Larry Carter

Larry Carter IS the Pied Piper of Lawrence. Most people know the story about his great-great-(however-many-times) grandfather, the Pied Piper of Hamelin, but only Carter knows the REST OF THE STORY. Until now, nobody had heard of the Rat Master who sent the rats to Hamelin in the first place. In Carter's re-telling of the tale as it was passed down through his family, you will meet the Rat Master and his crew of lively rats as they join him to scamper on stage. The fun starts with an afternoon Children's Theater Workshop to prepare YOUR KIDS to join him on stage that evening. The workshop is designed as an introduction to theater for younger children.

The early evening performance starts with an all-ages concert of original, energetic music with Carter moving from pipe (flute) to banjo, guitar, cittern and piano. The highlight comes toward the end when YOUR KIDS join him for the Rat Master's big song & dance number.

For those with a larger budget, Carter's 6-person theater troupe, Carter Performers, present the Children's Theater Workshop, concert and the entire musical melodrama "Pied Piper: The Rest of the Story." Click HERE for information about the theater troupe.

Carter is the playwright, composer, musician, actor and Artistic Director for "Carter Performers." He has performed solo and in many bands over the last 25 years, including being a three-time winner in the Kansas Fiddling & Picking Championship. His original music - including engaging children's songs, toe-tapping Celtic tunes, and mesmerizing piano suites - evokes an extremely wide range of human emotions. He is the weekly opening act for the Tuesday Concert series in downtown Lawrence, plus the Master of Ceremonies and performer with his band Forest Green in the annual Lawrence Scottish Fest.

See his website at www.LCarter.Com for details.

Children's Theater Workshop, Great Bend, Kansas, September, 2009

This video was recorded and edited by Don Shorock at Great Bend, Kansas, September, 2009. The concert was sponsored by the Barton County Arts Council, Barton County Historical Society and the Kansas Arts Commission.

My apologies about the highway noise. There happened to be a motorcycle rally just down the road that afternoon, so we handled it as best we could.

The photos below are from the same concert and are also courtesy of Don Shorock.

Children's Theater Workshop, 2009, Great Bend, Kansas

There is a character in the Pied Piper story so sneaky that no one has even heard of him until now. He was the one who sent the rats in the first place - then recruited the piper to call them back to his cave - then tricked the piper to bring the children to the cave. They call him - the Rat Master.

I suppose you think I'm... odd!

The rat is such a noble friend
With bulging eyes and toothy grin.
They scratch and bite without a care
And claw their way to... who knows where! They're SO smart!

"They skitter through town and back again
When I give them CHEESE - my ratty friends!"

Like the theater troupe, 40% of Carter's performances can be reimbursed to qualified hosts through the Kansas Art Commission's "Kansas Arts On Tour" program. A 60-90 minute concert is $500, although fees and length of program are negotiable. See the "Carter Performers" listing in the Kansas Arts on Tour Program brochure published by the Kansas Arts Commission.

Go HERE to find out if your organization qualifies. Apply SOON as funds WILL RUN OUT!

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