
The Moon is an ancient symbol of the Goddess. Countless religions have recognized it with rites and ceremonies throughout the ages, Wiccans of today still do. On the nights of the Full Moon, and sometimes the New Moon, (depending on the individual or coven,) they honor the Goddess (and God) with worship, and if needed, perform magick.

This doesn't mean that they "worship" the Moon. Wiccans see in the Moon a symbol of the Goddess, not Her face. The Moon's dramatic cycle of waxing and waning long ago attracted religious awe from peoples attuned with nature. Wiccans may admire the Moon's beauty, and may thrill to seeing it slowly rise from the eastern horizon, but they don't worship it.

The Moon is also seen as a mystic source of energy. Wiccans know that though it glows at night, the Moon possesses no light of its own. It reflects light from the hidden Sun. Because light can be equated with power, and because of the Moon's strong, proven effects on the tides and the cycles of both women and animals, Wiccans draw energy from the Moon during Esbats to further empower magickal workings.

Thus, an Esbat (or, Full Moon Ritual) is a rite involving worship of the Goddess and (if needed) a magickal working, in all cases I'm familiar with, the worship comes first-before the magick.

To Wiccans, the time of the Full Moon is a time of sanctity and spirituality. The ritual usually occurs at night. The circle is cast, the Goddess (and the God) is called in poetic words, or chant, or song, or dance. A meditation session may follow, after which works of magick are carried out, beneath the light of the Moon, whenever possible. Afterward, wine or juice and cresent cakes, or some other kind of cake/offering are consumed, and shared with Deity.

This is the Esbat--a time of reverence and magic....

Here is one of the several I use myself, feel free to use it, or change it or not even look at it!:)

Have your circle cast, and the Guardians called, stand facing your altar and say:

"Once more do I come to show my joy of life and reaffirm my feelings for the Gods. The Lord and Lady have been good to me, so it right that I give thanks for all I have. They know that I have needs and They listen to me when I call upon Them. Thus, do I thank the Lord and Lady for those favors They have bestowed upon me."

Follow with your Full or New Moon rite, or Sabbat, or working, etc.. then when finished, but before closing the circle, I say:

"An it harm none, do what thou will: Thus runs the Wiccan Rede, whatever I desire; whatever I would ask of the Gods; whatever I would do: I must be certian that it will harm no one--not even myself. And as I give, so shall it return, threefold. I give of myself- my love-and it will be returned thrice. But should I send forth harm, then that too will be returned thrice over."

" Beauty and strength are in the Lord and the Lady. Patience and Love, Wisdom and Knowlage. Blessed Be"

Well there it is, take it or leave it! I will be posting different ones here periodicaly, just for variety, so check back often! Also, if you have one you would like to share or see on here, please let me know!! I'am always intrested in learning new things!!

