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Hanson Rumors

Ok, let's get this one cleared up, it's not true that Zac was quiet on the Jay Leno interview because a friend of theirs died. This was admitted by the brothers themselves.
1. Taylor loves to clean. Well maybe if he's at home long enough to make a

2. The three brothers got kicked out of various places -- LaserQuest,a
mall, and a toy store for being loud and rowdy and their 5-star hotel for
rollerblading in the lobby. I don't see it happening -- but hey, who knows?

3. Isaac names his guitar after girls he has a crush on.

4. Isaac was on a date with a girl and he kissed her, and she ran out crying!

5. Isaac tried to straighten his hair, but ended up burning it! What was he
straightening it with? I've heard it was an iron!

6. They have a closet full of stinky socks. This is true. They even said in a
magazine interview!!! EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWW!!!

7. Their dad quit his job so he can travel with his sons during their singing
career, this is true also.

8. Ike, Tay, and Zac refuse to go on first-class on an airplane, so "they can
be with their fans" on coach. That sounds so STUUUUUUUPID!(I seriously

9. Zac ran off the stage crying during on of their performances because he
was soooooo nervous!(true)

10. Yearbook is about a kid who died in the Oaklahoma City bombing.(not

11.) Tay had sugery on his voice box (NOT TRUE AT ALL)

12.) Ike is gay (NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!)

13.) Ike, Tay and Zac aren't really brothers(NOT TRUE!!)

14.) that Zac was killed in a car accident!(No! Where do people come up with these?)

15.) that Tay almost drowned in a pool

16.) that they are getting their hair cut REALLY REALLY short!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! i hope you will put these on your page and your page rocks and so does HANSON!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for this from Hanson Boy!

