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this page is dedicated to those who have been affected by the school shooting on April 20, 1999 in Littleton, Colorado.


a snowflake falls, another cry

all that we ask is why?

why do these things happen, who supposedly didn't care?

now we all know, because of what happened there...


the world stood by helplessly as the rampage occurred

and now the fallen can't give a last word

with a sob, with a tear

they released our worst fears


we now have time to grieve, to mourn

hearts have been battered, dreams have been torn

we cannot forget but must move on

remember our family and friends, they never will be gone


memories are strong, while we go on, feeling weak

but we must live for those asleep, for they can no longer speak

stumble through these tribulations, try as best as we can

to breathe for those whose last breaths came too short for this land


they live on in our hearts, they live on in our minds

they are still with us, in so many different kinds

let us learn from the past, but never forget

the best kind of love is the one that's sent.


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