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Mistakes that Hanson has Made!

Mmmbop Video!
1. Zac is chewing gum during the whole video!
2. When Zac is playing the drums you can see a man outside the glassdoor.
3. When Isaac is singing "If it's going to be a daisy or a rose" Taylor lips "oh".
4. When the boys put the seeds in the ground Zac has "HI" written on his hand!

2 seconds into I Will Come To You you here someone(maybe Zac) click the drumsticks together!
When the camera is coming out of the crowd in the "Where's The Love" video you can see Taylor's boxers!
On MTV when Hanson co-hosts with Bill, Tay lifts his leg and pulls out Ike's controller and then it goes to a commerical and when they come back it is plugged back in!
On Regis and Kathy Lee, Taylor's mic. falls off and lands down by his leg!

