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"is it progress if a cannibal uses knife and fork?" Stanislaw Lem

Support the Animal Liberation Front


One Womans story of how she became involved with the A.L.F.


Every year in the U.S., more than 125 million cows and pigs are slaughtered for food.Raising animals on factory farms is cruel and ecologically devastating. Eating animals is bad for our health,leading directly to many diseases and illnesses,including heart attack,stroke, cancer,diabetes,and obesity.

...for the animals

Cows and pigs on factory farms are treated like machines. Within days of birth, pigs have their tails chopped off and cows have their horns removed.Male cows and pigs are castrated.All this is done without anesthesia.The animals'lives are spent in tiny stalls so small that they can't even turn around. Many of these animals never get a breath of fresh air until they are crowded onto trucks,headed for slaughter.Finally, at the slaughter house,cows and pigs are hung upside down by one leg and bled to death, often while fully conscious.

...for the environment

Today's factory farms use everything but the "moo" and "oink"-but in the process they leave behind an environmental toll that generations to come will be forced to pay.Raising animals for food requires more than half the water used in the United States each year and one-third of all raw materials, including fossil fuels.This industry is the greatest polluter of our waters and is directly responsible for 85 percent of soil erosion.Our country's meat addiction is steadily poisoning and depleting our land, water and air.

...and for YOU!

Eating the products of animal suffering is harmful to human health. People who consume animal products are 10 times more susceptible to heart disease,40 percent more susceptible to cancer,and at increased risk for many other illnesses,including stroke,obesity,appendicitis,osteoporosis,arthritis,diabetes,and food poisoning.Additionally,meat contains accumulations of pesticides and other chemicals up to 14 times more concentrated than those found in plant foods.

-This information typed directly from the PETA pamphlet-"meat stinks" obtain more info on PETA, go to...

PETA Online

So, you ask-what can I do about animal suffering? Well, start a chapter of an already established animal rights organization, or create your own grassroots organization. Also, the obvious, boycott any animal products or products that caused animal suffering (things tested on animals). We all need to help with the fight. And we all have one life to do it.-Jessica