recent Christian prophecies

spotlights on fulfillments

Tulsi Gabbard submarines
overturning Roe v. Wade Red October submarine
evil practices in Utah Turkiye
Georgia Guidestones Mount Sinai
Artur Pawlowski Iran
Adam Schiff China & Taiwan
hazelnut one day of vengeance
Big Ben Mount Moriah

Texts of prophecies are in blue font. Geographic
indicators within prophecies are in red font.

Tulsi Gabbard

On 2022-02-27 Julie Green prophesied:
Watch! News will break out about Tulsi Gabbard. She is changing sides from Blue
to Red. She has seen what is going on and cannot stand for what they stand for. Yes,
Tulsi is not one of them.

On 2022-03-13 Julie Green prophesied:
Continue to watch Tulsi Gabbard and her words. The tide is turning, and more
people from the left will go to the right. My children, I know you are asking, Lord,
how can we trust anyone from that side? My children, watch. Some will have an
honest change of heart. Not everyone has sold their soul to the devil.

2022-05-03 video by Tulsi Gabbard

2022-10-11 video by Tulsi Gabbard

recent videos on Tulsi Gabbard's YouTube channel

overturning Roe v. Wade

On 2021-12-05 Julie Green prophesied:
Riots are about to break out after the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Yes, the enemy
will try and fill the streets once again with chaos, but I, the Lord, will deal with
the ones in the streets and the ones that drove them there to do this. Yes, many
payments were dispersed to cause great chaos.

On 2022-05-06 Julie Green prophesied:
They will not get away with their war on life. Roe versus Wade will be overturned
whether they like it or not. No matter their words or their plans, they will come
to nothing. Your enemies do not represent this nation or the people of this nation
because they stole their way into power.

On 2022-05-21 Julie Green prophesied:
I told you and warned you there would be riots in the streets surrounding Roe
versus Wade. Now you will see why they do that, how they were paid, who paid
them, and what was behind this whole thing. Remember, things are not how they
appear to be. I am opening up all the doors to show you what has been done.

On 2022-06-16 Julie Green prophesied:
To the world leaders: do you actually think you have the power to control my
nation the United States of America
, to control the elections, the government,
and the justice system along with the economy? I will rip it all from your hands.
And the Supreme Court will come out and hit you with your first major blow and
overturn your Baal worship. You won't know what to do but to start a war that
won't go as planned. Your power has been taken from you. This nation, with Roe
versus Wade overturning, will be reborn with freedom from your bondage and
chains. You will never regain that power again. It's all slipping from your grasp
now with no way to stop it, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-06-24 Roe v. Wade was officially overturned by the Supreme Court,
thereby allowing each State to make its own laws regarding abortion of babies.

evil practices in Utah

On 2022-04-16 Julie Green prophesied:
Utah will be in your news. Listen to what is being exposed there. A snake pit of lies
was being hidden, and your fraudulent government was using this area to test
certain things out. This, too, will be exposed. Utah, I will cleanse your land of
poisonous acts and the underground tunnels they used to move children around.
They will be found and destroyed. So, Utah, brace for what is about to be revealed
in your state and know that I am God, and I will heal your land from their
destruction and disgusting acts. Mormon: this word will be in your news, and
more truth is being revealed in Utah. People are living in ways you never thought
possible, saith the Lord. Human sacrifices will be discovered and exposed for the
world to see as well as the truth on not only what the fraudulent government has
been doing behind closed doors but the world elites and what they did to
experiment on other human beings for their advancement of control over this
world. Yes, they experiment on humans in ways no one ever thought to be
humanly possible. Their sins run deep, my children, and they are more evil than
anyone thought. All is being uncovered now, and this will come to an abrupt end.
The blood is dripping from their hands, and that blood cries for justice.
Judgment is being served, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-04-24 Julie Green prophesied:
The governor of Utah will be in your news. Listen to what is being said. The
governor has a lot of explaining to do. Things hidden will be revealed.

2022-05-31 news report video

2022-06-01 news report video

On 2022-08-24 Julie Green prophesied:
Watch the state of Utah. Unusual things will keep taking place in this state.
Something big will be uncovered that has been hidden by your enemies, but
the truth will no longer stay buried, saith the Lord.

Georgia Guidestones

Engraved into the eight faces of the four granite slabs were ten guidelines for humanity,
written in eight languages. The first of the guidelines read: "Maintain humanity under
500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature." The current population of humanity on
Earth is about fifteen times greater than that number.
On 2022-01-22 Julie Green prophesied:
You will see a monument destroyed in this hour. This monument will show the
world that all their plans are falling as I speak these words. Know that when
you see this monument crumble to the ground, I am moving quickly to restore
my nation back as a superpower that the United States was always meant to
be with no restrictions, with no satanic agenda, with no interference from any
infiltrators and with no more of these swamp rats controlling my nation or
its government, a clean sweep of it all, a complete restoration, and people in
power I have put in this hour. My light is shining on my nation to completely
set you free from what you see now.

On 2022-06-19 Julie Green prophesied:
Lightning will strike a monument, and, my children, this will signal that your
enemies' destruction and fall is great, and is right around the corner, saith
the Lord of hosts.
[The Georgia Guidestones were struck by lightning on
2022-07-06 at about 4 AM.]

On 2022-09-02 Julie Green prophesied:
The Georgia Guidestones will be in your news again. Your enemies want to
rebuild this, but that will never happen. Not only will this not be rebuilt, but
I am moving my hand to destroy more of their monuments, and they can do
nothing to stop it, saith the Lord.

Artur Pawlowski

On 2022-02-12 Julie Green prophesied:
There will be justice and victory for my son Artur Pawlowski, because they
used him as an example. Listen my son, I am exposing their dirty plots
against you and vindicating your name. You are another Joseph in this hour.
Your life will be changed in one day, and one day is all I need, my son. You
will rise higher, never to be taken prisoner again. All who imprisoned you
will fall and be imprisoned themselves. Some will die by the angel of death.
You are being vindicated now, my son, so hold your ground. The Great I AM
is coming to deliver you.

On 2022-02-24 Julie Green prophesied:
Artur Pawlowski, I have not forsaken you. Once again I am speaking to you,
to tell you, I am moving where you are. I promise to completely deliver you
from that prison cell. You are my Joseph, and I will raise you up higher.
Your reward is great, my son, for not bowing, and I promise you, just like
those three Hebrew men, you will come out with no evidence that you were
ever in that prison cell. I am pouring out glory in that place, giving you
great peace. I will give you dreams and revelations you never thought you
would receive. Yes, I have you, my son, and I have great plans for you. I
will give you great joy in the midst of such sorrow. Revival will break out
where you are, and the people around you will receive my Son. What Satan
wanted to use to break you, I am using to strengthen you. I am bringing out
more who now believe in me than the number that went in believing there
was no God. They are seeing you and what is in you. My anointing is like a
light, and it gives them such peace. So know that I am your deliverer and
that what is about to happen for you, will be like Paul and Silas. Start to
raise your voice and praise me exactly where you are. All those shackles
and prison cells will break open, and you will walk out. Just know, my son,
your assignment in there I have given to you. Go fulfill it, and watch, my
son, what I do for you in these coming weeks.

On 2022-03-09 Julie Green prophesied:
Artur Pawlowski, my glory will fill your cell. I am pouring my peace upon
you. My joy will fill your heart. Yes, people will see my glory on you. I want
you to know, my son, I am here to deliver you from that cell. Continue to
praise and worship me. You are coming out by my hand, and they can not
stop this from coming to pass. No judge, no law, no leader can hold that
prison door shut when I, the Lord, tell it to open. Artur, I AM is here for
you. I never left you. This time will soon be a memory of what the enemy
tried to do, from stopping my glory to filling you to overflowing and being
used in this time as a great and mighty man of valor and a child of the
Most High God. But your enemies can't stop my will from coming to pass.
So stand every day, Artur, and believe me. You are coming out never to go
back there again. Remember, you are my Joseph, going from prison to the
palace in one day. The God of the impossible is showing up for you, so
believe this day that I always have the final say, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-07-22 the Alberta Court of Appeal ruled that the injunction
against Artur Pawlowski, his arrest, his jail time, the censorship order,
and fines against him were all illegal.

2023-09-08 video Julie Green interview with Artur and Julie Pawlowski

2023-09-20 video explaining why Artur Pawlowski will not serve any more
jail time, fulfilling what Julie Green had prophesied: "You are coming out
never to go back there again."

2023-09-27 video prophecy fulfilled concerning Arthur Pawlowski

2023-10-03 video Julie Green interview with Artur and Julie Pawlowski

2024-04-15 video Julie Green interview with Artur Pawlowski

Adam Schiff

On 2021-12-14 Julie Green prophesied:
Adam Schiff, how shifty you are. A weasel, a rat, you sold this nation out
and formulated plans to throw out my son from his rightful position as
President. You thought you were so clever and couldn't be caught. Well,
I will shine my spotlight on you, and all will see the proof of your
disgusting acts against my son the true President and also your part in
selling out my nation to China for your protection. Just like the United
States was to sink like the Titanic, you were supposed to be set for life
because of the part you played. Yes, China sold you out and I will show
the world who you are. You too will be tried for treason and you will
pay with your life. Nothing can save you now, Adam Schiff, for your
shifty deals have cost you your life, and nothing can change your future.

On 2022-02-07 Julie Green prophesied:
Adam Schiff, I am exposing you. You'll be removed from your place of
power. You will leave with embarrassment and shame. You will be forced
to apologize to the nation for your part in both impeachments and for
the coup against my son Donald Trump. You will have to admit he is the
rightful president. Adam, you lose. You will be tried for treason in front
of the whole world. You are being let go now. You have no more protection
for the part you played. The elites are letting you fall to save others they
want to protect. Just like so many, you were expendable and safe only
UNTIL there was no more need for you.

On 2022-03-09 Julie Green prophesied:
Adam Schiff will be in the headlines regarding a major scandal. Yes, a
whistleblower will come forward, to release video and audio on Schiff and
tell all his lies to the American people. The seal over everything they kept
hidden is broken. The news will report a significant flood. This news will
show the world the flood of truth has begun. Adam, your days of being in
power are over.

On 2022-05-06 Julie Green prophesied:
Adam Schiff, you opened your mouth with defiance against me once
again. You were warned and you ignored my command. You refused to
obey and turn back from your wicked ways. You have sown so much
destruction and chaos, so now you shall receive that in your own life.
Truth will flood this Earth that you will not be able to escape. Truth
exposing you and all your lies and what and who you were hiding
behind. Your judgment will be great, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-07-23 Julie Green prophesied:
Adam Schiff is about to be exposed big time. A great fall he will take
in front of the world.

On 2022-08-18 Julie Green prophesied:
Adam Schiff, a whistleblower is about to come out and expose who you
really are and all that you have been hiding. Adam, I have warned you,
but you refused to listen. Embarrassment and shame you shall feel, and
a fall you shall take in front of the world that you will not recover from,
saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-10-15 Julie Green prophesied:
Adam Schiff is about to take a major fall, and once you see this remember
exposures are coming for all of them against me, saith the Lord.

On 2022-12-04 Julie Green prophesied:
Adam Schiff: great judgments are about to hit your door. You can't hide
from the truth. You are a traitor, a snake, and you cannot slither away
and hide from your treasonous acts. The cards are stacked up against you,
and my army has all the evidence they need against you. Everything on
your computer is about to be released that you thought was deleted, but
wasn't deleted at all. So Adam, prepare for your sudden departure from
your position because it's coming, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2023-01-16 Julie Green prophesied:
Adam Schiff, you think what you have experienced lately is all that will
happen to you. But just wait; you will be charged with treason, and it will
be your end. You refused me and refused to repent. All the money you
took, all the lies you told, all the dirty deals you are part of. The world will
know who you really are, and they will see your judgment, saith the Lord.

On 2023-04-25 Julie Green prophesied:
I say again, Adam Schiff is about to be exposed for everything he took
part in against this nation.

On 2024-03-11 Julie Green prophesied:
Adam Schiff: many secrets will come out, showing what you have done
against this nation. It will not go unpunished. No matter who tries to save
you, they will not succeed. I have everything I need to show the world
who you are: a traitor to this nation. I will expose who paid you to be an
informant to help bring down my David and destroy this country. Your
days are drawing to a close, and treason will be your end, saith the Lord
of hosts.

On 2024-05-20 Julie Green prophesied:
Something significant is about to take place with Adam Schiff, which no
one saw coming.

On 2024-06-02 Julie Green prophesied:
Adam Schiff: listen to what he says. He is giving himself away, and soon
I will have my way, saith the Lord.


Prophecies through Julie Green in 2022:
2022-06-18 Hazelnut: this name will be in your news.
2022-08-18 Hazelnut: this word will be in the news.
2022-08-19 Hazelnut: I say this word again will be in your news.

"Worldwide 1,125,178 tonnes of hazelnut is produced per year. Turkey is the largest
hazelnut producer in the world with 776,046 tonnes production per year. Turkey
produces alone more than 60% of world's hazelnut."

"The hazelnuts used in Nutella come from hazelnut orchards, which are mainly
found in Mediterranean type climates. Our hazelnuts come from different parts
of the world. Our main origins are Turkey, Italy, Chile and the USA. Turkey's
Black Sea region is the world's largest producer of hazelnuts and as a consequence
where we source the main part of our hazelnuts."

In Turkiye, the annual hazelnut harvest begins in August. During the 2022 harvest
these news items appeared in the Turkish media:
2022-08-24 article about the discovery of 4,200 year-old hazelnuts
2022-08-28 video about hazelnut harvesting in Turkiye

Prophecies through Julie Green in 2022:
2022-09-15 Hazelnut: I say this word again will be in your news.
2022-12-28 Hazelnut: this word, I say again, will be in the news for a significant reason.

Big Ben

On 2020-01-18 Amanda Grace prophesied:
England is going through a shakeup that has started within the government
and stretching into the royal family, their army, certain districts, London.
Big Ben the clock is ticking, says the Lord. Boris has been placed in position
as an agitator to shake up and move around all the corrupt and all that
stealthy framework they were attempting to put in place. It shall be broken
up as ground is broken up and tilled right before the seeds are dropped.
Then comes new growth, says the Lord. More truths about the death of
Princess Diana will emerge, as loyalties have cracked within the royal
family, and there will be those secretly willing, for the sake of justice, to
expose truth, says the Lord.

On 2021-05-17 Amanda Grace prophesied:

On 2021-06-22 Amanda Grace prophesied:
... the clock of grace is reaching the midnight hour, says the Lord of hosts.
Big Ben, says the Lord, Big Ben shall sound across the land as the end of a
dynasty so comes.

On 2021-12-08 Julie Green prophesied:
Watch the royal family. Great exposures are about to surface regarding Prince
Charles, who will be exposed for who he really is. It was part of his plan to
destroy you, United States, working with the globalists and the one world
government leaders. And, yes, all of their dirty deals and the secret heinous
crimes that had been committed by Prince Charles will come to light even the
ones concerning the death of Diana.

On 2021-12-21 Julie Green prophesied:
Watch the royal family as they want her out of the way. Who you might ask?
The queen. Prince Charles wants that power now and does not want to wait.
The elites and the puppet masters are telling him to get rid of her because
their plans are falling apart, and it's time for Plan B. Charles, you are
running out of options. You know they have dirt on you, and they are about
to pull your plug. You are losing your grip on the power you have desired
your whole life. Your desperation is growing to keep the truth from being
revealed to the world concerning what you have done to control England
your country
. For what you have done behind the queen's back, you
know she would take your mantle from you. It would be given to William,
your son. You would never have the crown, so you are willing to kill for it.
Watch out, Charles, as I rip you from where you sit. You will not get that
crown, no, not ever. Because I, the Lord, am taking your freedoms and your
power away for the damage you have done globally, for your part in trying
to destroy my America and because of what you have done to help the great
reset. Everything you hold dear will be taken from you. Judgment is about
to strike you down to the ground, and you will not get up from what is
coming to you.

On 2021-12-31 Julie Green prophesied:
Watch the royals as they fall one by one. You will hear of atrocities that
Charles and Andrew have committed against their own nation and yours.

On 2022-02-07 Julie Green prophesied:
Prince Charles, you thought you could let Andrew fall for you and that
the elites and the puppet masters wanted to save you. You let your brother
take a fall so you would stay safe. Charles, you are not safe. Truth I have
declared, and you will also be stripped of your power. I say this again,
you will never have that royal crown no matter how bad you want it or how
close you came to it. I am moving my hand against you. Diana's name will
be vindicated. Charles, you helped with the coup in my nation, and the
whole world will know it. You will fall and never get up nor regain power.
You are just another arrogant pharaoh. How you hardened your heart
against me! You will fall as the pharaoh of old and your end will be seen,
saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-02-10 Julie Green prophesied:
Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Prince Charles, Justin Trudeau and
prime ministers all over the world, including the one in my nation Israel,
you will see them all fall like flies in a fly trap.

On 2022-02-12 Julie Green prophesied:
A clock tower will be destroyed in this hour, the one known as Big Ben.
This sign is for Prince Charles and the rest of his team that they are
coming down just like that. There is no more time for messing around
with these people. They want world destruction. Your enemies even
contemplated using nuclear warfare to put the world in panic and fear.
They are thinking of using anything possible to stop their fall and to
stop what they know is coming, which is me and my army, which they
cannot defeat... The Queen's death will hit the Royals and shake some
because they know it was no accident. But, Charles, you don't get that
Crown no matter what, even though you followed their instructions and
went through with it. Big Ben will be your sign. You are going down for
the one world government and their great reset. You are your own
mother's murderer. Watch, my children, for all of these things to take
place all over this world at one time. The time has come. The time is
now for the new, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-02-27 Julie Green prophesied:
Europe: there will be major scandals regarding the royals, not only
regarding Andrew, but Prince Charles and the queen's sudden death. Yes,
I have said to watch the clock tower called Big Ben. It will fall to the
ground. Know that Prince Charles is about to take a massive fall for what
he has done against the queen and your nation. He was part of those who
wanted to enslave you. He is a thief and a liar, and he will never get that
crown he killed for.

On 2022-03-23 Julie Green prophesied:
There will be more exposure regarding the royal family. A split? Yes,
there are some on the side of truth, but there are also liars in the
midst of them. A line has been drawn, and the truth has been revealed.
There is a traitor in their midst. Charles is his name. Charles, you are
about to take a major fall, a scandal. Yes, you have committed crimes
against this world, your country, and your own family. They have had
enough. You will hear about MI6, my children. A whistleblower will
blow the top off the royal castle. Yes, exposure is coming. Charles
had his hands on many things. They are dripping with blood, and he
holds blood money in his hands. Watch. His FALL will be great, saith
the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-03-24 Julie Green prophesied:
News will break out in England about the death of a royal, yes, and how
it will surprise you! The truth will be revealed. Watch and listen for
news about Big Ben. Their fall will be great. Charles, that means you.
You will not get away with what you have done or the side you chose.
Your family will finally know, along with the world, who you really are
and how evil has consumed you. Charles, you are finished.

On 2022-04-21 a video documentary about Big Ben was posted on YouTube:

On 2022-05-06 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, tick-tock Big Ben London's clock.
Just watch, says the Lord, as deals are made and ammunition in many ways
exchanged, what happens with the leadership in England, says the Lord.
For the time has come for a renewing of my Spirit and my word in England.
For tyranny is at their doorstep knocking. DO NOT OPEN THAT DOOR,

On 2022-09-08 Queen Elizabeth II died.

On 2022-09-20 Julie Green prophesied:
A famous clock will be in your news. Watch what happens to this clock. It
will signal another fall that is about to take place, saith the Lord.

On 2022-11-18 Julie Green prophesied:
More exposures are coming regarding the royal family and their secrets.
These have been kept hidden for years and will suddenly be exposed. It will
shock the world who the rightful king actually is. The world will soon know
for a fact who it belongs to, and it is not Charles. I say again, he will not
get that crown that he killed for, saith the Lord.

On 2022-11-21 Julie Green prophesied:
Charles is about to be fully exposed. It will bring shock to London, a shock
never felt like this there before. A great lie is about to be exposed that will
no longer stay buried, saith the Lord.

On 2023-01-08 Julie Green prophesied:
A bell tower will be in your news for a surprising reason. Charles is about
to be exposed big time. A great exposure is coming regarding the royals
that no one saw coming.

On 2023-02-07 Julie Green prophesied:
Evidence is coming that will expose more of Prince Andrew, but it will lead
right to Charles. There is no mistaking that he is also a liar and a traitor. I
told you, my children, many will fall, and many will not keep what they
have so desired, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2023-03-02 Julie Green prophesied:
Charles will be completely exposed, who he really is and all that he has
done. He is not who people think he is. The wickedness and evil that have
been lurking in his chambers are about to be released to the world. A
whistleblower is about to come and blow the doors wide open, and a
changing of the guard will take place.

On 2023-04-10 Julie Green prophesied:
The upcoming coronation of Charles will not be how it appears. Many evil
things are lurking behind closed doors with the royals, and the doors are
about to be opened wide. Whether you understand it right away or not,
things with Charles are not how they appear to be, but I will expose it
all, saith the Lord.

On 2023-05-06 King Charles III was to all outward appearances coronated.

On 2023-05-07 Julie Green prophesied:
Things are not how they appear to be... with the royals, and specifically the real crown.

On 2023-05-07 this video was posted on YouTube:
The Grim Reaper or Angel of Death at King Charles' Coronation

On 2023-05-10 and again on 2023-05-17 Big Ben failed to bong:
Big Ben: Great Clock stops for the second time in a week

On 2023-05-15 Julie Green prophesied:
Westminster: this name will be back in your news for a shocking reason.

On 2023-05-24 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And says the Lord of hosts, the one who they have placed on the throne in
England, is sitting on a stack of secret deals with some of the largest
organizations in the world, to zone England into an EU it does not want to go.
They shall put more and more words in his mouth and utilize him to make
credible what is not credible, especially one that shall step forth from a
neighboring country
. The King shall be pushed by the forums to declare
credibility to one who has flirted with the spirit of antichrist, and who
desires to deceive with alluring words the people of England and the
surrounding countries
. However, says the Lord, it is not time, it is not time,
and I the Lord thy God shall allow a pause on matters with the European
unions, [a] pause, a hiccup. Their plans shall literally shake the nations
, for it is MY appointed times, says the Lord, that matters, not theirs.

On 2023-05-25 Julie Green prophesied:
Watch: something significant will take place in Great Britain to shake that location.

On 2023-08-10 Julie Green prophesied:
Great exposures are about to flood the airwaves regarding the royal family,
including Charles. Things are not how they appear to be. I will show you who the
real crown rightfully belongs to. The fall of Charles is about to be seen. A great
uproar will take place in England over all the lies that were told and all the truth
that was hidden. It will be a great upset for this land, but restoration will come as
a result of the truth being told, which will set them free.

On 2024-01-07 Julie Green prophesied:
I will tell you again, my children, things with Charles are not how they appear to be.
They are not how they appear to be with the royal family. A great collapse is coming
for them as well.

On 2024-03-15 Julie Green prophesied:
Great secrets regarding the royal family are coming that the majority of people did
not see coming. I have told you many times before that things are not how they
appear with the royal family.

On 2024-05-06 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the horses are running, horses broken loose,
and it is a sign of what is to break loose in those nations America and England, says
the Lord, the rearranging of points on the crown. Big Ben shall once again sound, as
the tares have come up with the wheat, and now many have been afflicted by such.
Repent, says the Lord, repent for the sparing of your lives, says the Lord, for the royal
family of England is being weighed in this hour and judged. The Jacob and Esau feud
with two brothers shall take an unexpected turn, as a wife goes rogue once again, and
reveals what has been hidden and said, behind the walls of Buckingham, says the Lord.
For I am sifting England, says the Lord, and its leaders. I am sifting it and allowing
a shaking not seen in decades to occur, to wake up the people to renew their hearts
back to ME, the Lord their God, and REVIVE their nation, says the Lord.

On 2024-05-11 Julie Green prophesied:
Major news stories will break out about London. Things that have been hidden are
about to break wide open. The secrets there will be secrets no more. I told you that
things are not how they appear with the royal family. A shaking is taking place, and
they will no longer be able to hide. Someone from the inside is about to expose it all.

On 2024-08-28 Amanda Grace prophesied:
Korah's rebellion shall be put down, as there shall be a rearranging of the crown in
England, in Denmark, Monaco, says the Lord, and a separation is set to occur, for the
spirit of control is breaking. Harry has been marked, says the Lord. Watch and see as
I allow it to be torn down to restore those whose vision is clearing up.

On 2024-08-29 Amanda Grace prophesied:
A tunnel to Lebanon, says the Lord, a tunnel to Turkiye, says the Lord. Two leaders
shall fall in one day says the Lord in that part of the world, for the time has come for
a turning over. The guard will change in England, says the Lord, and there shall be a
flip of the points in the crown after for the lives of future queens are being weighed,
says the Lord. Fully come to me now to be healed and delivered, says the Lord.

On 2024-09-24 Julie Green prophesied:
A shaking is coming to the royal family. I told you that things are not how they
appear to be. Soon (you will see) this illusion, this farce, and how fake this whole
thing is with their supposed king. I did not call him the king. You can have fake
presidents, of which there have been many. You can have fake kings, which Charles
is. All of this is coming out in the open. You will see that your enemies cannot get
past me, and they never get to stay in power, no matter what they did to get there.


On 2010-08-22 Kim Clement prophesied:
They will come against you, America, and you shall not even need to look,
for I, God says, shall ruin them before they even get to your seashores.
I will show you the great display of a tidal wave that shall not come for
the judgment of this nation, but for the defense.

On 2021-01-31 Julie Green prophesied:
Continue to watch the east coast for weather. Your enemies are trying to
invade your waters with their submarines and their warships. Yes, they
had planned an attack on you, O United States, but I, the Lord, will NOT
allow them nor their plans to succeed. The winds, the waves, the
hurricanes that will blow into the waters in this unusual hour for this
type of storm will crush your enemies, who will be unaware. It will
confuse, delay, bring frustration and bring chaos into the camps,
because it is disrupting their plans.

On 2022-02-12 Julie Green prophesied:
There will be a tidal wave off the shores in the east, not one ever seen
like this. They are doing things in your waters off the east coast to cause
eruptions and tsunamis. Yes, underwater explosives to cause major
damage and destruction off the eastern seaboard. Do not fear, as it will
not happen the way they want it to. My children, know this: I have seen
and know all things they are doing. I will lessen the effects and stop them
in the act. What they have sown, they will also reap. Submarines will be
exposed in your waters. They were about to strike your nation with war,
a war your fraudulent government wanted. I am making them come to
the surface to expose their evil plans. My children, if you could have
seen before how dark and evil all their plans were, you never would
have fallen asleep. But then your victory wouldn't be as great as it is
about to be.

On 2022-02-26 Julie Green prophesied:
Typhoons and other major weather events are about to break out all
over the place, stopping your enemies from invading you, United States
and Israel
... Watch for another massive storm to head to the east coast.
There will be one and then another one right after that. To my children
there: brace for this, but know this is not for you. They are planning
a major attack on your nation. They were using the Atlantic Ocean to
hide them so they could show up and attack you out of nowhere. I will
show you their submarines. Yes, submarines will be in your news. They
infiltrated your waters and your land. So do not fear these weather
events. Know that I am destroying them while protecting you from
their destruction.

On 2022-03-13 Julie Green prophesied:
A foreign military is hiding in the waters on the coast of your nation, O
United States
. It will be found and shown to the world by my hand.
Their plans will be shattered.

On 2022-03-24 Julie Green prophesied:
The Atlantic Ocean will be in your news reports more and more. Listen
for this. A cleansing is taking place in your land United States, and
what has been hidden in these waters will all be revealed.

On 2022-03-25 Julie Green prophesied:
Wind and waves: how unusual they are and will be reported. Much is
going on in the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, my children. You have
no idea of all the things hidden underwater, but my hand will reveal
it all and destroy their plans against you.

On 2022-03-30 Julie Green prophesied:
A submarine will be in your headlines. Listen to who it belongs to. Yes,
there is more to this than they want to say. Who are they? Your news
stations and the ones that control them. The puppet masters are
exploring all options now.

On 2022-05-07 Julie Green prophesied:
Watch! Wind and waves will continue to be reported on how unusual they
are. Unusual things are taking place right now because I am shaking
everything, my children, to let the enemies know no matter what they are
hiding in my oceans, it will not stay hidden. No, I will shake them to
their core to show the world what was hidden underwater, saith the Lord.

On 2022-05-20 Julie Green prophesied:
The Atlantic Ocean will continue to be in your news: cargo ships, wars
they wanted, weather, submarines, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Many
things will be shaking the waters and cleansing them of what they were
doing against you underwater.

On 2022-07-19 Julie Green prophesied:
Giant waves will be seen, a tossing of the sea to show what was hidden inside.

On 2022-08-12 Julie Green prophesied:
Nostradamus: this name will be in the news for an unusual reason.

Nostradamus (1555)
3:13 Par fouldre en l'arche or & argent fondu,
Des deuce captifs l'un l'autre mangera :
De la cité le plus grand extendu,
Quand submergée la classe nagera.

Richard Smoley (2006)
3:13 By lightning in the casque, gold and silver melted:
Of two captives, one eats the other.
The greatest one in the city spread out,
When the fleet swims undersea.

Richard Smoley commented: "... the quatrain is chiefly interesting for the
last line, which seems to prefigure submarines: after all, Nostradamus is
not saying the fleet will sink, but that it will swim undersea."

Nostradamus (1555)
1:29 Quand le poisson terrestre & aquatique,
Par forte vague au gravier sera mis,
Sa forme estrange suate & horrifique,
Par mer aux murs bien tost les ennemis.

1:30 La nef estrange par le tourment marin,
Abourdera près de port incongneu :
Nonobstant signes de rameau palmerin,
Après mort, pille : bon avis tard venu.

Edgar Leoni (1961)
1:29 When the terrestrial and aquatic fish
Will be put upon the beach by a strong wave,
Its form strange, attractive and frightful,
By sea the enemies very soon at the walls.

1:30 Because of the stormy seas the strange ship
Will approach an unknown port,
Notwithstanding the signals from the branch of palm,
After death, pillage: good advice given late.

Peter Lemesurier (2010)
1:29 When the fish terrestrial and aquatic
shall be washed up on the beach by a strong wave,
its form strange, smooth and horrible,
by sea the enemies [shall be] very soon at the walls.

1:30 The foreign ship through stormy seas
shall approach the unknown port,
notwithstanding palm-branch signs.
Afterward death, pillage: good sense [shall] come late.

Richard Sieburth (2012)
1:29 When the fish terrestrial & aquatic
By a mighty wave is tossed on the beach,
Its form weird, tallowy & horrific,
The enemy shall reach the walls by sea.

1:30 The storms at sea shall force the foreign ship
To make for land near an uncharted bay :
Despite the warning signs by palm fronds waved,
Death, then pillage : good advice, coming late.

For an overview of Les Propheties (The Prophecies) by Nostradamus, see:
biblical events in Nostradamus prophecies

On 2022-08-19 Julie Green prophesied:
Again I say watch the waters. Many things are about to take place, and many
things are about to be seen. I have destroyed your enemies with water before,
and I can do that again. Many things have taken place in the waters, and I
will expose and destroy it all by my hand, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-09-13 Amanda Grace prophesied:
... watch what washes up on shore, says the Lord, just watch.

On 2022-09-15 Julie Green prophesied:
A monstrous storm is coming to the east coast. It will slam into DC to stop
what they were planning to do next against you, O United States, but their
plans will continue to falter in front of the world.

On 2020-09-29 Julie Green prophesied:
Hurricanes are coming more in this hour, my children, and I know you will
ask, why Lord? It is stirring up the Atlantic. Something in those waters
was being used against you. You will see it because I will expose it.

On 2022-10-01 Julie Green prophesied:
I keep saying to watch the Atlantic. Something more is coming that you
will soon see. The waters will toss and turn and will show what is hidden in
those waters. Lord, what could be hidden in the water? Many things your
enemies had planned. Weapons and people they had in those waters to take
over your nation. Submarines, but not just any submarines. China has
submarines in those waters too. Just watch where they are. I will expose
them and stop their plans, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-10-06 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, The stirring up of the waters and
those at sea has begun. Why do the nations rage and the people plot a vain
thing? I the Lord thy God shall hold them in derision, as the nations plot
and attempt to usurp at sea. However, I the Lord God shall break up the
agreement of those who have made unholy dark covenants with each other,
their gods making agreements in the air and in the sea in order to attempt,
keyword, to stop what I the Lord am doing in the nations.

On 2022-10-10 Julie Green prophesied:
I told you about things that were hidden in the water, that your enemies
were about to use against you. My children, it is now being stopped, and
soon, you will hear and see what has been used against you.

On 2022-10-17 Julie Green prophesied:
The waters are moving. Movements are being made. Plans are being stopped.
Territory is being taken back. The waters all over are about to give up
things that have been hidden underneath. An earthquake in the ocean is
about to get the world's attention.

On 2022-10-31 Julie Green prophesied:
Keep your eyes on the east coast. Something significant is about to take
place, and you will know it as soon as you see it... The waters are moving,
my children, to reveal things that have been hidden.

On 2022-11-21 Julie Green prophesied:
A significant weather event is about to hit the United States. It is very
abnormal, my children. It is man-made. Yes, I will expose this, too. They
cannot keep blaming me for things they are creating to bring great
destruction and great distraction. My children, many things are going on
in the waters that you haven't seen, but you soon will.

On 2022-11-24 Julie Green prophesied:
Something hidden in the Atlantic is about to be uncovered. And the world
will know that what was supposed to happen to the United States was just
stopped. An attack like no other was planned to stop my David from the
stone he is about to throw. But that stone is me, and no one can stop what
is about to happen, saith the Lord.

On 2022-12-19 Julie Green prophesied:
Warships are moving; the waters are roaring, and the cover-up will no
longer stay covered up. The waters are moving, and what's underneath
will be seen. I will say this again, watch and listen for significant news
regarding the Atlantic Ocean and listen for something significant that has
been going on in the Mediterranean Sea. Something shocking has been
going on in the Pacific Ocean, and territory has been given back. Giant
movements have been made to secure this nation, to restore this nation,
and to free this nation, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-12-28 Julie Green prophesied:
Watch the Indian Ocean. Something significant is about to take place and
be seen there. I told you again and again to watch the waters. They are
moving and are about to give up what's been hidden underneath.

On 2023-01-13 Julie Green prophesied:
Something significant will be seen taking place in the Black Sea. The waters
are moving, and more will be exposed.

On 2023-02-05 Julie Green prophesied:
Canada is coming for my eagle. Iran and Iraq are also joining forces against
my eagle. But in their arrogance, they won't see the traps they are about to
run into. Traps have been set. I told you many things are going on in the
waters you can't see, but you are about to, saith the Lord.

On 2023-02-14 Julie Green prophesied:
The waters are stirring, and are about to give up the things that have been
hidden inside. Your enemies are losing their power, their territory, and their
positions. They will completely fail in everything they have been doing, saith
the Lord.

On 2023-03-20 Julie Green prophesied:
Keep your eyes on the Black Sea. Something significant is about to take
place there. Something more is going on in the Atlantic Ocean than people
realize, but they soon will. Greenland is about to be in your news for a
significant reason.

On 2023-07-01 Amanda Grace prophesied:
The deep waters that have hidden much, there shall be a depressurization,
and what has been suppressed in the shadowy depth shall like buoys
forcefully come to the surface and make a spectacle.

On 2023-10-21 Julie Green prophesied:
Watch the waters in the Gulf of Mexico. Something significant is about to take
place there. A submarine will be reported, and who it belongs to will shock you.

On 2023-10-22 Julie Green prophesied:
Submarines are about to be in your news more and more for a shocking reason.

On 2023-10-26 Julie Green prophesied:
Deployment of warships: this phrase will be in your news big time. Your
enemies are preparing for war to take down my eagle, but they will not get
what they desire. I have told you, my children, to watch the waters because
great things will take place in the waters surrounding your nation. (This
includes) the defeat of every foreign power against you, O United States.
My angels are protecting this nation, my hand is moving and saving this
, and a rebirth of this great nation is about to take place. But first,
there will come a worldwide lockdown that your enemies will bring. But
remember, my children, I will lock you in to protect, lead and guide you,
and for you to receive rest in my glory. Do not fear what is ahead. It is
for your victory and your freedom, saith the Lord.

On 2023-12-29 Julie Green prophesied:
Something significant is about to be seen in the Mediterranean Sea. Watch
the Caspian Sea. Something unusual will take place there. Watch the
Atlantic Ocean
. I have told you time and time again that a storm is brewing.
This is not just any storm, or even a natural one, but one that will take
down the evil that holds you. Continue to watch the waters, and you will
know it as soon as you see it.

On 2024-02-10 Julie Green prophesied:
The Atlantic Ocean will become very active. Many things will be seen and
many things are about to take place.

On 2024-02-15 Julie Green prophesied:
A warship will be in your news for a very significant reason. The location
and who this warship belongs to are important. My children, I again tell you
to pay attention to the waters. They are signaling that much more is going
on than you have seen or been told.

On 2024-03-29 Julie Green prophesied:
My children, watch your waterways. Watch the water surrounding your nation.
Your enemies have planned many attacks, but many have already been averted.
Some are about to be activated, some by man, but others will be natural.

Red October submarine

The Hunt for Red October is a 1984 novel by Tom Clancy and a 1990 film
starring Sean Connery about a Russian submarine and its captain.

On 2022-03-30 Julie Green prophesied:
A submarine will be in your headlines. Listen to who it belongs to. Yes, there
is more to this than they want to say. Who are they? Your news stations and
the ones that control them. The puppet masters are exploring all options now.

On 2022-07-19 Julie Green prophesied:
A submarine will be in your news. The country it belongs to is important too,
and you will see why.

On 2022-08-14 Julie Green prophesied:
A submarine is about to be in your news.

On 2022-09-05 Julie Green prophesied:
A submarine is about to be in your news, and who it belongs to is significant.

On 2022-10-08 Julie Green prophesied:
Again I say, Things are not how they appear to be with Russia. Many things
are about to come to the surface that your government wasn't counting on.
Informational warfare has been going on, and it's all about to blow, saith the
Lord. Concerning that submarine everyone is so desperately searching for:
the information kept hidden on that submarine is about to be released.

On 2022-10-10 Julie Green prophesied:
Things are not how they appear with Putin. I will say again, maneuvers are
being made to help the United States. You have no idea what information will
be released that has been held back until the right time. That time is about to
start, and a great uproar this will bring. Listen to these words carefully: Red
and October. Then put them together. Remember, do not go by appearances.

On 2022-10-17 Julie Green prophesied:
Another big lie is about to come out regarding Russia. Do not believe these
moves are true. There is much more going on in this situation that you do not
see. My children, decree that all truth will be revealed, saith the Lord of
hosts. Poseidon: this name will be in your news for a significant reason.

On 2023-06-27 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, Tragedy in the ocean is a sign of a
greater to come, a submarine gone rogue, a crisis is coming, Red October, gone
off course and heading on a rogue mission that shall be intercepted, says the Lord.

On 2023-08-01 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, A Russian submarine, a Russian submarine.
watch the maneuvers at sea that put those on high alert. The one intended to replace
Putin has been groomed far worse, with connections to Geneva. It's a creation of
forums and secret organizations. Yes, there is an underbelly of secret organizations
forming the foundation of these world forums. They have groomed this individual,
not for Russia's liberation, but for its enslavement, grooming Russia for nefarious
purposes, including weaponization against whomever they desire. Putin stands in
their way, but pray that their plans crumble and the groomed individual falls
before reaching power.

On 2023-10-22 Julie Green prophesied:
Putin is about to come out with explosive truth regarding Obama and Biden that
no one can deny or hide. It will explode all over social media, and resistance is
about to grow even stronger against the globalists.

On 2024-09-28 Julie Green prophesied:
A political storm is coming that will devour the establishment. Hold on, my
children. A "red" October is an understatement. A clash between news reports and
the truth is coming. Distractions and destruction — it is not what you would expect.
So, expect the unexpected.


On 2014-12-31 Kim Clement prophesied:
Scientists shall say, what we thought was a fact has now become fiction. For
in Turkiye, in Iraq, and in Israel there shall be discoveries come out of the
that shall prove over and over and over the Creator of the Universe
whom they have said does not exist. I will show myself not only in the church
or through the church, but outside of the walls of the church. And I will
place these preachers of a new kind in science. And God says, this discovery
will bring a moment and a period of great revival in Jerusalem and in Israel,
says the Spirit of the Living God. Rejoice, for this is his day! This is your
day of freedom, says the Lord! This is your day of freedom!

On 2021-02-25 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day a major earthquake in the part of
the world where Turkiye lies shall shake that area, and leadership shall be
exposed, says the Lord of hosts this day.
[On 2023-02-06 two earthquakes
of 7.8 and 7.5 magnitude with many afterquakes caused severe damage in
Turkiye and Syria.]

On 2022-02-20 Julie Green prophesied:
Istanbul will be in the news! Watch for this, my children. This sign is to let
you know that my timing is now, that all your enemies will fall and that
they can no longer stand against me, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-05-07 Julie Green prophesied:
Istanbul will be in your news again. Major eruptions are taking place in
many countries around the world. Unrest has broken out everywhere, and
more will be reported on in more nations like this... Turkiye: this country
will be in your news. Truth is breaking out all over this world.

On 2022-06-03 Julie Green prophesied:
Turkiye: this country will continue to be in your news. Something is hidden
there that this fraudulent government doesn't want found out. But these
are days everything hidden will be exposed.

On 2022-06-17 Julie Green prophesied:
Again I say Istanbul will be in your news. Look to see what they are saying.
It's not how it seems to be, and all will be uncovered.

On 2020-07-21 Julie Green prophesied:
Constantinople: this name will be used in your news, and this location will
be reported on. Istanbul: this will be in your news. Truth is coming out
from everywhere.

On 2022-08-30 Julie Green prophesied:
The truth will be revealed in Turkiye. Many things have been hidden there
that will be revealed to the world, saith the lord.

On 2022-09-07 Julie Green prophesied:
Constantinople: this word and this location will be in your news. Something
significant is about to take place in Istanbul. You will know it as soon as
you see it, saith the Lord. Turkiye is hiding something that will soon come
out like a bang, and it will tear down your enemies' plans. Just watch what
they have, and know more countries are about to come out against the one
world government, countries you never thought would stand up and fight
back. I told you there is resistance growing among the nations of the world.
They are pushing back the propaganda, pushing back on the stealing of
their freedoms. You will see this growth worldwide. My United States, get
up and join the resistance, saith the Lord.

On 2022-10-03 Julie Green prophesied:
Watch and listen for what Turkiye comes out and says. They have something
your fraudulent government didn't know they had. There is another nation
that has been silent about the information they have that will soon be used
against the Biden and Obama. A great fall is coming. Not only will the Biden
be removed, and all who are with him, but great death will occur one right
after another. You will hear about what really happened to Joe Biden, and
soon. And very soon, the one that has been betraying him will take his last
breath. More than one person has been used to stand in as the Biden, and all
of them will be unmasked.
[It would be poetic justice that Turkiye should be
involved in bringing forth information that will cause regime change in
America, because prior to the 2020 election Joe Biden or one acting as him
called for regime change in Turkiye.]

On 2022-10-22 Julie Green prophesied:
Turkiye: I say this country's name again. Something significant is about to
take place there. Watch! I told you things hidden there are about to be

On 2023-02-01 Julie Green prophesied:
Something significant will take place in Turkiye. Yes, Turkiye. The world
will see it and know this is what I was talking about.

On 2023-02-10 Amanda Grace prophesied:
...there shall be miraculous rescues that come forth from Turkiye including
a baby that I the Lord am keeping alive that shall be found, for the people
suffer because of their leaders and they must call on the name above all
names the name of Jesus, for it is Jesus that shall preserve and save them
and their families in this hour. The leadership of Turkiye shall look to lash
out from these events, for that territorial spirit is stirred up similar to the
Prince of Persia. This you shall see, for the month of Adar shall be hostile
in many ways, and some leadership prepares to fall, for it is the appointed
[See 2023-02-10 and 2023-02-17 articles in Turkiye's Daily Sabah.]

On a 2023-10-24 video@33:47 Robin D. Bullock prophesied:
Erdogan [President of Turkiye], you stand with your big stick in your hand,
drop it and go home, for this is not your time, says the Lord.

On 2024-04-22 Amanda Grace prophesied:
I warn you, O Turkiye, if you enable the prince of Persia, if you entertain
Amalek, you shall be shaken, your ministers and cabinet shall be struck,
you shall be sifted. If you listen to the words of the dragon, you shall be
given unto you your wage. I warn you, O Turkiye, do not interfere in the
matters of nations where MY HAND IS IN IT, FOR I THE LORD AM

On 2024-05-06 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, another tumult in the Middle East
in a neighboring country to Israel that will once again put nations on high
alert, as Turkiye in this hour is being lured by dark rulers to assist in a strike,
and to bring accusation against MY Firstborn Israel, and Turkiye in this hour
shall be judged. Its leaders shall be weighed, says the Lord, for what you sow
in this hour, O leaders of Turkiye, shall determine your fate and your seat.

On 2024-11-24 Julie Green propohesied:
Turkiye will be in your news for a significant reason.

Mount Sinai

According to Galatians 4:25, Mount Sinai is in Arabia.

The miraculous Red Sea crossing began at Nuweiba on the Egyptian coast
of the Gulf of Aqaba. Mount Sinai is Jabal al-Lawz in the NEOM area of
Saudi Arabia. For proof of this, see the free online 2018 book Mount Sinai
in Arabia

Glamping near Mount Sinai, anyone? Glamping means glamorous camping.
"Collective Trojena will welcome guests for nature-laden stays from 2026.
Managed by Collective Retreats, a US outdoor experiential hospitality
company, the new ultra-sustainable property will offer travellers access to
Trojena's outdoor beauty at its mountain location only 50km from the
Gulf of Aqaba. It will have 60 open-air guest rooms as well as innovative
meeting spaces, dramatic water features, communal campfires and culinary
experiences. Collective Trojena will also have direct access to the
development?s year-round outdoor activities, which will include skiing and
snowboarding, high-altitude training, paragliding, mountain biking,
hiking and water sports. Guests staying at the retreat will be able to take
part in a host of culturally themed events centred on film, art, music and
food" (from a 2023-02-23 article in United Arab Emirates The National).

On 2019-11-15 Amanda Grace prophesied:
Hearing wind whipping up in the spirit, fierce wind, wind like Mount Sinai...
The winds of change are blowing in that powerful meeting at Sinai. I shall
meet my children where they are at. They shall feel in the Spirit the power
that descended upon Mount Sinai when I stepped foot upon it. They shall feel
the power, says the Lord, yes says the Lord. The council in heaven is meeting.
Things are being decided. What comes forth will be for your good even though
it initially may not be viewed that way even by those around you. HOWEVER,
MY ways are higher than man's ways and my workings and dealings are so
much higher and more powerful than the enemy's or man's, says the Lord.

On 2021-02-07 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And the Spirit of the Lord says this day as Moses climbed up Mount Sinai to
receive the revelation of the law, so in this hour I am taking my children,
those who diligently seek me, higher. I am calling them to come up the
mountain and sit in my presence and hear what the Spirit has to say... And
the Spirit of the Lord says this day, I am touching down and causing a split
and a shaking, and a fear shall fall upon members of the House and members
of the Senate, very unsettling says the Lord, as a surprise with the
impeachment shall take place, as the House and the Senate shall be shaken,
and more shall fall off the cliff of greed and power where they have crowded
and crammed themselves in dancing around their golden calf they have
wickedly constructed with the work of their hands. And as my children have
come up higher, as MY servant Moses so did at Mount Sinai, I the Lord shall
send their golden calf off a cliff, that graven image, that blasphemous people,
says the Lord.

On 2022-04-22 Julie Green prophesied:
Mount Sinai will be in the news. Look to see what they are saying, my
children, about what took place there. Just know that I am God, and nothing
your enemies do will stand against me, the One True God.

On 2022-07-21 Julie Green prophesied:
An archaeologist will be in your news for an unusual reason. Mount Sinai will
be in your news. Something will be spotted, and it is no accident. Remember, I
am still the same God yesterday, today, and forever.

On 2022-10-04 Al Arabiya published an article titled "Saudi Arabia wins bid
to host 2029 Asian Winter Games in TROJENA." Would athletes compete
within sight of where the Ten Commandments were given without obedience to
them? The Arabians hosting the games are familiar with the story of Korah's
rebellion at Mount Sinai, because it is retold in their Quran at 28:81: "So we
caused the earth to swallow him and his dwelling-place."

On 2022-11-13 an article was published in The Times of Israel titled "Activists
smash tablets atop 'Mount Sinai' to launch faith-based climate push." The fact
that the ceremony was conducted on the wrong mountain (Mount Catherine in
the Sinai Peninsula) does not diminish its blasphemous intent to cancel and
replace God's Ten Commandments.

On 2022-12-14/15 Amanda Grace prophesied:
There is a threat coming to the entire nation where Israel will be compelled to
act, and I the Lord thy God will use my son Benjamin of my right arm to exact
the wage and judgment upon this nation [Iran]. Israel shall be protected.
However, it will put other nations on high alert, as the sirens sound and the UN
has an emergency meeting. However, they too will falter and will not hurt my
[Israel], for they [the UN] too are about to suffer a strike, a blow so
scandalous for the blasphemous ceremonies they did on holy ground. Their
shall break and topple, as they also become the heifer.

For in-depth studies of the locations of the Exodus and of Mount Sinai, see
these books by Glen A. Fritz:
The Lost Sea of the Exodus: A Modern Geographical Analysis (2016)
The Exodus Mysteries: of Midian, Sinai & Jabal al-Lawz (2019)


On 2015-04-01, Kim Clement (1956-2016) prophesied concerning Iran or a proxy
in Yemen invading Saudi Arabia. Kim is standing in silence with his eyes closed.
He exhales as if he has seen something unpleasant. He then says, I see a king
falling [exhales again], I see a king falling. Saudi Arabia, Yemen [portions of
which are armed by Iran]
, Solomon [Saudi Arabia's King Salman]. Lord, you're
not pleased [bows his head]. The wall, there's a wall being built that will not be
completed [two days after this prophecy, Saudi Arabia began removing portions
of a barrier between itself and Yemen]
, for a takeover, already a plan. Iran, you
have wicked plans. Your wickedness cannot be covered. I've seen you, says the
Lord. I've already spoken about you [in Isaiah 21:2, Daniel 7:5, 8:4,20,
Revelation 6:4]
. Father, I just pray you'd [whew!] stop, just for a minute.

On 2015-08-29 Kim Clement prophesied:
Do not be afraid of North Korea, do not be afraid of Iran, do not be afraid of the
nations, for in 2016 everything will change, says the Lord. There will be a sound
of liberty from the White House, there will be a sound of prayers from the White
. Pennsylvania Avenue shall be surrounded by people that will pray and
ask me to intervene, and I shall, says the Lord.

On 2020-12-03 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And I the Lord God am going into the underground cells and I am unlocking
them, including terror cells that have laid hidden underground in this country
that have been waiting upon a code word from those corrupted against this
in order to strike. Terror cells from Iran have laid hidden in the country
of the Eagle, the United States
, and I the Lord thy God am ripping the covers,
the sewer caps off, and exposing the locations, the GPS location of these terror
cells, of underground deep cells and networks of the darkest individuals who
have been receiving their instructions through an intricate web of back channels
through the dark web as well, says the Spirit.

On 2022-02-19 Julie Green prophesied:
Iran, how dare you infiltrate my nation and plot to steal and kill in this land. You
are being destroyed yourself. What you sow, you shall reap. I will show the world
that not only China financed your attack, but so did so many in this fraudulent
. Oh how nasty were your plans. You came in through the borders
and on planes during the middle of the night. You have young men of fighting age
all over this country. But guess what? My hand is against you, and your plans
will blow up in your faces. Your plans will not go how you want them to, and
every person here will be destroyed by my hand, like Pharaoh and his men. Every
person who paid you in the dark of night or in secret will be exposed. You were
paid billions, but I am blasting that out of your hands. Your nuclear capability
will be ripped from you, and everything that was done in secret will be brought
to the light. All audio and video of every government official that helped you
will be exposed and judged by me, saith the Lord of hosts. I have had enough of
you terrorizing my nation with all your plans to bring this country to its knees.
The opposite will take place, and those who are left standing will watch this
rise higher than before.

On 2022-02-20 Julie Green prophesied:
Iran, SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! I am removing all the finances that were
given to you and stripping you from anything you have. The soldiers you sent to
the United States for a terrorist attack, I am giving back to you. You LOSE and
your plans will NOT GO FORTH. My angels are standing guard to protect my
, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-02-27 Julie Green prophesied:
Iran is going to try to make a declaration of war. They have gotten a green light
from this fraudulent government. They were paid nicely with your taxpayer
money, but it will come to nothing. I have told Iran to sit down and shut up.
They do not have the power to carry out their threats.

On 2022-03-28 Julie Green prophesied:
A major leader in Iran will die, and more to come. The plans they had against
America and Israel will be discovered and announced. Yes, they were paid with
money from this fraudulent government to commit another terrorist attack on
your land and Israel. Iran was not only compensated very well financially but
was given things to help with their nuclear power, too. Iran, I will judge you
in this hour, and everything you have will be taken from you. I will bring you
to your knees with nothing left to fight back.

On 2022-05-07 Julie Green prophesied:
An Iranian leader will be in your news. Death has come to him. Judgment has
hit his home, and there will be more like him in the coming days. This is the
season of the great harvest. They are all reaping what they have sown upon
this Earth.

On 2022-06-09 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And says the Lord of hosts, Israel is about to make a very BOLD MOVE, AN

On 2022-08-09 Julie Green prophesied:
Iran is about to come out shouting and threatening my nations of the United
States and Israel
with their power and weapons. They're at the point of
weakness, Iran thinks. But Iran can't see what is hiding, and they will never
see it coming. Iran's failure is about to be seen. It doesn't matter what it looks
like right now, my children. Do not fear. All they have are words. Iran is about
to fall big time, and they will never recover from this fall, saith the Lord of

On 2022-10-03 Julie Green prophesied:
Leadership is about to change in Iran, and also in Afghanistan and Kuwait.
Many changes are about to take place in the Middle East that are changing
that entire part of the world. Cards are being played, and changes are being
forced on these nations. They have no choice.

On 2022-10-05 Julie Green prophesied:
Do not fear Iran.

On 2022-11-01 Julie Green prophesied:
Iran's government is about to fall, and it will not be the only one. Many
governments are about to fall all over this world, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2023-02-10 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the leadership of Iran is on a
crumbling pedestal, and the innocent blood they shed is being accounted to
them for their wage, for their bridge is about to fall down, for the people are
desperate and crying out. I the Lord hear their cries, and I the Lord am
moving upon my firstborn [Israel] to covertly assist the people of Iran, as
leadership shall be removed under mysterious circumstances, as some deep
within in the government of Iran are assisting Israel, the Bonhoeffers, who
see the sheer evil of such leadership. I the Lord am protecting them, and
they are assisting Israel, for a BIG STRIKE AND BLOW IS COMING,

On 2023-02-26 Amanda Grace prophesied:
I the Lord, thy God, are beginning to break the back of the Ayatollah, because
Iran will bow. And I the Lord thy God am raising up a plan and a strategy in
Israel that is going to surround Iran on all sides, and it's going to encapsulate
them says the Lord. It's going to encapsulate them, and it is going to cause the
handshake that was seen with a red nation to be severed and broken, says the
Lord, because demons squabble, says the Lord, demons squabble, and you
shall publicly, says the Lord, see that squabbling begin. And when you see that
squabbling begin, look to the East Coast, says the Lord. When you see that
squabbling begin, begin looking not only at the East Coast in this nation, says
the Lord, begin looking at your neighbor Canada, because there are platforms
says the Lord that are set for destruction, and I the Lord God say this day
that I am moving in a way that is [has?] not yet been seen.

On 2024-04-15 Julie Green prophesied:
An attack is coming to your land, against your nation, from Iran, Afghanistan,
and China. An attack is coming, and it will look like it is coming from foreign
nations, foreign lands, and yes, they are being used, but your attack, O United
, is coming from within. It is coming from your leaders, your government,
the ones who say they protect you, those who say they are in control. They
financially paid for it. They paid your enemies to do what they are about to do
to your land. I will show you how they used your borders. I will show you how
they got in, not only into your nation but also into your government, your court
system, and everywhere. I told you, my United States, you would shake in this
time. I told you, my United States, there would be an attack that is meant to
bring this nation to its knees, to bring my people into great darkness and fear.
Some will cry out, and some will shout that God has lifted his hand and is no
longer protecting this land because of the evil from within. But, my children,
I am telling you this is the farthest thing from the truth. I will always protect
my land.

On 2024-09-24 Julie Green prophesied:
My children, Iran will make a move against your land, but as they do, watch what
unprecedented events take place in their land, things that are biblical, and undeniable
that I am the Lord God that avenges my people and defends their lands. Iran will fall
and receive a great defeat.

On 2024-10-05 Julie Green prophesied:
Watch Iran's next moves against my Eagle. You will see them fall and fail against me,
and watch what biblical type of events take place against them. Think of what Egypt
was left with. Iran will be left with the same. All the money they have received from
Washington is going to be ripped from their bloody hands with no way to stop this
judgment that will hit them, says the Lord.

On 2024-11-14 Amanda Grace prophesied:
Thus says the Lord, Iran, Iran, you have RAN from the Lord long enough! Your
wicked leadership
have ran in the opposite direction of the ways of the Lord, and
I the Lord have allowed the charges to mount in MY COURTS. YOU SHALL BE

On 2024-11-10 Julie Green prophesied:
Something is about to hit Iran. I have warned them, but they still attacked my Israel.
They attacked my United States and went after my David. Biblical events will take
place there that will get the world’s attention.

On 2024-11-19 Julie Green prophesied:
Woe to the Ayatollah of Iran. Not only will you be removed by my hand, but I will also
annihilate your army that is moving towards my Israel and my United States. All the
money and weapons that have been given to you by the United States are not enough for
you to keep what you want or to fulfill what you have been assigned to fulfill against
my nations. Iran, you should have run away. Instead, you kept pursuing my people, so
now you will be annihilated by my hand, says the Lord.

On 2024-12-01 Julie Green prophesied:
Iran has a plan against you O United States, but it will be stopped. I will expose the
money that was given to Iran by DC for a plan that was drawn up and designed by the
leaders of this nation. Many leaders are in on this, (wanting) to bring terror to the
United States
, but their money and their lines of communication are being cut off and
brought to nothing.

China & Taiwan

On 2010-02-27 Kim Clement prophesied:
China will endeavor to try and come and rise up against this land [America] and
against Israel with a pact that they wish to make with Iran, but there shall be betrayal
from Russia that shall make them [China and Iran] angry and they shall withdraw.

[The Iran-China 25-year Cooperation Program was signed on 2021-03-27.]

On 2020-07-18 Amanda Grace prophesied:
China is enduring a combination of plagues and judgments you see in my Word,
beginning with Noah and flooding and working their way through Pharaoh. For the
hearts of the leaders have hardened and it is bringing forth one after the other
plague-like events that will continue to shake a country rooted in serpent idolatry,
false Hindu gods, and worship of a fallible man, says the Lord God Jehovah. Yes,
China will continue to go through cycles of these plague-like events. I the Lord am
allowing it, to force these deep roots these wicked leaders have put deep into that
to loosen, be torn up, destroyed. A larger shaking, country wide, is coming
to China shortly. For these that you see now are simply the birth pangs, says the
Lord God Jehovah, to events that will leave the leaders and the world in utter
shock and the people of China truly rising up at all costs and clashing with this
leadership. These leaders are about to get bulldozed. It will leave them completely
panicked, as Saul was panicked after foolishly seeking out the help of the witch of
Endor, says the Lord God Jehovah, the Righteous Judge.

On 2020-10-31 Amanda Grace prophesied:
There will be a fracturing of leadership in China and a public fatal financial blow to the
red dragon
[toward the end of 2021, China Evergrande Group was experiencing severe
financial difficulties]
, for the axe is being taken to the roots and severing major funnels,
veins, and networks where those being paid under the table in the US will lose all
funding from a wicked dragon intent on seducing rats to borough [pun on burrow]. The
extermination has begun, it has begun. The rats are being [peeping?] out of their holes
into the light, even in the White House, says the Lord. Defectors from the Chinese
shall incriminate even more as the cries of treason get louder and louder,
for I am tying the hands of the leadership of communist China, and China shall be the
first in a set of dominos that involves Iran, and their leadership shall crack and split as
a crippling blow shall occur in 2021, for what has begun in 2020 shall be continued to
its completion in 2021. Another country shall arise in 2021, attempting to usurp the
United States. However, they shall be caught through sloppy mistakes, and their
interests and advances put down and destroyed, says the Lord.

On 2021-01-14 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And says the spirit of the Lord this day, Now is the hour where I the Lord God shall gut
open the great Red Dragon [China] and pull forth out of its belly all it has consumed
and its contents that is highly sensitive material. There were codes exchanged with the
great Red Dragon
, codes for missiles as well. And just as they have so wickedly opened
the door for infiltration in this country purposely giving jobs and favor to those who
were indeed operatives, just when they think they have a hold I the Lord God Yahweh
say this day I shall raise my right hand in judgment against them and shall send in a
fierce warring army to literally rip them out of their bunkers, offices, positions, I the
Lord God will strike a fatal blow to the Red Dragon and that sickness shall carry to
Persia [Iran], for their hand shall be cut off for dipping their interests into such a
wicked scheme, and the god they serve [Allah] will be deaf to their cries as shaking,
quaking, and explosions so go forth in that country [Iran], they will be sorry they
ever tried to harm America and Israel, and so their operatives that have been waiting
for their que [conflation of queue and cue] deep within the government in America and
other areas of the world, those operatives shall be pulled forth out of their offices, and
hiding places. And the media of deceptions shall quake as these things come forth and
the people shout for their dismantling, says the Lord of hosts this day.

On 2021-02-25 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, There is a plot with currency, dirty money,
laundered through China and back, laundered through Iran and back, laundered
through Germany and back, says the Lord of hosts. The plot shall suddenly be exposed.

On 2021-04-02 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, An ayatollah [of Iran] and a dragon
[China] have merged in agreement, with the purse prize being the destruction of
Israel, two countries who are set to be threshed have merged in an attempt to harm
my firstborn Israel, two countries who serve a principality, in whom they govern
now. The time has come for them to be threshed doing the bidding of these
bloodthirsty, vain entities, who have now reluctantly come into agreement to
influence the men who are so their slaves and servants to change their focus to
Israel first and its brother America the eagle second.

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, The agreements that have been made are as
dust in my sight. They are fallible meaningless contracts, murder for hire. What has
laid hidden in the dark shall be brought out into the light and be placed at the
threshing floor, and I the Lord shall smack down on both nations and beat and press
what has laid hidden in the dark out into the light. A chain reaction, a chemical
reaction shall be triggered that shall destroy labs and nuclear cooking pots in both
, as the temperature is raised and boils take place, says the Lord of hosts.
For they shall be squeezed as other countries so go on high alert as they see this
unholy blasphemous creature that has emerged from Persia, and the Muslims and
the Hindus shall squabble, for their demons are very territorial, and so infighting,
squabbles, and calculated attacks on relations so shall occur as even Israel gets into
their motherboard and tightly guarded labs, and so explosions shall you see as the
mouth is shut off, the dragon speaking blasphemies against my children, for the
agreement with my enemies and the enemies of my firstborn. So I the Lord shall
shake those nations, and leadership so shall be struck and fall, a domino effect
that reaches across both countries, ring around the rosie, a pocket full of posey,
ashes, ashes, they ALL fall down, and plagues and boils it shall be, as rats consume
them for plotting to harm the covenant nations I the Lord have so protected...
The dragon [China] shall make a store (strong) advance at sea with the backing of
Persia [Iran] in order to steal and take territory not theirs to claim. So I the Lord shall
stir up the waves and cause catastrophe to hit those ships, as many will turn around
after a string of attacks, and unexplained accidents so force a major turn. So as the
container ship [Ever Given] was so turned [implying that its cargo was for evil
, I shall do the same to the fleet of the dragon, and they shall be driven back
for who they shall point their canons [pun on cannons] at to attack. The Philippines
are crying out, says the Lord. I have heard the cries of those faithful ones, and I the
Lord shall protect them from wicked advancements upon their land, says the Lord of
hosts. And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, A bomb in Russia, watch and see, will
cause opposition to arise against former allies and against Iran alike, as a major
event in Russia causes a BEAR [the Daniel 7:5 bear = Iran] of an issue, says the Lord
of hosts. The dragon [China] has spun a web, and those who have so attached
markets and economies shall crash, as I the Lord completely remove MY hand...

On 2021-05-17 Amanda Grace prophesied:
The funneling of funds, the channels that make a tunnel from Iran to Hamas [in Gaza]
shall be disrupted, says the Lord of hosts, and the advisors to the Ayatollah [of Iran]
shall be struck. There shall be leadership in the hour, for this is a tipping point, says
the Lord. [There] shall be weighed and unexpected strikes to leadership of those who
threaten Israel, of Canada, and of the US. Watch Germany as well, says the Lord in
this hour... And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, watch the Pacific Ocean, going
towards the Far East, says the Lord, and a near-fatal public blow to China and those
who hold hands with leadership in this nation of the eagle. Remember, my children,
they are bound up in an unholy cord. One falls, they all take the blow and fall, says
the Lord of hosts this day.

On 2022-01-19 Julie Green prophesied:
China, I see you and all your disgusting plans to take over the United States for world
dominance, for you to finally have what you want, which is total control. I, the Lord
have said, Enough is enough. China, you will never have my America, my United
. To everyone that worked with you that was a part of this government [of
and helped you, not only am I taking out China, but also every single
person who sold out my nation to China for financial gain, power, or stability. China,
you had no idea that while you infiltrated me and my nation, I had infiltrated yours.
My hand is about to move to bring your government and your nation to its knees.
You will never completely regain your finances or power again. You will struggle like
Egypt struggles to this day, to stay afloat. I am stripping you of the money and power
you used to manipulate, blackmail and hold my nation hostage. You will be stripped
of anything you had that belongs to the United States or to my other nation, Israel.

On 2022-02-07/08 Amanda Grace prophesied:
... such a scandal and such shame for that leader of China that he shall become a
laughing stock to his own people, a spectacle before the world as his plans will not
only flop but fall. I shall make a show of him, says the Lord. Just watch what happens
between China and Russia as their power shall wane as well in a series of events. I the
Lord shall shake these paper doll leaders in this hour as they have overstepped and
now I the Lord shall trample their plans.

On 2022-02-14 Julie Green prophesied:
China will take a major fall in their economy. Yes, they were the biggest financiers
to the Big Steal [of the 2020 election] besides those elites and your own government.
They are truly your enemies. China, you are being judged. I am wiping out your
finances because you used them against my nations. You will be crippled financially
from here on out. You are another Egypt. In one day, all will be gone. To my children
that live in China: Do not fear. This is not for you. You are covered with my blood.
I am Jehovah-Jireh, and I will provide for you. The wealth of the sinner is laid up
for the just. Your dictator, the president of China, will fall. He and many others
will be visited by the angel of death.

On 2022-02-15 Julie Green prophesied:
Taiwan: There will be news regarding you, news of a massive typhoon, yes, unusual
they will say. The size of the storm coming for you is another sign to watch for. To my
children who live in Taiwan: Do not fear. I am your protector, and I will protect you
from this monstrous storm.

On 2022-02-20 Julie Green prophesied:
Taiwan: I am here for you. As a weather event hits your land, a cleansing will occur
along with a much-awaited revival and awakening to me. Your prayers have been
answered, Taiwan, so stand for your deliverance.

On 2022-02-27 Julie Green prophesied:
Japan: Watch for a typhoon. Yes, a large typhoon will strike but know, my children who
are there, I will protect you. This destruction is for the ones who are about to invade
your land. I will not let that happen. China is trying to take you out once and for all.

On 2022-02-28 Julie Green prophesied:
Watch Asia. Things in the weather will take place at the same time all over that continent.
China, this is for you to know I AM is in control, not you. You will not get what you want!
I am destroying your plans against my nation the United States, yes, destroying everything
you have touched and everything you have infiltrated. For all the damage you have done
in my nation and everything you had control over in that government, my hand is moving
and will destroy it all. I will remove everyone from your nation on your payroll and those
in this fraudulent government who sold themselves to you for security, money, and power.
China, the web you wove in this nation and every other nation across this Earth, I am
destroying now. I told you before, China, I am bringing you to your knees; all those in
control of your country. You will hear of a great death in China's government: the
president and to all who are with him. This is the hour of your harvest for what you have
sown. To you and anyone that helped you, no matter which nation they are from,
including the United States, the angel of death is here, and there is no escaping it. Your
fate has been sealed. You had no remorse. No, you wanted another sickness to strike this
Earth in a greater way. However, this sickness will come on you and not anyone you are
making it for.

On 2022-03-13 Julie Green prophesied:
Listen for news to continue to break regarding the East China Sea. I told you before
to watch Taiwan, my children. Things are not how they seem. China is planning to
strike certain nations. They are moving their hand with military might all over the
globe for a massive power grab that they will never get. I am stopping them on all
fronts, and they will not get away with anything they are doing right now. China,
you will lose your military might and your finances. You won't be able to fund all
the heinous crimes you want to attack the world with. My hand is against you. You
are powerless against me, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-03-23 Julie Green prophesied:
China, you have lifted your fist to me for the last time. Everything you have planned
will be stopped and brought to nothing by me, saith the Lord. You are nothing, and
you are about to realize that.

On 2022-03-25 Julie Green prophesied:
Taiwan: this country will continue to be in your news. Watch and listen to why, my
children. Things are hidden there that China desperately wants. They will try their
best to invade this land, but my hand will move and stop them in the act. China, you
will not get what you want from them because the Great I AM is against you, and I
never lose.

On 2022-04-01 Julie Green prophesied:
Listen for the news to break out regarding the Pentagon. Yes, sabotage, treason, and
many other words will come out with what many have done against you and how
many were connected to China. Generals, yes, judges, yes, governors, yes, mayors,
yes, senators, congressmen and women, yes. Many are guilty of selling this country
out for money, power, and safety. Their hour of judgment is not coming; no, it is
here, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-04-16 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And says the Lord of hosts, the people of China are crying out, the concentrated church
there has been staunch in their resolve and has sought me though they attempt to release
hell on that nation. Dragons breathe fire, it singes, it burns, it gets hot, however, the fire
shall be taken out of the breath of the dragon. The people are rising up, the people are
rising up, and zero tolerance shall turn on the government and their members as people,
hundreds of thousands into the millions of people, march on them and push back and
crush their plans to lock down and control and keep the people prisoner in their own
. ENOUGH, says the Lord, ENOUGH. Shock out of China, shock! It will be
worldwide news as these events occur. The leadership shall begin to cave on itself in this
hour, and the cord that ties China to other unholy nation's agreements, well, one of the
cords is about to be cut, the area of Mongolia, says the Lord. And watch an unexpected
maneuver by India in this hour.

On 2022-05-16 Julie Green prophesied:
China whistleblowers are about to come out with information on what China has really
been doing to take over, not only the United States, but their plans to take over the
entire world. They were working with this fraudulent government, yes. But they were
betraying them, and also had plans to take them out.

On 2022-06-17 Julie Green prophesied:
China will get hit with hailstones like never before, for judgment will hit them for the
world to see. I am moving my hand to stop their next moves against this Earth. They
want full control, but they will never get it. I am bringing them to their knees just
like Egypt, never to regain their power financially again.

On 2022-06-19 Julie Green prophesied:
Watch the next moves against Japan that China will make, and they will fail.

On 2022-07-18 Julie Green prophesied:
China is about to take a big hit. One they didn't see coming, saith the Lord.

On 2022-07-25 Julie Green prophesied:
Shady deals are coming to the surface. Deals this fraudulent government thought they
could keep a secret. Watch as other nations will be exposed for helping them in their
dirty deals against this nation and for trying to help China get power over the US. But
what some of them didn't know was that they were all playing both sides and were all
out for themselves. China was never going to bow down to the one world government.
They were secretly going to take them all down. Yes, China had other plans, but what
China doesn't know is that I am bringing them down to their knees, and they will never
recover from it, just like Egypt from the first exodus. China will never recover from
the great exodus, nor will the elites. The showdown is about to intensify, so brace
yourselves my children for sudden changes all over the world, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-07-29 Julie Green prophesied:
My children, watch China rear its ugly head. They can't help but try to take control
now. They don't want to wait. The United States is weak, they say, not knowing what
is hiding in the shadows. The real government and the rightful president are taking
power back even as I speak these words. China, don't do what you want to do. It will
be disastrous for you. Oh yes, you will try and make this move, but it will put the
final nail in your coffin of power and any influence you once had. China, you will
not get what you want. You will fall and fall big time, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-08-02 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, the area of New Guinea just watch, says the
Lord. A very large Chinese ship shall be taken out, says the Lord; just when it thinks
it has positioned itself for a strategic gain, the ship shall be destroyed, says the Lord.
It shall be shocking as this occurs, for their might shall falter as their blood shall be
seen in the water. For I the Lord have issued judgment against their gods, and their
military shall suffer along with a string of mysterious falls within the CCP, as not
only a strain but a train comes through and takes them from their post.

On 2022-08-04 Julie Green prophesied:
Taiwan: Do not fear China. They will not get their way with you, and neither will
the fraudulent government in the United States. Their plans against you will be
shown, and my hand is there, stopping their power against you. Do not fear, for I,
the Great I AM, is near, saith the Lord. Taiwan, they want something you have.
They also hid something in your land. You have traitors in the midst of you, and
I will reveal who they are.

On 2022-10-06 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, Watch the South Pacific, and a shrewd
maneuver with Taiwan is coming, as the serpent that has gone forth from China
attempting to constrict that area. The tail of that serpent shall be cut off first,
and then the body shall be split in two, says the Lord of hosts. For an ERUPTION
IS SET TO OCCUR IN CHINA, MASSIVE. The hold of the rulers upon the
people through the government is weakening, and resistance has begun to bubble
up in that nation. You shall not see at first, and then suddenly it shall spring
forth as REBELLION goes forth in that land, watch and see around the
beginning of the year for a sudden changing of the winds in China, says the
Lord of hosts.

On 2022-10-17 Julie Green prophesied:
Whistleblowers are about to come out with the truth regarding China, this
fraudulent government of the United States, all those paid in political positions,
all those in corporate positions, all those in the sports industry, and those in
Hollywood. Oh yes, no more secrets. It's all coming out. All traitors to this
will be exposed and judged by me, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-11-03 Julie Green prophesied:
China: your government will fall too. They helped steal my nation for the Biden,
and they also infiltrated my nation in more ways than one. Judgment is hitting
your leaders. You will not stay under their communist control. So stand on my
words and pray for your rightful leaders. To those who live in China, I have not
forsaken you. My children, I have not left or punished you because of what your
leaders are doing. I am moving my hand and taking them all down at once, saith
the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-11-06 Julie Green prophesied:
Oh, I am exposing and bringing down China. China will come down like the
Egyptians of old. Oh yes, they are coming down. You will see that government fall.
You will see my hand move on them and remove them all, especially the ones that
sit in power and mock me, the ones that mock and say, I will steal the United States
of America
. I will bring them down to their knees, and they will all bow to me. Oh
yes, I will shut his mouth, and he will soon take his last breath. Oh yes, you will
see many leaders in the coming days either be removed or you will see them take
their last breath, for these are the days for the giants to fall. These are the days
for all those nations that stole my nation, and for all those nations that were
stealing my children's voices, to fall. Oh yes, all those nations will be brought
down to their knees before me.

On 2022-11-11 Julie Green prophesied:
Taiwan: The secret hidden in your land is about to be revealed. Yes, many nations
do not want this to be told, but I am stopping your enemies and what they wanted
to do with you, Taiwan. Those secrets will destroy your enemies' plans and narrative
around the world, saith the Lord.

On 2022-12-14/15 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, I am about to in this hour exact MY
JUDGMENT upon China, says the Lord, upon their leadership and corporate titans,
for the way they have oppressed the people, they have brutally harmed MY creation,
and for the persecution of the church, for their cries have reached MY throne and I
the Lord have seen the suffering, for MY EYES wander to and fro throughout the
earth. There have been reports brought back to ME from my holy angels that have
gone forth and they have spoken of the brutality and the suffering and the greed to
hurt and harm and take life, and how the church has remained steadfast and have
been faithful, for faithful is written upon the scroll of the church in China, says the
Lord. And says the Lord of hosts, their wage shall be paid in full, for their wage is
measured upon the scale by the blood that was shed, the weight of the blood that has
been spilled, and the violence that has occurred has caused their cup of iniquity to
become full, natural disasters in China as well. Now is the time, O people of China,
YOURSELVES BEFORE ME, for natural disasters, phenomenon, and a complete
plummet of your precious markets and of your EXPORTS is set to occur. The people
are restless and the largest protest to ever occur in China is almost upon them, for
the government will not be able to subdue the sea of people that are set to move.

On 2022-12-16 Julie Green prophesied:
Nothing will stop the China files from being exposed, all of the ties to China that
so many in your government had, and how much so many in your government
profited off their backroom deals. So conniving, so dark, so sinister, so dirty, so
indestructible they thought every plan they had was, because they had backup
plans and people everywhere to hide and destroy any truth, and to bring so much
doubt that people would just ignore truth when it came out, and their plans, and
people would keep moving forward with their own lives.

On 2022-12-24 Julie Green prophesied:
Again I say, keep your eyes on Taiwan. Something big is brewing there that is
about to be in your news.

On 2023-01-11 Julie Green prophesied:
Taiwan: I told you, my children, things are not how they appear there, and the
truth and what has been hidden in that land will be exposed. Don't believe anything
about a war; it's just another distraction from the truth. But it will not work,
saith the Lord.

On 2023-01-12 Julie Green prophesied:
Judgments are about to fall in China. You will see an economic crash, and you will
see a governmental collapse. Yes, great judgments are hitting these nations that were
against my nations.

On 2023-01-31 Julie Green prophesied:
Keep your eyes on China. Do not fear them, what they say, or what they do. They
will not have their way in this nation or any nation. China is about to take a mighty
fall from power. Their government will be exposed. Eruptions will take place, and a
new president will rise to power, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2023-02-03 Amanda Grace prophesied:
A hunter is arising to pursue the government of China. One they have underestimated
and mocked shall rise up and pursue, and there shall be much loss for them as their
power deflates and their wealth is seized and funneled to another. This is coming, says
the Lord.

On 2023-02-05 Julie Green prophesied:
Your enemies in this nation and this fraudulent government have made deals with
foreign enemies, yes, deals that are against you. You will see another bold move
from China that will once again be allowed. By whom, Lord? The Biden, many in
Washington DC, and some in the Pentagon. Yes, they paid your enemies to threaten
and intimidate this country into ultimate submission. But, remember what I have
said about the so-called governmental powers. I am bringing them all down, and
the world will know that I, and only I, God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth,
could have done this in this way.

On 2023-02-18 Julie Green prophesied:
China is about to step up conflict with this nation. The traitors in DC that were paid
by China are allowing it. This attempt, an act of war on this nation, will fall and not
go as planned. To all those who betrayed this nation, I have told you many times that
these are the days of Haman. You will not destroy my eagle. Your destruction will
come to fruition; you are the ones who will be destroyed, saith the Lord.

On 2023-04-05 Julie Green prophesied:
Something significant is about to happen in Taiwan. Watch, and you will know as
soon as you see it.

On 2023-04-07 Amanda Grace prophesied:
China's erector set shall lose a piece, says the Lord. The BRICS nations [Brazil,
Russia, India, China, South Africa]
shall lose a letter, says the Lord. Brazil shall fold
on itself for the top-heaviness of darkness and sin it has gorged itself on. Benjamin
Netanyahu shall help and assist with turning the corrupt tables of justice on their
dealers in this nation [Brazil]; he shall be instrumental [see 2019-01-03 article].

On 2023-05-15 Julie Green prophesied:
Something significant is about to take place in Shanghai, and it will be in your news
big time.

On 2023-06-04 Julie Green prophesied:
Watch China. They will continue to make bold moves against this nation but watch
them collapse. Watch a great fall take place in that nation that kept pursuing my
and continued to try to steal, kill, and take full control. I will not let that
happen. Their fate is similar to the Pharaoh of old from Moses' time, and so is any
other nation that will not back off from trying to destroy my nation.

On 2023-12-18 Julie Green prophesied:
China: you will not kill my nation. You will not take over my nation. You will not
bankrupt my nation, but I will bring down your nation even greater than (how) I
brought down Egypt.

On 2024-05-14 Julie Green prophesied:
Watch China. A collapse is looming. They will shout and blame you, O United
. There are people in your government who are double agents, and soon
they will uncover the truth about how much pull and power China has had over
this nation, who was bought out by them, and who is owned by them because of
blackmail for the crimes they have committed, which China helped cover up. The
time is up for the connection and the friendship between the establishment and
China. You will soon see the relationship between China and this nation become
strained because they know that the puppet will not last much longer and that
my David is coming back. This will bankrupt China and the establishment. They
will be torn apart. Their power will be brought to nothing, which will annihilate
their control. My David is not the only person who has the information to take
them both down. So does Putin. He has more in his possession than most people
realize. Hold on. It is about to get very interesting.

On 2024-06-23 Julie Green prophesied:
My children, I will expose China in your nation and what they have in your
government, your military, and how much of your land they own, farm ground,
cattle farms, pig confinements, and the businesses that were allowed to be taken
over by your enemies in your capital. Your government allowed them into your
to use it and destroy it at the same time. I will not only expose China,
but I will also eradicate them from this nation in every way, and then destroy
their nation. I will expose their ties, the money they controlled your government
with, what bills they passed, and who was convicted of crimes and who was not.
They were allowed to see and hear intel and government secrets because of their
bribes and payoffs. They were allowed to see the weakness of your nation so
they could take advantage of it, for their strike and attacks not as you suppose,
but in more subtle ways to cause more damage from the inside out. I am
destroying this alliance that China had with the establishment in Washington.
This is the time I told you about, a time of great removals and reversals on a
major scale.

On 2024-09-24 Julie Green prophesied:
China is about to collapse. Financial catastrophe will hit that land like Egypt.
They will not regain the power they once had over other nations. The power of
the Red Dragon is being brought to nothing. With the next moves they make
against my nations, you will see a great shaking in China financially and
politically, and they will not recover from it, says the Lord.

one day of vengeance

Isaiah 17:14 NIV
In the evening, sudden terror! Before the morning, they are gone! This is the
portion of those who loot us, the lot of those who plunder us.

Isaiah 34:8 NIV
For the Lord has a day of vengeance, a year of retribution, to uphold Zion's cause.

Isaiah 61:2 NIV
To proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to
comfort all who mourn.

Isaiah 63:4 NIV
It was for me the day of vengeance; the year for me to redeem had come.

Isaiah 66:8 NIV
Who has ever heard of such things? Who has ever seen things like this? Can a
country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner
is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children.

On 2021-12-08 Julie Green prophesied:
When you see the military taking center stage, don't fear, for this is what needs to
take place. Don't be moved, for the great I AM is moving, and when I move my
hand across this land, it will shock most people with how fast it went removing,
and restoring what is yours. Yes, my children. I can do it in one day, not months,
not years, but one day.

On 2022-03-07 Julie Green prophesied:
The one world government plans to destroy the population, but my truth will save.
Yes, they want to decrease the number of people globally, and take more power and
control. More money is what drives them, the love of money and power. Well, that
love will be taken from them in one day. One day Lord? Yes, one day is all it takes,
and one day is all I need. My children, these people are nothing. Gnats and flies. It
takes nothing for me to flick them all away.

On 2022-10-18 Julie Green prophesied:
My army is coming, and it can't be stopped. This nation is mine. I have blessed it,
and no one can stop what is about to take place. All I need is one day to remove
you all from your places of power like you were never there. I will wipe out your
plans. I will wipe out all of the destruction you caused. Yes, I can make it as if
none of you were ever in power. I am wiping the slate clean on my nation. The
blood that has been shed for this nation cries out to me for justice, and justice is
being served by me, saith the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-11-12 Julie Green prophesied:
I have told you, my children, I don't need an election to save your nation. I don't
need another election to bring back my David. I don't need another election to
bring back revival and my glory to this nation. I don't need another election. No I
don't, to do what I am going to do, to free and release my eagle. I have told you,
my children, all it takes is one day, and one day is all I need.

On 2023-02-03 Julie Green prophesied:
I have told you about these things before, so when nations collapse in a day and
governments fall, and they will, fear will not grip you. Confusion will not hold
you, and you will not be moved by all that you are seeing. Remember this, my
children, your enemies cannot stand up against me and win, saith the Lord.

On 2023-06-08 Julie Green prophesied:
You are in an hour right now when a great judgment is going to hit, and it will be
very noticeable. It will change the course of this world from the course that it was
on. It will change nations in a day. You are about to see the fall of many
governments around the world, not just one or two. Everybody has their eyes on
the United States, and they should. Oh yes, they should, because what's about to
happen in the land of my eagle will shake the rest of the world. But I am not
leaving other nations out, I am not leaving other nations out. They, too, will be

On 2023-06-09 Julie Green prophesied:
You are going to see something that I have been telling you about, shock and awe,
shock and awe, shock and awe. My children, watch, watch me move in a way I
have never moved before. You thought the Exodus was wonderful? This is bigger
than that. Those plagues caused so much destruction to Egypt. This is bigger than
that. The Red Sea? This is bigger than that. This is worldwide, you will see. I told
you before that governments will fall in a day. You will see people drop dead. I get
no pleasure in saying that. I have warned (them), I wanted them to repent, I
wanted to forgive (them), but they refused. I told you an angel of death was
coming, and it is, one greater than the original angel of death that was allowed.
This one will be allowed to move even more because there are more people around
the world against my people and against the things that I have set in place.

On 2023-07-07 Julie Green prophesied:
I waited until my church was awake. I waited until the right time. And when that
time comes, one day it will be one way, and the next it will be another. These
things can happen. I have done it before. Don't limit me. Don't limit me with your
thinking. Don't limit me with your speech. Take the limits off of me, and you will
see my glory, saith the Lord.

On 2023-09-06 Julie Green prophesied:
You are about to see me do something I haven't done before, not to this degree. I
have done similar things that saved my people, but this, no one has ever seen. I am
the great I AM, and I can save a nation in a day, and I will do something so
impossible looking to man because it is impossible for man, but it is not impossible
for me. You will see. I have told you you will see a great victory, saith the Lord.

On 2024-07-03 Julie Green prophesied:
My children, your victory is at the door. Your victory is guaranteed. I have heard
your cries and prayers for this nation. Millions all over the world are praying for
freedom for this nation from the ones who have tried to tear it apart. You see all
the damage they have caused this nation, but remember, I can undo it all in a day
when I have my way. I will say this again: America the beautiful, you are still
beautiful in my sight. I don't see you how you are now. I see you as how you were
always meant to be. I see you as a blessed nation, as a united nation. I see you as
a powerful nation. Justice will prevail. Liberty and freedom will be celebrated
like never before. I see people looking to me again and inviting me back into the
places I used to be in. When I am in these places, goodness, justice, freedom,
liberty, and joy can be received again, saith the Lord.

Mount Moriah

Genesis 22:2 NIV
Then God said, Take your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to
the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I
will show you

Josephus The Antiquities of the Jews Whiston translation 7:13:4 (329-334)
When God heard his supplication, he caused the pestilence to cease, and sent
Gad the prophet to him, and commanded him to go up immediately to the
thrashing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite
, and build an altar there to God, and
offer sacrifices. When David heard that, he did not neglect his duty, but made
haste to the place appointed him. Now Araunah was thrashing wheat; and
when he saw the king and all his servants coming to him, he ran before, and
came to him and worshipped him: he was by his lineage a Jebusite, but a
particular friend of David's; and for that cause it was that, when he
overthrew the city, he did him no harm, as we informed the reader a little
before. Now Araunah inquired, wherefore is my lord come to his servant?
He answered, to buy of him the thrashing-floor, that he might therein build
an altar to God, and offer a sacrifice. He replied, that he freely gave him
both the thrashing-floor, and the ploughs and the oxen for a burnt-offering;
and he besought God graciously to accept his sacrifice. But the king made
answer, that he took his generosity and magnanimity kindly, and accepted
his good will; but he desired him to take the price of them all, for that it
was not just to offer a sacrifice that cost nothing. And when Araunah said
he would do as he pleased, he bought the thrashing-floor of him for fifty
shekels; and when he had built an altar, he performed divine service, and
brought a burnt-offering, and offered peace-offerings also. With these God
was pacified, and became gracious to them again. Now it happened that
Abraham came and offered his son Isaac for a burnt-offering at that very
; and when the youth was ready to have his throat cut, a ram appeared
on a sudden, standing by the altar, which Abraham sacrificed in the stead
of his son, as we have before related. Now when king David saw that God
had heard his prayer, and had graciously accepted of his sacrifice, he
resolved to call that entire place, The Altar of all the People, and to build a
temple to God there; which words he uttered very appositely to what was to
be done afterward; for God sent the prophet to him, and told him that there
should his son build him an altar, - that son who was to take the kingdom
after him.

2 Chronicles 3:1 NIV
Then Solomon began to build the temple of the Lord in Jerusalem on Mount
Moriah, where the Lord had appeared to his father David; it was on the
threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite, the place provided by David

On 2022-03-03 Julie Green prophesied:
Watch for a sign that will come from Mount Moriah. Watch, my children, and
pay attention. I am moving across the nations to restore freedom.

On 2022-03-25 Julie Green prophesied:
A significant sign will be seen at the Wailing Wall.

On 2022-04-16 Amanda Grace prophesied:
The Wailing Wall indeed, says the Lord of hosts. Watch and see an event near
the Wailing Wall that will be BIG NEWS, says the Lord of hosts.

On 2022-05-08 Julie Green prophesied:
Keep your eyes on the Wailing Wall. Your enemies want to cause havoc and
chaos in this area, but they won't get what they desire, saith the Lord.

On 2022-07-20 Julie Green prophesied:
Breaking news regarding the Temple Mount: watch to see what just took place.
I told you, my children, everything your enemies have erected will be removed
by me, saith the Lord.

On 2022-09-13 Amanda Grace prophesied:
And MY HOLY FIRE is set to burn near the Temple Mount, says the Lord of
hosts. What man would call strange occurrences will occur around the Temple
, as a sign that what lies underneath is shifting, and there shall be a
discovery brought to the surface from that location, as even the Wailing Wall
shall lose a piece, as an indication that I the Lord am tearing down their
stronghold that they have built. And those who have turned on their own
people, who are stealing the silver and the gold, who have been moving it from
vaults into another neighboring country shall be caught RED HANDED, says
the Lord of hosts. Watch and see as these things come forth and are brought
to pass.

On 2022-10-26 Julie Green prophesied:
Mount Moriah will be in your news. The Temple Mount will be in your news
for a shocking reason.

The temple will be built within the original City of David, now a national
park and archaeological site to the south of so-called Temple Mount. The
al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock should remain standing. I believe
that these two Muslim structures are referred to in Isaiah 16:12 KJV: "And
it shall come to pass, when it is seen that Moab [Jordan] is weary on the
high place [Dome of the Rock], that he shall come to his sanctuary [al-Aqsa
Mosque] to pray; but he shall not prevail." When Israel in 1967 gained
control of the Temple Mount but then turned the control of it over to
Islamic Jordan, that was not a betrayal, because it had to remain under
Islamic control so that Isaiah 15:2 "Dibon goes up to its temple, to its
high places to weep" (NIV) and Isaiah 16:12 could be fulfilled.

The Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa Mosque are built upon the ruins of
the Roman fort Antonia to show that the Hellenic dominion of Greece and
Rome was historically replaced by Islamic dominion. Herod's Temple in the
City of David had used Gihon spring water for washing away the blood of
animal sacrifices. That Temple complex was the one that Christ's words
were fulfilled upon of no stone left standing upon another, which was also
fulfilled upon the entire city of Jerusalem (Luke 19:41-44). The neatly
stacked stones that surround the "Temple Mount" are not evidence that
Jesus prophesied falsely. Fort Antonia housed the armies that demolished
Jerusalem. This was reported by Josephus in his book on the Jewish war:
"Where has it gone, that city of ours which was believed to have God as
its founder? It has been torn up by the roots and swept away. The only
memorial left of it is the camp of those who destroyed it, still quartered
in the ruins" (7:376).

Library of Congress 1931 aerial photo looking south across "Temple Mount." The City
of David area is south of the al-Aqsa mosque, which is south of the Dome of the Rock.

During Israel's mission to destroy Hamas, in fulfillment of Isaiah 60:18 (the Hebrew word
for "violence" is hamas), Muslims have been barred from praying in the al-Aqsa mosque
(at the south end of "Temple Mount"). This photo in Tehran Times shows a group of men
barred from al-Aqsa preparing to bow towards Mecca. Had they been in al-Aqsa (shown
near the upper left hand corner of the photo), they would be unknowingly bowing before
the true Temple site in the City of David. How appropriate that this photo of submission
to Allah has "do not enter" signs in it! These men need our prayers.