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A Network Of Humor...

You know, it gets lonely workin' on a page all by yourself. At least for me, anyway. So I was thinkin' (oooh... scary), and I thought, how about forming a "gang" of boyband sites? It could be a step above sister sites. Here's how it works:

Step 1: E-mail me ( This is important. You won't be denied, I just need your name (nicknames will do), e-mail and your URL if you have one so I can add it to the list I'm gonna make.

Step 2: If you have a page, put the lovely banner you see up there somewhere on it (preferrably where people can see it).

< a href="" > < img src="" >

If you don't have a page, don't worry about it. You can help, too.

Step 3: Once I get people signing up, that's when the fun starts. See, this is just all one big feedback/help system. Meaning if you join the gang, you can give other gang members suggestions on what to do with their page (constructive criticism, people... nothin' negative in Leftside), or they can help give you ideas for yours. That, and traffic to your site is increased. Everybody wins, and we all make new friends, so smile and join today!
