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This is the page for: MY OBSESSIONS!

Hey, this is my page that I am attempting to make and I just decided to call it my obsessions because all of the other names I tried to use were taken...

well umm... as you can see or will see... I'm obsessed with Marilyn Manson and Twiggy Ramirez... not to mention Matthew Lillard and Sailor Moon, but now I'm going to start getting off of the subject

okay, the thing is I can't live without having an obsession with someone or something for a long period of time so that's the explaination for this page I guess just to show you what I am obsessed with...

okay, I can't make a webpage worth anything so this is my sorry excuse for one... I had one before but it was so pathetic that angelfire decided to delete it for me... but I don't care it saved me the trouble of doing it myself..

well umm.. I guess I'm going to stop rambling now and let you look at the site..

Just remember...

1. Marilyn Manson is the most beautiful man alive on this Earth...

2. Twiggy Ramirez is the second most beautiful man on Earth, (especially when he's half naked and only wearing a towel)...

3. Matthew Lillard is the prettiest man alive as well...

and 4. Sailor Moon is the best cartoon and hella kicks ass!!

.. now you better remember this because there will be a test on it later!

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AAA Webaholics

Hey you know what?? I think you might just be forgetting something if you've come to this point and haven't signed my guestbook... so you know what would be a really good idea???


Jesus, I didn't think it would be that difficult for you to figure out!!!

ThE rEsT oF mY pAtHeTiC SiTe...

tHiS iS sOmE UnPrOdUcTiVe sHiT aBoUt Me

ThEsE aRe SoMe KiCk AsS LiNkS... WeLl At LeAsT sOmE oF tHeM aRe, OkAy?

ThEsE aRe SoMe PiX oF rAnDoM PeOpLe I'vE TaLkEd To OnLiNe AnD aLsO sOmE nOt So RaNdOm PeOpLe

ThEsE aRe SoMe PiX oF tHiNgS i LiKe AnD sTuFf LiKe ThAt

ThEsE aRe QuOtEs FrOm MaRiLyN mAnSoN aNd EvEnTuAlLy OtHeR PeOpLe As WeLL

ThEsE aRe SoMe PiCtUrEs Of SoMe CeLeBs ThAt ArE rAtHeR PeRdY... jUsT gO LoOk At ThEm aLrIgHt?

ThEsE aRe SoMe PiCtUrEs Of My LoVeLy fRiEnDs, ChEcK tHeM oUt, i CaN TeLL yOu CaN't wAiT!

tHiS iS aN AdD oN tO mY SiTe ThAt dEsPeRaTeLy NeEdS tO bE wOrKeD oN

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