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After a while Katie and Shellie were able to talk.
The boys took them inside and gave them a tour of their house. It was 
really cool. Tay started to take a great intrest in Shellie.
"So do you have a Romeo?" he asked.
"No. do you have a Juilet?" 
"nup" he replied.
"Hey do you wanna see the tree house me and Ike made?'
"sure why not"
he took Shellie up to the tree house. Helping her up the ladder.
"Wow this is pretty cool" Shellie exclaimed
"Yah  it was kinda hard making it cuz you had to carry up all the wood
the tree, but it was definatly a collabritive effort" he explained
"oh ok" replied Shellie.
After a while TAy and Shellie sat in the tree house together and talked. Suddenly they stoped talking and Tay just looked deeply into Shellies 
eyes. He really liked her.
"Hey,  I was just wondering if it hurt when you fell from heaven?" he 
"Oh you are really sweet" said Shellie blushing.
"Hey it's getting dark we'd better start heading in " Shellie said
"Yeh , but i have a better idea lets stay out here and talk some more"
"sure that sounds pretty good" replied Shellie.


Ike, Zac, Katie, Jessie, Avie, and Mac ( Zoe was in bed) were all 
sitting in Ike, Tay's and Zac's room talking.
"i'm gona get a drink anyone want one?" asked Zac 
"I will" everyone replied
"um ok i won't be long" said Zac
"Hey Zac i'll come help ya" Katie replied
"Kewl Thankx" Zac replied. He seemed to like this cuz they finally
be alone together.
Zac and Katie went downstairs to get the drinks. After about 10 mins
went downstairs  to see what was keeping them. As he saw the two
Lego together, Zac looked up at him and gave him a look to go away. So 
Ike went and got the drinks and took them up to everyone. As Zac and 
Katie were playing  they say Tay and Shellie sneaking in. 
"Hey where have you two been ?" Zac asked
"Nowhere" Tay replied with a cheeky grin.
Ike ran down to see where Tay and Shellie had been.
"Hey guys it's getting late" Ike said
"Yeh I guess we should call our parents to come pick us up" Shellie and 
Katie said together.
"No don't go" wailed Zac
"They can stay the night right Tay? Ike ?"
"I don't see why not" replied Tay 
"Yeh that'll be cool, I'll ring Tara and ask her if she wants to stay 
over too" said Ike running to the phone.
"who's Tara?" asked the girls
"Ikey-poos girlfriend" Zac said smirking
"Oh" the girls replied
"I din't know Ike had a girlfriend" Katie said to Zac
"Yeh not many people know but he's crazy bout' her" Zac exclaimed
"So where are we going to sleep?" asked Shellie
"Well" Tay replied "you can sleep on Zacs bed so were next to each 
other" Tay took Shellies hand and smiled.
"Yeh i'll get some matrices so Katie and I can sleep on the floor"
"wow go Zacy" Tay teased
"shut up Tay" zac yelled
"hey guys tara will be over in about 1/2 an hour "
"cool i can't waite to meet her" exclaimed katie
"hmmmmm......... so what are we going to do?" asked zac
"how about we get ready for bed and then we can watch a movie or 
something" replied ike
"that sounds like a good idea" they all replied
shellie borrowed some clothes of tay and zac lent some clothes to 
katie.They all went downstairs and got out some blankets and got all
uop for the movie. As they were getting ready the door bell rung.
"'i'll get it" ' ike yelled
"tara come in" ike kissed her on the cheek.
"oh these are the competition winners this is shellie and this is 
"oh cool nice to meet you" tara smiled
"i see you two got along *well* with tay and zac"
"guys are we gonna watch the movie?" zac inturrupted

They sat down. Tay and shellie got the couch,ike and tara laid together 
on the floor and katie and zac sat next to each other.Half way through 
the movie zac and katie  decided to go off and draw together. Hours 
past and ike an tara were STILL up talking and making out. They looked 
around and saw katie had fallen asleep on zacs lap and tay and shellie 
had fallen asleep on the couch together.
