poems and songs by John McDonnell
lyric poems
1. Drury, Kansas
King of grains, buffed yellow and waving,
Red-brown earth, soft-powdered and craving
For thunderstorms' streams and white moonbeams
And luminous blue sky with the sun hot and high.
Kansas wheat, bleached light, dry, and swishing,
Late-spring air, blown gently, but wishing
For violent storms and rising warms
And cumulous white clouds in the sun casting shrouds.
Harvest wheat, brushed rusty and dusty,
Red-orange sky, rushed gusty and lusty
For all that I love — the beauty of
The old Drury mill reflecting the sunset still!
That mill has ground its last wheat harvest.
Though this mill has not, its eyes are west.
I recline in thought in the sunset's haze,
Lost in memories, dreaming of gone days.
Photograph of the 1883 mill at Drury, Kansas, before it was destroyed by fire in 1953. The stone portions
of the mill, now nearly gone, were still standing when "Drury, Kansas" was written in 1966.
2. Saint Patrick
An all-honey stream was my golden destination,
Fallen angels in Ireland charmed my imagination,
Until I learned the voice of God and feet in preparation shod.
Honeyed dreams of love descend to cares diurnal.
Devils rage in Ireland inspiring wars infernal.
Repentant now I teach the way that hastens on that vernal day
When human love shall bloom in perfect tenderness,
And angels stand in Ireland teaching harmlessness,
When men go up to learn of Christ, yea, learn in happiness of Christ.
3. Oread
On the leeward slope of the south wind's rage
Shadows of trees were washing with waters
The campus lights of a populous age
Down in a pondering lake called Potter's.
Through the heaving rush campanile sounds
Mingled in moods of maundering musing.
An elf-eared nymph pirouetting the grounds
Flitted past courts of abandoned choosing.
Many years ago someone named the place
For this unknown, anonymous numen.
Her buoyant leaps and her innocent face
Startle beholders whose traits are human.
The scholar's brusque treatment of Oread's rough:
A mountainous myth! and this mountain's a bluff!
But for those whose eyes dilate when breezes are airy,
Dance, gentle nymph, in your haunt of the prairie!
somber tones
1. Palm Reader
A little girl sat next to me,
In silence held my nearest hand.
She peered into its palm and wept.
I wonder whether she could see
Back then my present, understand
What I must face but can't accept.
Perhaps that would explain her tears,
A vision of my tragic years.
If so, what leaves my soul aghast
Was long ago within some scheme
To test my soul beyond its strength.
That reading of my palm, long past,
Is like a sign within a dream,
On waking, thought about at length.
Although my presence isn't much,
With joy I breathe the air I touch.
2. Humbled
My glory was my colored wings
On which I soared from flower to flower
Till someone reached and pinched them fast
And held me helpless in his power.
His grasp rubbed scales of color off,
But made it seem it was my fault
Because I thrashed and struggled so,
Then dropped me humbled, fearful, halt.
Perhaps my wings had lift enough.
I was too shocked to try them then.
Ashamed, I crawled away on dirt
And feared I'd never fly again.
Through autumn winds that blow dead leaves
I drag my shredded wings that feel
A useless burden I must bear.
Once damaged, they can never heal.
My glory's gone, the winds are cold,
And look, I fly amidst dead leaves
That flutter till they finally rot,
A loss of dullness no one grieves.
3. Dryad
One wandered through enchanted woods
In which a nymph might dwell unseen,
A thought that stopped one's lonely pace
To kneel ashamed and feel most keen
The curse that moved one to this place.
All violated beauty's lost
Except what's left to be transformed,
And were there eyes with satyr gleams,
Then hatred that you shrieked alarmed,
Then choked-out breath to stop your screams?
Have mercy, dryad of these woods,
On one who wanders here forlorn.
My tragic life was victim of
A priestcraft trait that I must scorn
As out of touch with Christian love,
Yet I'm the one left out of touch.
To this the nymph, if she exists,
Would show or sound no clear reply
Unless it was in moving mists
Or in a near crow's stunning cry.
Song Suite No. 1
When Ireland fell from heaven, an island green was made,
And all the elves and fairies descended to its shade.
So in the green of Ireland don't be surprised to see
A fairy making pollen cakes and flower nectar tea.
Pamela, I shall always love you,
Although I don't know where you are,
For in your heart there is sunshine always,
And its rays can be felt from afar.
Someone keeps this garden, the flowers are all in bloom,
And yet deserted is the house and empty every room.
Others pick the flowers, but I stand back in fear,
For someone keeps this garden and all the flowers here.
Song Suite No. 2
Ice on the river,
Broken in sections,
Sparkling in sunshine,
Steadily moving,
Silently melting.
Stand by the river.
Make a reflection.
Fallen soft petals,
Floating on green pond,
Languidly swirling,
Clinging to paddles,
Gradually sinking.
Stand by the green pond.
Make a reflection.
Childhood and loving,
Melting and sinking,
Needing reflection.
Stand by their flowing.
Sing of their beauty.
Taking on our flesh,
Jesus felt our pains,
Taught the ways of God,
Healed where there was faith.
God was pleased with him.
Bleeding from each pore,
Jesus felt our sins,
Took them on himself,
Offering unto God
Perfect sacrifice.
Rising from the dead,
Jesus felt our joys.
We shall live again,
Never more to die.
Jesus loves us all.
You careless island dwellers,
For twenty days unbroken
Across unstable surging
Without an eye to see us
Our engine churned the water.
We found your island barely
Protruding through the ocean.
Your peaceful eyelids greet us
As if we ought to sigh now.
We like your smiling faces,
The laughter of your children.
How old's your oldest tree here?
We found your island barely
Protruding through the ocean.
Near half a globe of water
Is pulled by lunar motions,
Is blown near unimpeded.
Although we buy your produce,
Our tastes are continental.
We found your island barely
Protruding through the ocean.
Song Suite No. 3
In this garden butterflies
Hopping blossoms that here grow
In the fragrance rhapsodize
And to colors joy bestow,
Glowing colors moving hearts,
Where love's dormant something starts,
Moving colors glowing bright
Bringing smiles that make things right.
In this garden bumblebees
Buzzing blossoms that here bend
Give by taking, moments seize,
Joy like this must never end,
Glowing moments moving hearts,
Where love's dormant something starts,
Moving moments glowing bright
Bringing smiles that make things right.
We built our boat beside the ocean
In the heat of summer day.
The sea blew in, stirred our devotion
For our plans to sail away.
The time for launching came past sunset
When the scented land blew out.
The breeze across the rocks and runlet
Touched our hearts and stirred up doubt.
Why sail away from meadow sweetness,
Float upon Earth's bitter tears?
On land we find at times completeness.
Souls adrift at sea have fears.
That all our work would not be wasted,
Though we hesitated some,
We launched our boat, the sea spray tasted,
And to this far land have come.
So now we dance beside the ocean
That our plans and fears have crossed.
Someday we'll sail back with emotion,
If in storms we are not lost.
To play a good song while marching along,
The sound of the pipes on Mount Zion.
With gladness of heart to play a good part,
The sound of the pipes on Mount Zion.
God's glory shall stun
And darken the sun
Approaching the Holy One.
The drumsticks now whirl, the bagpipes now skirl,
The sound of the pipes on Mount Zion.
1. Empty House
The moving van has left with all they own
Except their car, their luggage, and themselves.
Inside the house, inspecting closets, shelves,
The widowed mother bites an urge to groan
To voice aloud the emptiness inside.
Her search finds only crayon marks on doors.
Departing footsteps squeak on naked floors.
Then shuts the way she entered as a bride.
The emptiness has voices now, the snap
Of window glass when breezes shift, the scratch
Of branches on the roof, a rattling latch,
A whistling at a drapeless window gap.
She joins her children waiting in the car
And hopes their sadness won't be carried far.
2. Waterfall
Their wade up to a waterfall today
Was not to calculate its rate of flow.
The aftermath their feet did simply know.
In sunlit mood beyond their voice to say
They went to witness power and feel its spray.
When near the roar they saw prismatic glow
As over mossy stones they pressed each toe
While clasping hands to hold each other's sway.
They entered soothing mists that beaded skin
Extending arms to touch the crash within.
How much meandered to unmeasured fall?
As much as bubbled after. That was all.
Their wade today was very much a part
Of calculations love has made an art.
3. To William A. Albrecht
You learned of health by centrifuging clay
For testing plants, from plots on Sanborn Field,
From rabbits' growth, from grazing cows assay
Of what the soil permits the plants to yield.
You saw within the soil or absent there
Some reasons for our health or lack thereof.
You wrote because you felt impelled to share
In words that would reveal the truth in love.
Your papers now collected are a source
For teaching how to grow nutritious plants.
As eco-agriculture charts its course
Instructed by your calmly reasoned hints,
It knows the fruit of your life's work could be
Ascending health for all humanity.
4. Winterbourne
The leafless twigs in morning sunlight swung
Soft blurs across the dazzling crystals snowed.
Stacked flakes that high in evergreens still hung
Cascaded as each limb shook off its load.
Some skating shovelers clear the ice of drifts
For families huddling round an oil drum fire.
Small kids are held for lacing Christmas gifts,
Then wobble off toward thrills their hearts desire.
Will afternoon bring out the boisterous bands
Who muscle hockey pucks through sticks and spars?
Will evening whirl with couples holding hands,
Some looking up together at the stars?
One leaps into a spin one must not botch,
Because a certain person's there, to watch.
5. Blue-tailed Skink
The speckled cast of oak leaf filtered sun
Limns grounded rocks and lichened barks with sheen.
These otherwise would seem the drabbest dun,
Relieved by any undergrowth that's green.
Across dead leaves a darting lizard form,
That's smooth and dark with lengthwise yellow stripes
And tail of purest blue, attracts one's gaze.
Just when one thought that dullness was the norm
Here scampers this, quite unlike stereotypes,
To stir one's weary thoughts to those of praise.
One's wish the sight with someone else were shared
Extends until one's soul is frankly scared
By shocking clacks on rocks from bounding deer
One feels ashamed one did not know were near.
6. Aerial Photograph
I saw a photograph, an airplane view,
Of woods that blessed us with burrs while hiking through.
The stream you teetered across on fallen tree
Flows where it's marked for drainage pipes to be.
The giant oak I climbed with throbbing heart
Is xed for chain saw gangs to rip apart.
For now, those woods still hang with tangled vines,
Still drop their autumn leaves, still hold their buds,
Through bare-branched winter months, to split and swell.
For now, in springtime's bright translucence, shines,
Or, piercing summer's arching denseness, floods,
A tranquil light. Is there some way to tell
The planners that their vision from above
Has taken leave of senses that we love?
7. Sap
In early spring amidst the barrenness
Of hardwood trees before new leaves spread
One seeks and finds a grapevine dripping sap.
The blackened bark from which it bleeds I guess
To be half one's height above one's head.
From there clear drops fall across the gap
To splatter ground foliage. What forces bring
Up moisture from the soil to treetop vines
Upheld by past years' tendril twists that cling?
Perhaps these grapevine leaks are flashing signs
For curious minds who notice things like this,
Who, though they may not read, would be remiss
To leave unmentioned curious sights they've seen
And fail to even guess what they might mean.
inspired by The Book of Mormon
1. I Am the Land America
I am the land America. I am a holy land.
I am the New Jerusalem where Jesus Christ shall stand.
When he was born, a star appeared my sky had never owned,
And when they nailed him to a cross, my face broke up and groaned.
When he arose, my dead in him awakened from their graves.
He taught my living, healed their sick, and calmed my winds and waves.
He sent his Spirit from above to comfort and to guide
Those who remembered his commands. In them he did abide.
But after two bright centuries his gospel they denied.
No more their Savior gladly served, but cursed his name and died.
Engraved in gold, their prophets' words, now crying from my dust,
Repent, believe his gospel true, don't fall from grace like us,
Must to my living be proclaimed, or they must likewise fall.
The nations dandled on my knees must show Christ's love for all.
I am the land America. I am a holy land.
I am the New Jerusalem where Jesus Christ shall stand.
2. Quetzalcoatl
He came from Heaven
To teach the people.
The winds obeyed him,
Was called messiah,
Was thought inhuman.
He would not listen
To tales of bloodshed,
Nor look at lusting.
With hands he covered
His ears and vision.
He melted anger
And softened glances
With love beyond them.
He left them happy
Beyond their measure.
3. Nephi's Vision
At journey's end the tree of life stands lovely more than all we know.
The whiteness of the fruit it bears exceeds in brightness sunlit snow.
The taste thereof has sweeter tang than honey and the honeycomb.
The joy therefrom surpasses throbs sojourners feel in finding home.
Joy must be shared or is not joy. There is a search through swimming eyes
To find and call familiar souls to come and taste of paradise.
Though many doubt or even jeer to try to prompt a sense of shame,
The tree is there, its fruit is free, the path to it has precious name.
A virgin fairer than the fair became the mother of our God.
In children and in childlike hearts the love of him is shed abroad.
At journey's end the tree of life stands lovely more than all we know.
The whiteness of the fruit it bears exceeds in brightness sunlit snow.
4. Behold the Children
Christ shall gently lead those who are with young,
Touching every need with a love that's sung,
Behold the children in God's love.
Boys and girls become men and women soon.
Mellow voices hum in a joyful tune,
Behold the children in God's love.
Parents ever grieve if their children stray,
And when children leave quavering voices say,
Behold the children in God's love.
At the end of years there before God's throne
Truths revealed through tears angel songs intone,
Behold the children in God's love.
5. Aminadab
In daytime an overshadowing cloud
Made darkness so deep that we all felt fear.
Then as if from above the cloud came a voice
That though from above seemed closer than near.
Each time the sound spoke the prison walls shook.
Aminadab's voice then called us to look.
We turned and we saw two faces aglow
As Nephi and Lehi with angels conversed.
Aminadab told us to cry to the voice.
We cried till the cloud of darkness dispersed.
Then pillars of fire encircled each soul
And burned in our hearts until we felt whole.
The Spirit of God had entered our hearts
And gave us power to speak marvelous words.
Then again from above was whispered a voice.
The joy in our hearts was soaring like birds.
We looked up to see from whence came the sound.
The heavens were open and angels came down.
The angels we watched then bade us go forth
And marvel no more nor doubt what was sent.
We spread out to tell of the loving voice,
And Lamanites everywhere began to repent,
To lay down their war gear, to worship the Lord,
And give back the lands that were taken by sword.
1. Fresh From Thy Presence, Lord
Fresh from thy presence, Lord, this child we see
Reflecting image of thy majesty,
And yet how helpless clings,
What joy to parents brings.
In sighs of thankfulness rings this mystery.
Before thy people, Lord, we now see blessed
By elders of thy church this special guest
From those bright realms above
Where all things bask in love.
On earth may this child know of all that is best.
2. This Daughter Like Descending Dove
This daughter like descending dove
Is ordained to represent
Abiding Spirit from above
Lighting on all who repent
With its vibrant ministry
Calming with authority.
May her mere presence bring to all
Visions of a peaceful life
While her well-chosen words enthrall
All whose careless words make strife
That all hearts might soar on wings
In the Spirit that she brings.
3. Those Who Serve God
Those who serve God by helping those he made
Sense his great love and on his strength rely.
Their souls have heard the urgency conveyed,
Whom shall I send? Each answers, Here am I.
Those who serve God rejoice to be so blessed.
Pleasing their maker fills their hearts with glee.
Their souls have heard the great concern expressed,
Who'll go for us? Each answers, Lord, send me.