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PiCtUrEs Of RaNdOm AnD nOt So RaNdOm PeOpLe

This is a guy I talked to online once.. I don't remember his screen name, but I think he might have been one of the suicidal ones..

This was a picture of some pretty hot guy that some chick was obsessing over, I see why she was, don't you?

I totally don't remember this one at all but it's a pretty interesting picture

This is some chick that I talked to today for about two seconds and I just got her pic for the hell of it, and it wasn't till then that I realized she was a rapper chick in a Marilyn Manson chat room, even though her screen name's LiLxHiPhOp, I guess I was just hoping for a miracle or something

You can hardly even see this chick since she's so far away from the camera but I didn't talk to her for very long, I actually know her screen name though, it's MITS 81

I don't even remember who this is, but their screen name's PurHaZe83 and if you ask me, she's pretty! (yes Kelly you heard me right, I said she was pretty! that is if you're even pathetic enough to come to this page to read it)

This guy hella kicked ass, we hella hated each other and shit but we got over it, once he lit some dog on fire and shit, well at least that's what he said and since he also pretty much said he's a psycho, I'm taking his word for it, I don't want to have to find out for myself!but you know, if you want to just look him up at TEKNOHED69

This is another picture that I don't remember talking to the person, I just remember asking for a know you want one, go ask him at diosdetu

This isn't a picture of any random chick, this is my cousin Jenn, she's hella cool and has a pretty car, I forgot what the guys name was and I'm too lazy to get up and go look on the back of the picture, so I'm just going to say sorry about that! and make up for it by doesn't he look handsome?

This is another picture of some chick off the street... no just kidding, this is my other cousin, Tracy she's Jenn's sister and the guy's name is Tim, and I only remember that because he's a skater! Don't they just look pretty!

Okay, most of these pictures that are below here I don't know or remember these people so I'll just write their screen name unless I remember something about the person...

This is LunatikZim!

This is MArILyNIN2 !

This is MarNin69!

This is MrSexvamp... I just go his picture today!

This is NAPLMDETH you can't really see this picture all that good, but if you were to fade the picture then you could see his hair, it's pretty cool...

This is QeenOfGoth!

This is SeaMonkey0 you can mail bomb him or whatever at your own free will, he was a little kiddie... he was an immature little jerk! but umm.. I think that's just because he's a little Froshie!! j/k I was just barely a freshman so I think I need to shut up now...

CONTINUE!!! tO tHe ReSt Of ThE rAnDoM PeOpLe i'Ve FoUnD!

GO HOME!!! YoU kNoW yOu WaNt To!!!
GO SEE THE FRIENDS!!! CoMe On NoW...iT's ThE tHiNg To Do!!!
