and over and over the Creator of the Universe whom they have said does not exist.
I will show myself not only in the church or through the church, but outside of the walls
of the church. And I will place these preachers of a new kind in science. And God says,
this discovery will bring a moment and a period of great revival in Jerusalem and in
Israel, says the Spirit of the Living God. Rejoice, for this is his day! This is your day of
freedom, says the Lord! This is your day of freedom!

Amanda Grace 2020-03-02
Secrets in MY WORD that are hidden within the word until this time shall be
unlocked and exposed. I will enlighten those, and reveal to them, that have been in
the scriptures before them all along. MAJOR archaeological discoveries will further
solidify the validity of my word, confirming that it is not a FAIRY TALE, but
NOTE: There will be a MAJOR discovery that will cause more of My firstborn
Israel to call on the name of Yeshua!

Amanda Grace 2020-09-23
I will exhume from the earth, I will exhume from the earth what man has been unable
to touch, what has been lost. I will exhume it from the earth to bring my sons and
daughters in Israel, those chosen to know Yeshua as their Lord and Savior, to bring
those that thought the Bible was a collection of stories, to bring them to see the
accuracy and the precision and the divine power that went in to writing such a book
that has stood the test of time. You know why my children, says the Lord? Because it
is living, it is active, it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing
line. I am the Word, says the Lord. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
God, was with God, and the Word was God, My children. And now I, as the Word, shall
be the sword that penetrates to the dividing line, for I send my Word out and it is done,
says the Lord thy God this day.

Amanda Grace 2020-12-19
... the land that was given a name to be a compass to the rest of the world and a hub of
biblical discoveries. And says the spirit of the Lord this day, There are major biblical
discoveries coming out of the ground in 2021, in Israel and the surrounding areas.
2021-03-16, numerous news outlets reported on fragments of biblical texts found in
a cave in the Judean Desert. The best coverage was in The Times of Israel in two
articles written by Amanda Borschel-Dan that included photos by the team that made
the discovery.
Bible scroll fragments among dazzling artifacts found in Dead Sea Cave of Horror
Dead Sea scroll discovery brings tantalizing prospect of more yet to be found
These articles explain that discovered fragments from Nahum and Zechariah are from
a scroll previously found in the same cave decades ago. The second article indicates
that the Israel Antiquities Authority sponsoring the discovery team is in a race to be
the first to explore caves that can only be entered by rappelling, because antiquities
looters are also rappelling in the Judean Desert, wanting to get rich selling whatever
scrolls are there.]

Amanda Grace 2021-03-27
Israel shall pull [via rappelling] something from near the waters that were lost but
now is found. They [Israel Antiquities Authority teams] are close to even greater, as
I the Lord am opening up the earth in this hour and revealing the amazing, the
resource [the Bible], the elements [books of the Bible], and even the underground
experiments [early Christian history], says the Lord. For the earth shall know that

Amanda Grace 2021-05-17
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, a cave shall be discovered and more scrolls
shall come forth as I the Lord am pulling [via rappelling] what is hidden from deep
within the earth.

Amanda Grace 2021-09-01
Seek me to correctly put the pieces together, as astounding truths and revelations
shall come forth that the enemy never thought my people would see.

Amanda Grace 2021-10-20
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, Into next year there shall be a KEY
archeological discovery that matches a crucial area of the Word, MY WORD.
The Word is LIVING, MY children. Use it, utilize it, arm yourselves with it,
feed yourself it. For Satan has gone forth to attempt to disillusion the masses,
for he has gotten a hold of the mouths of some in an attempt to turn those away
from me who are seeking me, says the LORD.

Amanda Grace 2022-08-29
The greatest discovery that has ever occurred in Israel, that will further solidify
MY WORD and silence the critics, is about to come forth. I am calling it forth out
of the tomb, says the Lord, in which it has been kept hidden until the appointed
time. Watch, for this shall be worldwide news and a celebration in Israel.

Robin D. Bullock 2022-09-20 video@4:38
I will prosper Mexico and give you hidden riches that lie beneath the ground that
you have not seen before. They've been there all this time, and no one has unearthed
it, because it was one revolution after another, and all of it was designed to keep the
blessing out of your land.
[Sacred writings will be found in a hidden vault in a
mountain in Mexico.


God inspired descendants of Israel's southern tribes to return to the original promised

Jeremiah 16:13-14
However, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when it will no longer be said, As
surely as the Lord lives, who brought the Israelites up out of Egypt, but it will be
said, As surely as the Lord lives, who brought the Israelites up out of the land of
the north and out of all the countries where he had banished them
. For I will restore
them to the land I gave their ancestors.

Kim Clement 2010-08-22
They [unnamed nations of the world] have looked upon my Israel, they have looked
upon that little land and said, We want you. And the Lord said, Are not my promises
clear and evident? And I myself will be the captain of the hosts, the general of the
army that will shake the earth as Iran creeps forward, as Iran comes and says, This
shall be the final battle [according to Iran's Twelver eschatology]. So I the Lord say
to you, Watch as I display my magnificence, watch as I display my splendor, and
prove once again that the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. They have
said, There are two nations, America [the great Satan] and Israel [the little Satan],
and we will name them by other names. They have said, Once we have captured
them, we will rename them as Daniel was renamed in his captivity, so America shall
no longer be called America, and Israel shall be called Ishmahel. For the Spirit of
God said, Dare they insult me, dare they insult me? Who was it that was placed
upon the altar of sacrifice [Quran 37:102 leaves Abraham's son unnamed, allowing
Muslims to believe it was Ishmael]
? It was Israel [actually Isaac, the father of
, and therefore God says, I say to you this day, When Abraham took his son,
it was for this purpose and for this day that he saw. Therefore, I will show you my
magnificence, says the Spirit of the Lord. They will come against you, America, and
you shall not even need to look, for I, God says, shall ruin them before they even
get to your seashores. I will show you the great display of a tidal wave that shall
not come for the judgment of this nation, but for the defense. And God says, I will
move into Israel. I will surround them, I will surround them, says the Lord [in
Psalm 83]
. And suddenly they shall say, What has happened, what has happened to
our plans? For God said, As Israel shall no longer, as they say, Israel shall no longer
be called Israel, so God says, America shall be called by no other name, for they
[America and Israel] will stand together. For God said, The Islamic influence [of
, the Islamic influence, the wickedness that is trying to creep in, has succeeded,
and God says, Thus far and no more.

Kim Clement 2014-07-26
Russia, Iran, Hamas, who have you reproached? Who have you blasphemed? Against
whom have you raised your voice and lifted up your eyes on high? You have done it to
the Lord, the Holy One of Israel. You have said, By the multitude of our missiles and
our mortars and our rockets, our mines and our traps, and our tunnels, we have come
to the height of the mountain and we will finally rid ourselves of Israel and rename it.
I say, Israel is forever! There you've built yourself an underground Gaza, of which I
have exposed, and your desire to have a final victory on Rosh Hashanah has been
brought to nothing.

KIm Clement 2015-03-14
If you think Hamas is finished with Israel, you're wrong. And the way they're dealing,
with kid gloves, they're dealing with Iran right now. It's not finished. There will be
many more wars yet, and we want to be able to say we stood there and protected them.

Amanda Grace 2021-06-22
Watch for a shocking move in Israel that will upset Abrahamic agreements made and
will cause an even greater response as the Palestinians and Hamas, wandering in
circles, lost in doctrines of deceptions and hatred — there shall be greater force utilized
as Hamas is split literally down the middle and scattered as headquarters and tents
of meeting
are destroyed as I have gone out ahead to their camps and I see all things,
says the Lord.

Julie Green 2022-02-16
O Israel, how I love thee! Freedom is hitting your nation and tearing down your
fraudulent government. I will not let stand what they have done to you. No, your
rightful prime minister will be back to take his place. Benjamin Netanyahu is his
name. His name will be vindicated by me. They lied about him and his wife. It will
be shown that this was their plan: to take him down, to discredit him. These were
all lies. Videos will come to the surface vindicating him. So stand up Israel, for
your freedoms are here to stay. I am cleansing your nation of your enemies' plans
against you. They wanted you weak, to take you over. The supposed prime minister,
now in office, is a pawn, a yes man for the elites. He was sent there to give up your
secret intelligence in order to cripple your nation once and for all. But it won't
work, saith the Lord of hosts. They were about to invade you from the north, but
my hand is against them. They won't get what they wanted from you. I am your
protector, and I never sleep, saith the Lord. You will come alive once again,
Israel, and I will destroy every law and every mandate meant to imprison you
and destroy your nation. I have said "Let my people go!" and that is exactly what
will take place. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. I have not forsaken
you, O Israel. No, an awakening was needed to occur in your land in this hour. It
was crucial in order to completely deliver you. This is the year of reckoning, and
all will be restored to you.

Julie Green 2022-02-27
You are about to hear news out of Israel. Yes, they are trying to start a war there too.
They will try bombings and then begin again. The leader of Hamas will try to declare
that Israel supposedly hit them first, but this is not true. I, the Lord, am against the
enemies of Israel. I will protect and cleanse my nation of any infiltrators, including
people in your government that wanted to take you out. Israel, stand up! I AM is with
you. Your enemies will never stand against you and prosper.

Julie Green 2022-03-03
Watch for a sign that will come from Mount Moriah. Watch, my children, and pay attention.
I am moving across the nations to restore freedom. What you see happen in Israel will not
stand. So do not fear my children in Israel. They will not get war. I am always watching. I
am your protector. Nothing can slip past me. They will try to invade but watch as miracles
come to your land because my hand swiftly moves to remove your enemies. I have destroyed
their power over you. What they wanted was to destroy any freedoms you had left, hold you
all captive in your land, and steal your inventions along with the resources they know you
have. They want the Iron Dome, but they will never get it. So don't fear. I will move swiftly
against them, and their plans will come to nothing.

Julie Green 2022-03-15
Israel, listen to these words in this hour. Your enemies are trying to invade your land,
but my hand is against them. They will not destroy you, and they will not get what they
want. So do not be discouraged. I am your protector. They will not cross my line that I
have drawn around you. A line, Lord? Yes, a line they can not cross. They will try, and
they will fall by their own sword. So, my children, in my nation of Israel, you are being
restored, cleansed, healed by me, saith the Lord. The Iron Dome they want, I have warned.
Infiltrators will be exposed and removed. Your prime minister will be removed, and anyone
with him. The rightful one will be restored. Your elections were also hijacked and stolen
from you, just like the United States. When you see that election overturned, know yours
is next, saith The Lord of hosts.

Julie Green 2022-03-25
A significant sign will be seen at the Wailing Wall. I do hear your prayers, and I am
delivering you from the hands of the wicked. Israel, do not fear what they are about to
say and what they're trying to do against you. Remember who I am and how I was with
Moses. I am that same God. Your enemies will fall by their own swords, and they will
lose. I will not allow this war they want to bring to your land with rocket fire. I will
protect you as I always have. A great shift is taking place in your land. As you see
President Trump take back power, know Netanyahu is coming back as well. Nothing
will stop that from taking place. All that has been stolen has to be given back, saith
the Lord of hosts.

Amanda Grace 2022-04-16
Israel may be "opening up." However, I the Lord shall shut down their inner plans to
destroy that nation. I the Lord thy God made a promise to Abraham. I will bless those
who bless you and curse those who cursed you. Israel's own people have cursed it; their
own kind have attempted to destroy it behind the scenes, holding hands with a Muslim
brotherhood and Palestinian leaders. They have attempted to create a cauldron where
the countries that want to do them in, those wayward SHEEP HAVE GONE AND
do not mix, says the Lord, nor should there be agreements with those who have turned
from the Lord and gone after the Baals. And says the Lod of hosts, an Arab spring, but
not in the way you think, and a sudden flip in Israel will cause those who have made
these secret agreements to panic and make desperate moves that will gut open the
maggots and filth and ungodliness in the nucleus of their government. The Wailing Wall
indeed, says the Lord of hosts. Watch and see an event near the Wailing Wall that will
be BIG NEWS, says the Lord of hosts.

Julie Green 2022-04-19
Israel, I warned you of the attempts against you. They want what you have, but they
won't get it. Israel, I will protect you, heal your land and restore what has been
stolen. Listen to what your enemies will say. They will lie and say you started this
against them, but the truth will be revealed, as will their connections to this
fraudulent government of the United States of America. Your enemies were paid to
start this war against you. Oh yes, deals are being made to take you out once and
for all, Israel. But they didn't count on me, who is your protector, and they will
not get what they so desire, which is to take you over once and for all, and they
will not take what doesn't belong to them.

Julie Green 2022-05-07
The Israeli Army will be in your news. They stopped an invasion from taking place, but
my hand was there with them during this, when actions their enemies and the world were
making against Israel. Your enemies thought they could sneak into this nation to cause
utter destruction and chaos. That's never going to happen when they are up against me,
saith the Lord of hosts.

Julie Green 2022-06-18
Hamas will be in your news again. You are liars, and your lies will be revealed. You touch
my nation, and any damage you try to cause will not succeed. I am their protector, and
you will not get what you want. Hamas is another terrorist group that is funded not only
by the deep state but the world elites. Yes, this, too, will be exposed. Hamas, you will not
have Israel, and you will never get what you so desire from them, saith the Lord.

Amanda Grace 2022-07-11
An assassination attempt out of Israel, from WITHIN, says the Lord, as they are
attempting to prevent the former from coming to the forefront and taking possession
of the seat, says the Lord, as a mutiny in Israel will cause great change and carve
the path for the one I the Lord have anointed to take that seat, one who is familiar
with such, says the Lord of hosts this day.

Julie Green 2022-09-07
Watch your enemies fail at another attempt to take over my nation of Israel. They are
planning their next strikes, but I will stop their missiles, and the world will know that
this only could have been done by me, who stopped them. Your enemies will soon know
that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob still lives and still protects my nation
Israel, saith the Lord of hosts.

Amanda Grace 2022-09-13
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the time of the shofar, the time of the trumpet,
says the Lord, there shall be complete upheaval in Israel, as it is indeed a new year,
and a new way shall be made for a NEW leader to arise in Israel, assisted by one
familiar with that seat, as lightning strikes in Israel shall hit in KEY areas as well as
unusual pressure and weather that shall indicate what is moving in the Spirit, as I the
Lord thy God am getting ready to completely cut open the entrails of their government
and spill out and flush out what has been IMPACTED and blocking what I the Lord
God have decreed and written on a scroll and sent it into the earth, into Israel, says
the Lord of hosts. And that scroll has been read by the holy angels, and the instruction
is being carried out, as I the Lord thy God am causing a crack in the brotherhood that
has a grip on Israel. There shall be a crack and then total division, as they turn on
each other over the slightest comment that shall be made, the spark that ignites the
fire, says the Lord of hosts. And MY HOLY FIRE is set to burn near the Temple
, says the Lord of hosts. What man would call strange occurrences will occur
around the Temple Mount, as a sign that what lies underneath is shifting, and there
shall be a discovery brought to the surface from that location, as even the Wailing
shall lose a piece, as an indication that I the Lord am tearing down their
stronghold that they have built. And those who have turned on their own people, who
are stealing the silver and the gold, who have been moving it from vaults into another
neighboring country shall be caught RED HANDED, says the Lord of hosts [see
2023-03-12 Newsrael article]
. Watch and see as these things come forth and are
brought to pass.

Julie Green 2022-10-08
Israel is about to receive a major victory. So don't be moved by what they are saying
now, because they can't stop this or the one I have chosen for this hour. My children,
you will see Benjamin Netanyahu come back, and your enemies can't stop that from
taking place, no matter what they try to do, saith the Lord of hosts.

Julie Green 2022-10-26
Jerusalem will be in your news big time. Something significant is about to take place
in Israel. Israel is about to receive a major victory. Your enemies will try to rear their
ugly heads. They have tried to stop this, but they can't. So more military action will
be taken against you, but, Israel, you will rise higher and stronger, and you will know
that I am still the same God who protects you. You will see your enemies fail and fall
before you, because I am the great I AM, saith the Lord of hosts. Mount Moriah will
be in your news. The Temple Mount will be in your news for a shocking reason.

[The so-called "temple mount" is actually the site of the Roman fort Antonia. To the
south, in the City of David above Gihon Spring, is the site of Jerusalem temples, the
latest of which was so thoroughly demolished by the Roman army that not one stone
was left standing upon another. See notes on Isaiah 22 and spotlights on Mount Moriah.]

Julie Green 2022-12-03
Something significant is about to take place in Israel. A freedom will take place, and
land will be given back, land that no one thought would be returned. Yes, this will
take place. So, my children in Israel, I am bringing back a great ally, one you have
been waiting for to return. The one who is my David, who will help you get your
freedoms and your rightful lands that had been held back from you. The one world
government will not have its way. I did not leave you to fight this fight alone. My
David's soon return will be seen by the world, saith the Lord of hosts.

Julie Green 2022-12-27
Something big is about to be released out of Israel that will shock the world. Truth
is coming that no one can stop, and it will bring great destruction to your enemies,
that are against you, O United States.

Amanda Grace 2023-01-11
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, a discovery off the COAST of Israel is
set to occur, an incredible astounding discovery, that will align with a key area of
the Bible, shall come forth. However they will be amazed that it was off the coast,
says the Lord.

Julie Green 2023-01-11
Israel, do not fear what your enemies are saying or doing. Do not fear the fake
government in the land of my eagle. Your enemies will not conquer you; they will
be conquered.

Julie Green 2023-04-06
Israel O Israel, do not fear what they have tried to do to your nation. No, they will
not tear you apart or take you down. Your civil war will come to an abrupt end.
The ones who have brought this mess will be exposed and removed. You have been
infiltrated, and I will show you the infiltrators. They will not have their way. Turn
to me, my Israel, and know that I am still the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
I am still your deliverer, and healing will come to your land, saith the Lord. O
Israel, shout your enemies down. Shout them to nothing. Remember the walls of
. Blow your shofars, and remember I am still on your side. Remember who
delivered you from Pharaoh's (from Moses' time) hand. This is no different. So
look to me, call upon me, and I will answer thee and free your land, saith the Lord.

Julie Green 2023-05-15
Great things are in store for my children in the United States and in my land of
. Great breakthroughs, great victories, and great celebrations are coming
because the great I AM is about to show up in a way that has never been seen
before. So get your dancing shoes on, you would say, because it's about that time
to shout, because great celebrations are coming, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Amanda Grace 2023-05-24
Battleships as well, says the Lord, shall approach Israel. They shall cross the line,
and Israel shall respond, and it will put many nations on alert, as one is allured
out by dark rulers to advance. However, I the Lord thy God am protecting Israel
for this time, and what occurs shall turn things in the political arena more like a
circus, says the Lord, and send the clowns and the jesters, and those that snarl
shall be whipped to a corner, says the Lord.

Amanda Grace 2023-06-27
And says the Lord of hosts, I am strengthening MY FIRST BORN, I AM
the Lord this day, Israel and America go forth parallel, says the Lord, events
in tandem, for they are connected, and those in a White House smeared with
pride have cursed Israel in its halls and quarters, and have looked for ways
to assist in dethroning Benjamin Netanyahu. Instead, it shall be their seat
that is taken, for a month filled with pride shall birth forth MANY FALLS,
and a smeared rainbow on a White House shall be a scarlet letter and a taunt
and a byword, as the second half of your year continues, for that rainbow shall
be torn, says the Lord, at its roots, at its innermost fibers it shall be torn.
Strange fire, says the Lord, they attempt strange fire, and their agenda shall
suffer the largest public blow and harm in history, as the grace has thinned,
and that rogue rainbow has been the pike that has divided the nation. That
stake, driven deep into the ground, the hand of one I have chosen shall now
pull it out, and it shall be destroyed by fire, as I the Lord am moving forth
against this serpent that is challenging what I the Lord have set out to do,
and those speaking for this serpent, those who think TLC is their voice, shall
fall in this season. I have called out to them and the ears have been deaf. The
token family shall fall for such, says the Lord.

Amanda Grace 2023-07-01
Pray for my firstborn Israel, pray for the Jewish people, that their eyes would be
opened more to their Creator and the Passover Lamb. Pray for the protection of
the Jewish temples, for a multi-city attack is being planned on such by a party
being enticed with seducing indulgences and funds, in order to cause a greater
schism, says the Lord of hosts.

Julie Green 2023-10-19
Watch Iran. Yes, they are speaking loudly, shouting, and saying what they are going
to cause around the world. But they don't see me or the destruction they are about
to endure on their own land and in their own lives. Yes, I am bringing great
destruction to that nation. I am bringing great destruction, and you are about to
see me and what I do to Hamas. No one touches my nation of Israel and gets away
with it. I am showing Benjamin Netanyahu and all who are with him the traitors
who are amongst them, the traitors that allowed these things to take place.

Julie Green 2023-10-24
There are traitors among you, O Israel. Those traitors are about to be exposed, not
only those in your own government and military, but also some that are tied to
Obama, Biden, and the puppet masters. Close ties and money trails will be leaked
to expose them all. Do not fear what you are about to hear. The ones against your
will fall, no matter where they are or who they are. Israel, Hamas will fall, as
will everyone who paid for them to do this to you. I have not forsaken you, and I
never will, saith the Lord.

Amanda Grace 2023-11-18
I shall give a bumper crop to Israel as they completely submit to ME. Ezra, says the
Lord, Ezra. Reconsecrate yourselves, O Israel, O America. Reconsecrate yourselves
before the Lord. There is an underground control center, not a tunnel says the Lord,
a full-fledged control center that contains the plans, blueprints, locations of all
bunkers, tunnels, stockpiles. I am leading the Israeli army to it. Call on me, my
children, for you are about to hit the motherboard, and as that occurs you shall see
a short circuit in leadership and the three branches of a very corrupt government in
your nation, and that circuit shall carry a charge that leads to the judges. Thus says
the Lord of hosts in the name of Yeshua, who sits at MY right hand. I am God. I AM.

[2024-02-07 video: IDF uncover Hamas data centre in tunnel buried deep under Gaza
2024-02-12 video: Hamas tunnel found under UNRWA headquarters (UNRWA =
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East)
Both Israel and America have three branches of goverment.]

Amanda Grace 2024-04-22
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, O Israel, Israel, your shepherd is calling you.
Hashem is calling you. Humble yourselves. Call on the name of Yeshua. He is your
advocate before MY throne. Walk circumspectly, as Joshua so did before me in battle.
Consecrate yourselves before ME. Seek MY INSTRUCTION, FOR I THE Lord have
the strategies you so seek. You MUST NOT fight out of emotion in this hour. You
must fight according to the WORD, MY WORD, SAYS THE LORD. YOU MUST
AS DAVID SO SOUGHT ME with the Philistines, and I told MY servant, When you
hear the sound of marching through the poplar trees, know I have gone out ahead of
you to strike the enemy, and then, ONLY THEN, was David allowed to pursue.

Julie Green 2024-05-11
Israel is about to see that they are protected by me. To the world leaders against my
nation of Israel, you will never have it. You will never destroy it. You will never
annihilate it. Anyone who comes against it will come up against me, and I never lose.
This is my land, and the world will soon realize that this is still true, saith the Lord
of hosts.

Julie Green 2024-06-20
The turmoil you see in the land of Israel: woe to the enemies who infiltrated this
. I will show you the traitors in this government that are going after
Netanyahu. Their coup will not work. He was placed there by me. To all the
enemies of my land: your next attacks and your next moves will fail. You will
not have my Israel. It is mine. It is not yours to have. I am the protector of that
and my people. You will not have the war you wanted. You will regret your
next moves against my people. I will expose those who paid you and helped you
plan these attempts to overthrow my land and my chosen son, whom (I put) in
charge of it. Do you hear me, Washington? You will not have what you planned
or what you paid for. Israel is my nation, not yours to decide who gets it or can
rule over it. You do not have that kind of power, so back off. If you don't,
judgment will hit you even harder, and more shame and embarrassment will come
upon you. Israel is mine, and any enemy who tries to destroy it will be destroyed,
saith the Lord of hosts.

Amanda Grace 2024-09-29
And thus, says the Lord, Israel is about to get reinforcements from me, says the Lord.
I am about to send reinforcements as they cry out to me. For their leader shall be the
ox for me that topples the regime of Iran.

Julie Green 2024-09-29
They will lose the hold over Israel, and now (I) will expose the infiltrators the
establishment put in the Israeli government. Israel has something they have been
holding onto that they are about to release. It will be devastating to all in
Washington who are against me.

Julie Green 2024-09-30
O Israel: trust the One who defends and protects you. I have not left you alone. I
have never, and I will never leave you. So, take back your land. Take back
everything your enemies forced you to give up. Israel, take back the inventions
your enemies tried to deceive you out of. Israel, remove the infiltrators in your
. Remove the leaders beside Netanyahu who are there to bring down your
and hand it to the globalists and to your enemies. You have traitors in
your midst
. Remove them. They are sabotaging your efforts to protect your
. They are giving your enemies vital military intelligence. Trust the ones I
have sent to you. I will prove they are the right ones. My Israel, I will give you a
victory that you have not seen in your time. It is time to come back to me, the
One who defends and protects you, saith the Lord of hosts.

Amanda Grace 2024-10-12
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, I am weighing Israel in this hour says
the Lord, I am weighing their treachery and their righteous acts in my courts.
I AM, and their leader will fully yield to me, says the Lord, for the yoke has
been placed upon him and he is my ox, says the Lord. I am the Aleph, says the
Lord. I AM, and I will utilize him in this last time of his leadership to issue a
blow to the ayatollah in which recovery for his regime will be difficult, says the
Lord, for they chant death, death to what I have made, death to covenants in place
and for all the death they have shouted and sowed so in this time that is what they
so shall receive. Their time to repent has thinned to a vapor and the Iranian regime
shall be shaken and sifted, the regime of Turkey shall be shaken and sifted, the
regime of lebanon
. Get in line with what I the Lord have declared, or your seats
shall be ripped out from under you, for you make your people unnecessarily suffer!
Israel is about to find blueprints in Lebanon for locations of weapons, command
, and they shall find a blueprint as well for a full-on four-corner attack on
Israel that was set in motion. They shall find this. Call unto me O Israel, and my
son Yeshua, Messiah. Call unto him in this hour, for you are being weighed, your
is being weighed, and shock out of the Israeli cabinet, for there is a
mole, shock from high up in the Israeli military for there is a mole, and it is time,
says the Lord, to pull the moles from their holes and expose the secrets they keep.

Amanda Grace 2024-11-26
Israel, gird up your loins, for another attack is imminent. Pray, intercede, call on the
name of YESHUA, for what was done on the temple mount has triggered a plan and
set in motion a vile attack amdist the war you fight on two fronts. Netanyahu,
Benjamin, son of my right hand, YOU MUST LISTEN IN THIS HOUR, YOU

Canada & Australia

Descendants of Israel's northern tribes are watching God overthrow their tyrannical
deep states.

Jeremiah 23:7-8
So then, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when people will no longer say, As
surely as the Lord lives, who brought the Israelites up out of Egypt, but they will
say, As surely as the Lord lives, who brought the descendants of Israel up out of the
land of the north and out of all the countries where he had banished them
. Then they
will live [in peace] in their own land.

Amanda Grace 2021-07-07
I am filling, says the Lord thy God this day, the people of Canada with resolve. I have
not forgotten you, O Canada, says the Lord. I have seen what your leadership has done
in secret. I have seen the detestable things they do for Baal and for Ra and for other
pagan fallen principalities. I have seen it, says the Lord, and says the Lord thy God
this day, Sometime next year [2022] you shall see great change in your nation, says the
Lord. You shall see great revival in your nation, you shall see a great change, says the
Lord, and a topple of the leadership, says the Lord. For the clock is ticking down, says
the Lord. I am a long-suffering God, and I am a God of mercy. But their time of
repentance is drawing to a close. And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, their power
shall be stripped from them, their office shall be stripped from them, their decorations
shall be stripped from them, their delicacies and their dainties shall be stripped from
them, says the Lord. For I am going into the inward parts of Canada, says the Lord,
and there is going to be a cleansing of the land, parts of the land that were dedicated
to fallen hosts generations ago. There is a cleansing happening, says the Lord thy God
this day.

Amanda Grace 2021-11-04
I have heard the cries of the people of Australia. Continue to return unto me, the Lord
your God, and I the Lord, as you speak in faith, by my power and outstretched arm
shall squeeze your leadership until they feel the suffocation they have put upon your
country, for you shall break free, Australia, your chains shall be cut, the grave clothes
they have attempted to put you [in] shall be undone, and I shall give you new life and
a refreshed spirit, as there shall be signs in the heavens in that part of the world to
confirm to you this day what I the Lord have spoken.

Julie Green 2022-01-21
Canada and Australia, your governments and those who are with you will fall. Watch
out! I AM is coming for you, Canada, and all who are against me. I am freeing that
nation from Trudeau and all who are with him. So sing, Canada, sing once again.
Your freedom is here. Australia, I will take down your dictators and free you from
your slavery and destroy those camps they built against you to imprison you.

[videos of protests in Canada: 2022-01-27; 2022-02-01; 2022-02-07]

Amanda Grace 2022-02-07/08
And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, O CANADA, O CANADA, I THE LORD GOD
AM WITH YOU. The wicked leaders of your land are not fighting you, but fighting me
and MY PLAN. They are attempting to drain and lynch and blockade the people coming
together in one accord, what can be withheld from them, says the Lord of Hosts. A VERY
SUDDEN AND SHARP PLUMMET within the leadership of Canada shall echo freedom
across the land. O Canada, cry out to me, march forward, put on the whole armor of God,
and STAND, for the dawn, breaking forth of your salvation, is at hand.

Julie Green 2022-02-12
Major exposures regarding Trudeau are about to break open the floodgates of truth in
Canada. Their worst nightmare is coming to pass. I had people that infiltrated their
government and caught all of them in the acts, and they, too, have the green light to
move forward... Australia, your deliverance is at hand. Your government is about to
take a major fall. What you are experiencing now will not stand. So hold on and stand
your ground. Freedom will reign in your land again. I am putting a righteous leader
along with a new government for you in this hour that will work hand in hand with my
son, Trump, and the United States of America.

Amanda Grace 2022-02-18
Fierce opposition, says the Lord, in Canada within their own leadership. There shall be a
spill, says the Lord thy God this day, in Canada, that the world shall not soon forget.
There shall be a spill, says the Lord thy God this day, in Australia the world shall not
soon forget.

Julie Green 2022-02-20
Australia, awaken unto me, and you will see complete restoration in your land. Like I
have spoken before, the time has come to awaken unto me and my word. O Canada, I
will not forsake you in this hour. I am with you, so keep standing. They are losing
ground and losing control. You are about to see Justin Trudeau take a hiatus. This is
what they will say. He is losing his power. He is now seen as a failure to the elites for
not being able to stop you even with all his power and might. No! because I AM with
you, Canada, and against them. They have lost their foothold never to regain it again
over you. Freedom is not coming. It is here to stay, so keep fighting. Your breakthrough
is here, saith the Lord of hosts.

Julie Green 2022-02-22
Trudeau, your days of being in power are coming to an end. You see the writing on the wall,
and you choose to keep fighting. You will lose no matter what. No matter who is with you,
Let my people go! Those words have been spoken in your nation, and nothing can stop their
freedoms from coming to pass. You are finished, Justin.

Julie Green 2022-03-15
Canada, the fall of your government will be great, and you will be set free from them
holding your nation hostage. Watch for this to occur in the United States and know this
is also coming to your land, freedom, and restoration like never before. Trudeau and all
who are with him are being removed by my hand, and all will be judged, so don't give up,
Canada. I AM is coming to deliver you, saith the Lord of hosts. Australia, I am cleansing
out your government and making it new for you. As you see this in America, know the
great I AM will overturn and overthrow all those wicked leaders in your land as well. I
have not forgotten you or forsaken you, Australia. I am delivering you, so lift your
hands to me in this hour. I have the final say in your land.

Julie Green 2022-03-28
Australia, you are about to get another major weather event hitting your land. Do not be
afraid of this. I the Lord am stopping your leaders from what they had planned against
you. You asked, Lord, how can it get any worse? Well, my children, they had worse plans
for you. But I am here to deliver you and set you free from this tyranny. To my children
who live in Australia, everything will be okay. I am judging your leaders. They have to
let you go. I do have the final say in your land.

Julie Green 2022-04-01
Canada, watch and listen. A discovery was made, and the truth about Justin Trudeau will
come out of your land. Hold on, Canada. I am delivering you from Trudeau and all who
are with him. You will have freedom never known before in your land in this year of 2022.

Julie Green 2022-05-05
A major news story will break out in Canada. Information has been uncovered regarding
your leaders, and exposures will take place on a scale never seen before or experienced
in your country. Canada, I am moving to free your country, and I will bring your enemies
down. Others that love me will take their places of power. Once you see the United States
securely delivered and reborn, remember that it is for you and your nation as well.
Canada, you will work closer with the United States than ever before, because there will
be no interference from the world leaders who never wanted that relationship between
your nations, but I will bring more uniting of many nations in this hour, saith the Lord
of hosts.

Amanda Grace 2022-07-11
... the northern part of Canada watch for an uncanny event, for unusual events and
occurrences out of Canada shall cause the landscape, the legalscape of the nation to
change, as I the Lord deliver the pastors from the lion's den that jealous wicked
leadership so threw them into. Watch what I do in this season, says the Lord, as I cause
judges to be moved in a way they never thought they would move, and I the Lord shall
unlock that prison and I shall in a miraculous sequence of events deliver those pastors,
and I the Lord shall nullify those verdicts, and I shall puzzle the leadership as to how
this happened, and they shall begin to be weary of touching the shepherds, for the bear
[Russia] will come for them, if they so continue to do so, says the Lord of hosts.

Julia Green 2022-07-20
Canada, hold on. Do not comply to their lies. Rise up and take back what belongs to
you. Don't let Trudeau or anyone with him enslave you again. I am removing him. He is
nothing in my sight. You will watch him squirm when exposures come to light, revealing
his lies and who paid for him to be in that position. Yes, it was stolen! Your elections
are not elections at all. These people are purposely placed even when the people have
wanted otherwise. This is over, saith the Lord of hosts.

Julie Green 2022-10-27
Keep your eyes on Canada and Australia for major political changes. Darkness has
struck your enemies' places of power, and more and more are being removed in this
hour, saith the Lord of hosts.

Julie Green 2022-11-03
Canada: watch the U.S. and remember, the leaders you see today, you will not see
anymore. Your government will fall, and a new one is coming. Believe in your
freedoms that are yours. The end of all you see is not just for the United States. Your
government will fall, too. Australia: the same goes for you. Watch your government.
Your leaders will, too, be removed. Something significant is about to come out of
your government, how they helped the Biden steal my nation, and your leaders will
fall to my judgment. Declare your freedoms today, and watch me free your land.

Julie Green 2022-11-06
I am bringing down Canada's government, and I am bringing down Australia's

Julie Green 2023-01-14
Keep your eyes on Canada. Something significant is about to take place there.

Julie Green 2023-02-01
A major government collapse and catastrophe, they will say, regarding Australia.
A major exposure and resignation are coming for their government, saith the Lord.

Julie Green 2023-02-13
Watch Australia. Not only will a weather event take place, but something significant
will also occur in their government. It is falling, and you will soon see a collapse of
their government and its power, saith the Lord. Something significant and
extraordinary will take place in Canada. Trudeau will not last much longer. A great
upset will take place, and Trudeau will leave the seat of the presidentm, no matter
the plans or attempts to keep him there, saith the Lord.

Julie Green 2023-03-03
Something significant will happen in Australia, a great shaking in this land. An uproar
and resistance are growing to take back their freedoms in that country. I have told you
before that their government will collapse and a new one will take its place.

Amanda Grace 2023-03-17

Julie Green 2023-04-25
A great shaking in the land of Canada is about to be seen that will usher in your
freedoms once again.

Amanda Grace 2023-05-24
Australia, says the Lord, THUNDER, a storm and upheaval in that nation, as they
attempt an electric fence around their people. There shall be a short circuit, says the
Lord, and a window shall arise for Australia, to turn the breach they have suffered.
For many nations in this hour MUST TURN THE BREACH. What the enemy is
attempting to birth forth is horribly deformed and mutated, and such bondage must
not be birthed into the nation. MY PEOPLE, MY PEOPLE should not be assisting
to keep the breach intact, but MUST TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS AND

Amanda Grace 2023-07-01
... the physical fires burning in Canada spiritually stretched and ignited a passion
and fire in the people who want freedom from the bondage and unclean agenda of
socialism, communism, antisemitism, from the tax collectors, says the Lord, who
have gorged themselves on draining the people of their wage. It shall stretch as
winter approaches in those areas, for it shall reach Britain as well.

Amanda Grace 2023-08-01
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, Canada, oh the cries that have reached my
throne from Canada. I the Lord hear your cries. I see the cloak of darkness and the
summoning of dark demons. I see the cloak shrouding the nation. However, that
cloak is set to be torn. Removal shall happen differently, says the Lord. It shall be
sudden and swift. The people shall have a window to rise up, tear that cloak, and
take a firm stand in their faith and convictions. The bulldozer approaches to
dismantle what corrupt families have built. The appointed time is rapidly
approaching. The largest scandal to emerge from the government of Canada is
nearly upon you. Even members of the cabinet shall turn. Watch around the holiest
day of the year, for such events shall transpire. People of Canada, prepare to break
your chains and open the cells for political prisoners. Unjustly incarcerated
individuals shall be freed as this shall occur.

Julie Green 2023-08-07
Canada, something significant is about to take place in your land, one weather event
after another, unusual weather and unusual skies to show you a sign of your enemies'

Julie Green 2023-08-09
Australia's government is about to collapse. Watch the shock it will bring.

Julie Green 2024-03-20
Australia: a great upset is coming to your nation. Your government has brought
great unrest and destruction to your country, so I am removing them and giving
you someone new. Wake up, Australia, for my grace will be seen. Take this
opportunity as a nation and get with me, saith the Lord.

Julie Green 2024-09-24
A political shake-up in Canada is coming. Oh yes, the leaders there should be afraid
of what is coming. They helped with trying to take down my David, and they helped
with trying to keep him from going back to the White House. But now is the time
for great destruction and political destruction of their government. Trudeau: I am
through with you. You will not be in that seat much longer. It is not your seat to
control. You will be judged for all the crimes you have committed against your nation
and against the nation of the United States. There is nowhere for you to hide, and
there is no one to save you from me, says the Lord. Canada: shout because the
corruption in your land is being destroyed. As you see the political reset taking place
in the land of my eagle, rest assured that it is happening in your land as well.

Julie Green 2024-11-08
Canada: hold on because your victory is coming. Australia: I have a great victory for you.

Julie Green 2024-11-23
Canada, I have not forgotten about you. Just as my David is returning to the presidency,
you will see Trudeau fall before you and everyone with him. My glory will spread across
your nation like never before, and the ones who controlled and enslaved you will not be
found. They will not be able to stop my hand from moving across your land.

United Arab Emirates

Amanda Grace 2020-08-14
The United Arab Emirates are attempting to hedge their bet. Look carefully at
the timing, my children. After all the explosions that were warned of before
they came forth, this peace deal emerges. Watch the timing, watch the
connections, connect the dots, my children. Pray for insight and discernment as
you go forth, for this will impact the United States of America, and will become
a point of contention between two parties already violently opposed, says the
Lord of hosts this day.
[This was spoken the day after UAE normalized relations
with Israel.]

Julie Green 2022-05-19
Emirates: this name and airline will be in major news stories and not for what
you think. Any company hiding things will be exposed by me. These are the days
of great exposures, saith the Lord.

Julie Green 2022-09-05
United Arab Emirates: this location is going to be in your news.

Julie Green 2022-12-29
United Emirates will be in your news for a shocking reason. An airline company
is about to be exposed, and a scandal will consume them. There are many things
going on with the airline companies that you don't know about yet, how the
corporate world is connected to so many things you can't see. But I'm about to
show you all that has been going on and everything that has been hidden, saith
the Lord.