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LoCaL PeOpLe

Hey!! these are pictures of my friends from school and people I've gone to school with and stuff like that... so, here they are oh yeah, Ryan, don't ever say I don't have a friends page with people from around here!

This is my blonde friend Jenny!! she goes to Valley Christian and I used to go to elementary school with her, if you would like to reach her, she's at!

This is Adrienne, I went to school with her for two years, this is her 8th grade graduation picture!

This is Cori, I go to Presentation High School with her, she's the one sitting down!

This is a picture from the Inaugural Ball that was held at my school when I was in 8th grade, I'm not in this picture or anything...the people in this in order from the top are: T.J., Antonella, Adrienne, Katherine, Marissa B., Josh, Sophie, Ashley C., Joseph N., Stacey, Julia, and Lance!

This is Julia from Holy Family's 8th grade graduation picture, I also used to go to school with her!

This is a picture of four people that I went to school with for two years, all of them ended up going to different schools. Their names and schools in order from top left are: Cheryl and she went to Notre Dame, Benedette and she went to Presentation, Lance and he went to Bellarmine, and Joseph and he went to St. Lawrence.

CONTINUE!!! tO tHe ReSt Of My fRiEnD's PiCtUrEs!

GO HOME!!! aNd FiNd sOmEtHiNg NeW tO dO!!!
YOU'RE RANDOM!!! sO gO tO tHe RaNdOm PeOpLe PiCs PaGe!!!
GO SEE THE STARS!!! iT WiLl Be JuSt LiKe gOiNg To HoLLyWoOd!!!
SEE THE WOMEN!!! YoU kNoW yOu WaNt To Go To ThE cHiCkS pAgE sO DoN't LiE!!!
