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Some views of the Great Kiva
View from Right:  This what a kiva would have looked like in the Anasazi period.  The fire in the center vents through the roof.

Upclose and Center:  This is the ceremonial fire center.  This fire would be the only light source inside the kiva.  This would draw all attention towards it and bring the people together in a circle.

The Ladder is the only way in or out of the kiva from the top.  There is also a staircase that is used by the priests to bring ceremonial processions to a begining.  The steps, as mentioned before, signify the entrance to the underworld, a place inhabited by spirits.

The Corner of a Kiva was where the common people would have been during a ceremony.  The view you are looking at is what most Anasazi saw.  You can only imagine a great chief or medicine man with his hands raised in chant to the Great Spirit or Rain God.  This is a real treat for the eye.  Through the use of modern technology, we can once again glimpse scenes from the past.  Notice all of the decoration and structural beams along the roof.

Post-Ceremonialscenes like this one are interesting to look for details in. You can see the pottery styles used by the Anasazi as well as the placement of the objects themselves.  Also, there is a stone sitting behind the fire.  This was placed there to create a backdraft that would carry smoke through the roof.  This is directly opposite the stairway enterance, from which a breeze would come.  The kiva was not filled with smoke, as we have seen because of small  advances in aerodynamics such as this.  This is the New World's version of the chimney.

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