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(tree picture courtesy of Darin Srivisal)

Tree? What's a tree?

that's a great question...

I can't claim to know a ton about trees. However, I've run quite a few in my days and plan to run some more.

05.27.98 Sandstone: Live and Dreaming Tree (here) was my first show, and consequently my first tree i've run.

Secondly, i ran a Crunchberry Classics Tree with 05.26.92 and 12.02.93. (here) This one proved to be a lot of spinning, headache but so fun, and great shows.

Next, our friend and yours, Stof, contacted me about co-admining a tree. Called the Mapleleaf Peachtree because of the venues (8.20.98 GA and 11.14.98 Canada), this one is still going on.... (here)

The current project is an Analog Permatree located at and is for 1999 Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds shows, as well as 2 sweet seeds from 99 summer tour... check out the link for the best details. This is run simultaneously with Stephen Korbel and Brian Rentschler's Digital tree Am I Dreaming? at .

I branched out, so to speak, and ran a Rockwell Church and Vertical Horizon tree here at the end of school. here... and hope you like that one...

My last tree for a LONG time was for 06.11-12.99 DMB. (here) . My first--and only-- digital tree for a LONG while.

My partner in crime Gwen Knapp and some others have made a wonderful site for trees and more. it's located at and if you have any questions or want in on trees, this is the place to go.

Info on Nevin Martell's new book is available by clicking the banner. Congrats to Nevin, as the book is simply outstanding.