name: jessica
age: old enough to know better,young enough to pretend(16)
location: kansas
diet: vegan
friends: justin, matt(my best friends)
online friends: torsten, sebastian, jeanne, bryan lowe, matt xshux--to many to name
current playlist:LUSH-"lovelife", Radiohead-"the bends", IDA-everything, HARVEST-"transitions", 108-"holyname", RAINER MARIA-"look now look again", WIDE AWAKE-"discography", UNTIL TODAY-"in the distance...", BIS-"the new transistor heroes"....
favorite powerpuff girl: buttercup
favorite sXe anthem: "Virtue" by HARVEST
favorite author(s): jack kerouac and albert camus
current interest: hare krishna..i am reading the bhagavadgita
where i would like to live someday: boston, or chicago perhaps...anywhere but kansas
poem by me..
the world is peripheral
as i walk down a "once upon a time" busy street
hood up
i stir up mad ideas
and crazy renderings
there is no therapy
in my metamorphisis
i just live my concrete life.
-by me
your birthday: day of birth: in eighty three
with feet small and hands--a californian january
--to think of the difference to be made in this,your existence.
so everything is moving faster than we can readily feel--through time and space
we are pretending to own things-we are pretending to know things(like time and space)-pretending -yes, and we
never stop growing-in death we grow larger than life--
it is our true occupation to blur the meanings we cling to---
the blank stare after a fit of crying
(it's everything)
the blank stare after a fit of laughing
(it's everything)
forget not:
that with every step you are everywhere
that with every look you see all there is to see
that in each breath the air is beginningless
and that your written word is a light to be shining
bright for us, everyone
-love, your brother, michael
a drawing by Circe (of XsisterhoodX)