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This is where I get to grovel and be nice...

First, I'd like to thank my teacher for letting me do this site as part of my research project. And my class, who has *nOt* seen this before--but is putting up with my fascination for one day.

Second, Ryan Underbrink for sending me an email one day with a really interesting song in it: Say Goodbye 10.26.93. That song got me to thinking, Hey...are there different ones than this? And the project begun.....

Third, all my tapers:
-Joe Campbell, for sending me my first show--12.31.94, and then for sending me a new tape when Warehouse wasn't right :)
-Sarah, otherwise known as Sarah the Smurf, for hooking me up with 2 great Trax shows: (my fave) 10.26.93 and 11.02.93, and then for the Red Rocks Show 7.2.97.
-Jamie Stine, for getting me the Say Goodbye Mix and the Germany show--both are awesome!!!
-Garrett Wood, for taping 6 shows for me within a month, right on time when I wanted new music...6 shows is a lot of work, and all are the BEST quality I've heard in a while :)

Fourth, all the nancies out there...from Bobo to Pace, fLiPbOy to Jules, Ron, everyone and anyone I missed :)

Fifth, Christine Baginski for having her alternate lyrics site. Main source, and gotta love the lizard.

Sixth, Brian Flume for having a chronological order site, which is easier to make non-DMB people comprehend the numbering (:

7th, the rest of you that showed an interest with my project and gave me feedback, especially you IRCERS! I couldn't have done it without people listening to me habitually complain about *Only 430 messages to go...* This was a labor of love, and to especially thank people like Ryan Underbrink, Clay Hinson, Charles Hastings, Alex Wendt, Sarah O'Connell, Mike Petrillo, Joe Campbell, Ron Diaz, Nathaniel Spelich, Chris Oberlin, both Robins, Jendy, Chelle and Brian, Christine, Jord, Alex and everyone else I can't think of at this moment--deepest gratitude.

And, thanks to the men of the Dave Matthews Band for making such great music and giving people something *dIfFeReNt* to listen to. A.K.A. "Could I have been anyone other than me?" Dave, Boyd, Leroi, Carter, Stefan, and Tim --keep being yourselves.

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