landzastanzabiblical events in Nostradamus propheciesSP1 = first signpost: white horseSP2 = second signpost: red horse SP3 = third signpost: black horse SP4 = fourth signpost: green horse M/A = Mahdi/Antichrist ET = ekklesia triumphant geographic indexes geographic visions American deep state
Bible prophecies pertain to the land of Jerusalem and the regions round about. The
Table 01: contents of Les Propheties
The 1568 Guinard X edition [download] was cobbled together to make an omnibus
Table 02: Les Propheties coverage in 9 English translations and 2 concordances
Christian eschatology, the study of the end times from a biblical point of view, has been
Table 03: the four biblical signposts leading to the Islamic Antichrist
Table 04: numbers of Nostradamus quatrains that may be related to prophesied biblical events
geographic indexes
Table 05: 60 quatrains predicting end-time Islamic invasions of European countries
Table 06: 53 quatrains related to the 60 quatrains
Table 07: 50 place names in the 113 quatrains not mentioned in other quatrains
Table 08: Mesopotamia in the Middle East and in France
France. The Avignon papacy was also known as the Babylonian Captivity. After the papacy returned to Rome, Avignon remained a papal possession until 1791. _
Table 09: Iran
In a 2020-08-26 speech, Turkish President Erdogan referred to Greece (officially the Hellenic Republic) as being "unworthy of the Byzantine legacy." According to The Great Sea by David Abulafia, Mehmet II, who in 1453 conquered the Byzantine capital of Constantinople, "resolved the dispute between those relatively cautious advisors who opposed rapid expansion for fear of over-extension, and the more adventurous faction that saw Mehmet as the leader of a revitalized Roman Empire controlled by Muslim Turks who would combine Roman-Byzantine, Turkic and Islamic concepts of rule. His aim was to restore and fulfill, rather than destroy, the Roman Empire. His Greek scribes issued documents describing him as Mehmet, Basileus and Autocrat of the Romans, the title by which the Byzantine emperors had been known" (page 385). To say that Greece is unworthy of the Byzantine legacy is to imply that legacy is worthy of restoration.
Cyprus. That island was the main source of elemental copper (cuprum in the periodic table) for the historical bronze Hellenic empires of Greece and Rome. Cyprus has two mountain ranges, a large one in the Greek area (where elemental copper and copper minerals were mined), and a narrow one along the northern edge of the Turkish area, with the capital Nicosia poised between. The land features of Cyprus may have been alluded to in Zechariah 6:1, which was written prior to the rise of the historical Greek and Roman empires. In the KJV this reads: "And I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came four chariots out from between two mountains; and the mountains were mountains of brass." The Hebrew word translated "brass" is Strong's 5178 "nechosheth" meaning copper or anything made from copper or copper alloy. But in this case, with land features mentioned, it could allude to the island that had been a source of copper long before Zechariah 6:1 was written. Although Zechariah did not mention Kittim, a Hebrew name for Cyprus, the directions that the four chariots of Zechariah 6:5-6 went suggest a central physical location to move out from. The Jewish Study Bible at Zechariah 6:5-6 reads [my comments in brackets]: "Those [the four chariots of horses] are the four winds of heaven coming out after presenting themselves to the Lord of all the earth. The one with the black horses is going out to the region of the north [Turkiye]; the white ones have gone out to what is west from them [Albania]; the spotted ones have gone to the region of the south [Egypt]; and the dappled ones have gone out..." To this a note is added: "Emendation yields 'the bay ones will go out to the region of the east [Syria].'" For his translation of this passage, Robert Alter commented: "The received text has ha'amutsim, 'the spotted ones,' but this is a synonym for 'the dappled ones,' who have already been accounted for, and the red horses seem to have disappeared. The translation therefore reads ha'adumim, 'the red ones.'" Turkiye, Albania, Egypt, and Syria were all parts of the historical bronze Hellenic empires of Greece and Rome. Their modern Islamic manifestations are poised north, west, south, and east of Cyprus, the copper island with its capital poised between two mountain ranges. Turkiye, Albania, Egypt, and Syria may be the four countries prophesied of in Daniel 7:6, which in the KJV reads: "After this I beheld, and lo another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads; and dominion was given to it."
Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Slovenia. In the 15th and 16th centuries much of the region was conquered by the Islamic Ottoman Empire. But by 1853, former British Prime Minister John Russell was calling the Ottoman Empire "the sick man of Europe." During the Crimean War (1853-1856), Britain sided with a weakened Ottoman Empire against Russia. In 1867, the Austria-Hungary Empire was formed, which in 1878, took over Bosnia and Herzegovina, but allowed them to remain parts of the Ottoman Empire until annexing them in 1908. The Austria-Hungary Empire became an expanded version of Pannonia until its collapse in 1918. The quatrains concerning Pannonia portray resisted attempts to reconquer the region for Islam during the 3rd and 4th signposts.
600 BC about 600 Phokaians from Ionia in western Asia Minor sailed westward to establish Massalia in Gaul (now Marseille in France); the Phokaians remaining in Ionia did not leave until the mid-6th century BC when the Persian forces of Cyrus were invading western Asia Minor, when an en masse exodus of Phokaians left in five ships (one of which was seized by Phoenician pirates); after stops at Chios and Corsica, they joined the Phokaians at Massalia.
occupied by Romans, Christian Byzantines, Islamic Arabs and Berbers. The Barbary States that Nostradamus wrote about are now Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya. |
geographic visionsIn The Unknown Nostradamus (2003), Peter Lemesurier translated portionsof Nostradamus's 1552 preface to his 1555 book Traité des fardemens et confitures (Treatise on cosmetics and conserves), in which Nostradamus mentioned his 1521 to 1529 "study of natural remedies across various lands and countries." During those years, he "wandered through many countries." Three decades later, Nostradamus was writing prophecies that are loaded with references to geographical places. It would be interesting to know which places he had memories of and which he learned about only from books and maps. After his eight years of wandering, he settled down in Agen, now in the Lot-et-Garonne department of France. Agen is near places mentioned in quatrain 8:2, which prophesied concerning what he saw in a vision. Similarities both conceptually and geographically between 1:46 and 8:2 suggest that sometimes Nostradamus could not cram the reporting of what he saw in a vision into a single quatrain. 1:46
Condon & Aux & autour de Mirande Je voy du ciel feu qui les environne. Sol Mars conjoint au Lyon puis marmande Fouldre, grand gresle, mur tombe dans Garonne. Richard Sieburth 2012 Condom & Auch & all around Mirande, I see the sky-fire that's surrounding them : Sun, Mars in Leo, & then at Marmande Hail, lightning : wall falling into Garonne. |
American deep stateThe scope of Nostradamus prophecies is "the regions, countries, & mostof the towns & cities of all Europe, including Africa & a portion of Asia" (Epistle to Henry II, Sieburth's 2012 translation). It was unusual for Nostradamus in the 1550s to prophesy about a continent discovered in 1492. Only in quatrain 10:66 did he mention "regne l'Americh" (the American realm). But since one of the primary goals of globalists is to destroy American power, a few quatrains concerning the fall of global wickedness are having American fulfillments.