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undefined Midwest Houndsmans Haven


The model shown is the Bad Dog Scout with the customized nameplate, powder-coating, and the cargo light options.


We offer 3 basic boxes:
Bad Dog Scout 24"W X 36"D X 24"H (one compartment)(about 25 lbs.) Bad Dog Vanguard 38"W X 44"D X 24"H (two compartment)(about 55 lbs.) Bad Dog Dreadnought 46"W X 44"D X 24"H (two compartment)(about 65 lbs.) All boxes are made entirely of .062, 3032 aluminum and riveted with stainless steel rivets. Also Each box has 4" wide PVC runners on the bottom for protection. I have designed and programmed all these boxes myself, the louvers are punched on a CNC punch press and the remainder is cut on a CNC laser.


We offer quite a few options, and are working on a few more. We are currently working with our distributor and a greyhound breeder to develop a new line of boxes and additional options. Personalized Box We can cut anything that you want into the box up to 12 letters/side. The letters are 1.625" high and are cut completely through the aluminum with the CNC laser. Logos Logos are drawn, programmed, and cut into the box. Due to the nature of this option, each logo must be individually quoted. Gooseneck With this option, the doors hinge in the center and open from the outside. We started offering this option at the request of our distributor, who hauls horses and dogs in a trailer and needed to be able to open the doors around his trailer hitch. Cargo Light An external 12V light is mounted on the back of the box and wired into the truck using a 2-pole trailer plug. I have had a lot of feedback on this option and many people say that they will never own a box without one. I sold a box to a friend is Enid, Oklahoma who competition hunts and says that it is the best thing ever for filling out score cards on your tailgate and messing with your equipment. Now he doesn't have to waste his battery power. I have a few waterfowl hunters that find it real handy as well to illuminate decoys and gear before the sun comes up. Powder Coating We have Started powder coating as an option. Standard boxes come either bare aluminum or alodined gold.