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Lusi's Peachy Web site Award

As you know, Death* is one of my idols. Who better than she to bestow the Peachy Web Site Award?

For this award, Peachy translates as:

o a personal website of depth and substance
o a dark site with content which conveys an understanding of life
o wonderful graphics which download quickly (if you didn't make the graphics, a credit line and link to the artist is required)
o your page must be something I am impressed with (of course). Make it a real peachy work of art!
o finally, I am very choosy about picking winners for this award. Be do not be offended if I do not respond to your application. If I like your site and want to present you with the award, I will reply to your email ASAP.

Sorry, no commercial sites.

So...if you know of a peachy keen website and would like to nominate the site for this award, please email me with the following info:
(Please don't forget anything.)

o URL of site for consideration
o title of site
o your name
o your email address
o description of nominated page
o tell me why you think the site is peachy keen

Winners of this award

*Character "Death" is a creation of Neil Gaiman's "Sandman" DC Comics

Unless otherwise stated, the artistic and intellectual content of this site is the sole property of Melusine. As such, use of the contents without the express written consent from Melusine is prohibited.
Copyright©1998, Melusine

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*Character "Death" is a creation of Neil Gaiman's "Sandman" DC Comics

Unless otherwise stated, the artistic and intellectual content of this site is the sole property of Melusine. As such, use of the contents without the express written consent from Melusine is prohibited.
Copyright©1998, Melusine