Mistikl's Poetry Corner

OK...here are a few of my feeble attempts at poetry..I know, I know, no rhyme, no meter, no structure....and the spelling...sheesh...lol.
Also, before you read on, I will warn you now, some of these may seem kind of "dark" to some people.
No, ladys and gentelmen, these are not your normal "fluffy bunny" poems.
An explination first though, before you go running off calling Charter...(g)
People have diffrent ways of expressing their feelings, mine just happens to be through pen and paper, so when i get "emotional" about something, I usually grab some paper and write (hey!! dont knock it!! It's better than kicking the dog or something^_~)
So, just for the record, I do not normally go around pratteling about monsters eating children and such...(g).
This first one happens to be my favorite, so if you only read one, may I recomend it?
Have fun..and stay awake!!!

A Trip
Wings Of A Beast
The End
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Email: mistkl@webtv.net