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Site news....

03.03.98--put up the page. It contained the index page and my guestbook.
03.16.98--the album page is up. Just the listing of the Albums. I added the Graphics sometime toward the end of the month.
03.24.98--the thanks page is up. Just a few. Also the tapelist page.
04.02.98--I put up the beginnings of many other pages, including the links, paper, pictures, and others.
04.07.98--Updated my pics page. Made the link bar.
04.08.98--Added link bar to all pages. Uploaded lots of graphics. Began HTML work on my links page as well as my paper.
04.12.98--Put up Paper as well as a text links page. I've got graphic buttons for some....just not with me :)
04.14.98--Fixed a couple mistakes in my paper, Added Morgan's book to my site list. Added Grovel list to my tapelist page.
04.20.98-- Added to the links page (buttons); redid a bit of my paper. Hoping to finalize it when I'm done reading the book for the 3rd time :)
04.21.98-- put up webring link and Jamie Wolff's site on my links.
04.23.98-- Put up Sound page, added it on nav bar, changed graphic, and put up NEW PAPER!!! Also added setlists to Album page.
I did little updates here and there...
06.01.98-- Major updates to most of the pages.
06.27.98-- Updated my Tapelist. Praying someone will visit.
I've added to my tapelist here and there since. I've been busy working on a Sandstone tree that was added about the first week in August.
08.18.98-- Added webpage html and a webpage page. Everything will be worked on come in the middle of September... I am trying.
08.27.98-- Updated Tapelist completely. I am working on html for the lyrics pages, right now they aren't fancy but i AM trying :)
09.07.98-- Put up new pics for you to gaaaaaze at.
09.13.98-- Transferred tapelist url to Updated tapelist.
have been updating tapelist about once a week...
09.28.98-- Added to the Yahoo! Search Engine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10.03.98-- Revamped main page a bit... Am starting to realize that I need to actually work for once ;)
10.04.98-- Added a few lyrics to the UTTAD and Crash album pages... Put up some .ra's for you to enjoy =]
10.09.98-- Added #34 to my RA page.
10.15.98-- Put up Classics Tree Page. Added to my tapelist on
10.18.98-- Put up the Room Page. Couldn't resist.
11.07.98-- Changed the counter so I can view where you all are from that look at my page.
11.13.98-- Updated Classics Page, working on a complete revamp for the index page. Hoping it works. Adding links too.
12.01.98--changed to White text, easier to read. The final Tree structure is up too.
12.02.98-- Added a button to the main page tool bar: Crunchberry Classics Tree. Also linked Brian's page from my main page. :]
12.08.98-- Added some to my tapelist.
12.09.98-- Added my new shows to my tapelist.
12.13.98-- Changed the link colors. Added a functioning Toolbar to the bottom of each page. Updated tapelist.
12.15.98-- Did some announcements on my tapelist.
12.16.98-- Revamped the main page. Again. Added more shows to my tapelist.
01.12.99-- updated tapelist majorly. Added setlist page too.
01.14.99-- updated el albums page! :)
01.15.99-- tapelist and setlist pages updated.
01.16.99-- Same as yesterday.
01.22.99-- Uploaded new index page, updated tapelist, and am working on fixing the rest when time allows.
01.23.99-- No sleep for the weary. Redid Mapleleaf Peachtree Signup page as well as the project page. More to come later.
01.24.99-- Updated Pics page. Tapelist updated as well....
01.25.99-- Updated Tapelist. Added rules and spelled them out because apparently PEOPLE CANNOT UNDERSTAND THEM!
02.06.99-- Updated tapelist. Also notice the disclaimer.
02.07.99-- Redid news page!!! Also updated quite extensively the setlist page.
02.08.99-- Put up the prelim structure for the Mapleleaf Peachtree. Also tonight am going to complete the setlist page.
02.11.99-- Setlist page uploaded, and updated. Tapelist as well.
02.15.99-- Final Mapleleaf Peachtree is up. Also my tapelist is updated.
02.23.99-- Tapelist updated hugely. Is This Real? Tree page started.
03.06.99-- I've been updating the tapelist as i get in shows. But i redid it today, and am going to start doing lots of setlists tonight after *UGH* work...
03.12.99-- Finally uploaded some 98 setlists. Planning to do that and some isthisreal work tomorrow. Before this weekend is out, setlists will be updated.
03.13.99-- Guess what? all DMB setlists are updated and current!! AUGH!!!! :)
03.14.99-- put a pic dar did for me up on index page. Redid some things on the pics page. Working on an alternate setlist page.
03.15.99-- put 2.2.99 on setlist/tapelist. Made up tree for isthisreal and all related stuffs.
04.05.99-- Life sure gets busy doesn't it! Uploaded new tapelist. The 2.20.99 tree is UP!!!!!!
04.09.99-- Next permatree show: 2.2.99. Added 3.25.99 to list.
04.10.99-- Fixed up 2.20 page and changed some room page stuff. Open house is a good excuse to overabuse my ethernet connection showing what i can do :)
04.16.99-- Added 3.14.99 to tapelist. Uninstalled FrontPage Express by accident, so it's back to being a stupid little html girl...*sigh*
04.21.99-- Reinstalled FrontPage Express. Thank goodness! the isthisreal pages are being redone and updated. The tapelist will be updated. The index HAS been updated. The setlists will be worked on and uploaded when i get some time. The trees page was added for your easier viewing enjoyment.
04.22.99--put up the Colorado page. Updated tapelist, tree page, isthisreal info...
05.03.99--Got a new job, and therefore found some web time for once. Updated the tapelist, from what i could remember. It's grossly not full, as my setlist page isn't either. Yeah, yeah, is called finals crunch. only 15 days till my birthday.
05.09.99--Updated me page.
05.12.99--one week till my bday. Tapelist updated. still iso some shows, but have some found...
05.24.99--Uploaded new tapelist. only trading for iso shows. Also will B+P stuff too. especially trees i owe.
06.05.99--while nancies are at VA Beach, I updated my Setlists for the DMB/D+T shows I own. Also added a link to a poster from them!! :) And I updated the ME! page yet again...things change, but basically they stay the same..but sometimes, things are much better.
06.09.99--put another webring on the page, updated tapelist.
06.26.99--updated tapelist... took out a very old page, and a bunch of pictures. added the darin page, dedicated to the best friend i'll ever have. our picture is linked off it.
07.14.99--updated me page, as well as the digitree is up, and my tapelist has been updated somewhat.
07.21.99--Updated tapelist. Am working on redoing the me? page to show more current things in my life, as well as update the tree page and show everyone what pictures i have of 06.12.99.
07.31.99--NEW pages up! Index, albums, isthisreal, tapelist, and uttad lyrics. yes, i'm working them over!
09.03.99--Phew. Major, Major redoings here at the lyrickat site. most importantly, the tapelist and 2 setlist pages.
09.25.99--a change will do you good. Notice the tapelist, which has a new cuts from cd -> analog on it. Also closing in on 700 (!!!) hours...
10.07.99--the day i can keep the tapelist updated is a good one... (look :) the setlist pages will get it... believe me. :)
02.20.2000--I'm sorry I didn't keep THIS page updated... moving, new job, new school and various other things keep me busy... I keep updating the tapelist and setlist pages, and i'm doing a bunch of updating this week! :)
03.19-25.2000--Spring Break, and a major update for a lot of the site. :)
04.06.2000--updated tapelist again.

home albums paper links credit updates tapes sounds Crunchberry Classics Tree
