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ThEsE aRe QuOtEs FrOm

"We will no longer be oppressed by the fascism of Christianity!"

"I don't really have a place in my heart for stupid or weak people. There's too many people in the world, and they need to make way for the people who can actually contribute something to society."

"If your reality is the same as my reality, then you're in trouble."

"That's part of being a band, being entertainers. The more people that we reach, the better. I dont want to remain an underground secret, however we still waint to hang onto what we're about."

"If somebody were to kill themselves or somebody else, that would just go to show how ignorant people were raised. You know, if they had to use a rock song as an excuse to not go on living, it's pretty weak. I'm creating music, and I'm saying what I experience and what's on my mind. How somebody relates to it is purely up to them, if people want to be like me then they should be themselves because ultimately that's what I'm doing."

"A lot of people think that I hate everything, but there's some things in life that I love, and the things I do love are very important, they're just few and far between."

"I think with any great painting or movie or album, or whatever, it's better if people can take what they need from it, that they're not expected to get some particular message."

"I don't know if I would want to bring a kid into the world, but I would like the opportunity to be a father."

"I have people come up to me and ask me if they can cut me while I cut them, or if I can put out a cigarette on their face. I can understand that people are trying to make a first impression, but I think a lot of people don't understand what Marilyn Manson is about."

"I don't think stupid people should breed."

"I dont belive in cigarettes, in fact when people smoke, I can't hear what they're saying. I've fine tuned myself to shut out the words of smokers, so I miss out on a lot of conversations."

"What good would Marilyn Manson be if nobody hated Marilyn Manson?"

"I dont' advocate killing, but killing is killing. Except I don't belive that what Charles Manson did is any worse than what my dad did in Vietnam, at least Manson had a reason."

"Sweet Dreams was a carefully placed piece of cheese on a rat trap that lured in a lot of people that wouldn't of normally heard of Marilyn manson, but in that they got their neck snapped on the rat trap. They didn't bargain for the other stuff they were gonna get."

"I judge people on their intelligence and personality. I think the only thing that counts in the world is what you can contribute to society. That's why in a perfect world, America would be run my artists, musicians, writers, and people of that nature because these are the people that make the world worth living."

"The world doesn't revolve around the sun, it revolves around a giant cock That is what the world is about: it's about sex. Anybody who doesn't want to realize this is fooling themselves. People are bored because they've done everything they can do, so now the fear of death is the only thing that gets them excited. That's why some people have made me into some type of sex symbol. I'm death on wheels the way I look."

"The most outrageous thing I could imagine ever doing is putting on a pair of jeans and going to the shopping mall for my lunch. That would be pretty gross."

"It's like an amusement park. It's part of people's nature to be attracted to their own death and to fear. That's why this record is three cycles of death happening, and that's why people will gravitate toward it. Whether in outrage or open arms, people will gravitate toward it."

"I hate when I go somewhere and people are smiling and laughing and having a good time, it makes me depressed."

"I get shocked by people smoking cigarettes sometimes. I get shocked by watching talk shows. People's moralities are so far below what I would consider standard. SAT results should be directly linked to a death sentence, those who don't reach a certain score would be executed."

"If someone listens to our music, and that makes them creative, that makes me happier than anything."

"I've been scarred by other bands the same way people have been scarred by me."

"No matter how much they love you, they want a tragedy."

"I believe your remembrance is your immortality. What you leave in this world is that part of you that lives on forever."

"There are a lot of new Marilyn Mansonesque people, but I don't get mad at those things, it's like there's one real Santa Claus, but there's a lot of fake ones at the mall."

"I'm not anything like Brad Pitt or Antonio Banderas, but maybe it's the taboo element of my image, which is almost deathlike, that attracts them. I should be the last person they should be attracted to."

"If I weren't in music I think I might be a third grade teacher or a TV evangelist. Something where I could be getting at people's minds... when they're most vulnerable."

"I want to have kids someday and I would show them everything. I woudln't hold anything back from them. I think if you show kids reality and stop trying to protect them from it, then they can handle it."

"Just like kissing a girl can't get her pregnant, sucking a guy's dick doesn't make you gay."

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