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PiCtUrEs Of MaNsOn

I sure as hell would've voted for this prom QuEeN!!! wouldn't you have?

OH MY GOD!! he's soooo hot!!!!

Isn't he just so perdy??? I love the eyebrows!

I love his eyebrows on this one too!

Holy shit, if only I were that lollipop!!!

Awww... I could just stare at him for hours!!

This is like the Marilyn Manson poster picture, it's everywhere, like the wall in my room!

Doesn't he just look beautiful as Jesus??

This used to be the wallpaper on my computer... isn't he just soooo wonderful?

I don't remember what this one looks like, but I'm positive he's beautiful in it!

Same goes for this one... don't remember what it looks like, but I'll enjoy looking at it later!!

I just love the looks he gets on his face!!

This is one of the prettiest pictures I have of him, doesn't he just look so...NORMAL??