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Jordan Taylor Hanson

Called Taylor or Tay
Weight: 115 pounds
Sex: male
Age: 15
Hair: blonde and has a long rat tail
Instruments: keyboards, synthysizer, bongos and lead vocals
Born: 3-14-83
Eyes: blue
Shoe Size: Men's 14
Favorite Color: red
Ice Cream: strawberry
Bad Habbit: tapping fingers on things while talking and bitting them.
Favorite School Subject: Literature
He is right handed
Talents: cartooning (designed the cartoon characters on Middle of Nowhere) and computer stuff
Height: 5'7
Personality:very shy and friendly, he likes to flirt.
Favorite Food: fish, mexican, and his moms browinies.
Fave Drink: Mug Root Beer, and Dr. Pepper
Keyboard Name: KURZWEIL
Voice started to change during recording of Middle Of Nowhere so he has
to take voice lessons
He is compared to young Kurt Cobain (Do you guys KNOW Kurt Cobain? GAG!)
Voted cutest guy on earth(You bet he would win he is sooooooo cute!!!!) Alright Tay!!

