..she came into the world, quiet, peaceful and curious, around 2:45 am, on Monday, January 29th.  As most of the world slept, and their lives coasted into another day, either bringing sunshine and joy, or despair and sorrow, little Harper Elizabeth was taking her first breath, opening her eyes, and absorbing her first images into her little mind.  Her life, a blank slate, to be painted, formed and molded into memories, lessons, experiences and emotions.  So tiny, so full of wonder, eyes scanning everything for the first time, as if it were the last and she may not ever see them again.  Her parents, my best friend Jeff, his wife Sandy, her parents, and her sister Erika, were all there to welcome another beautiful soul onto the earth.  

Sometimes, amidst the hustle, bustle, technology, keeping up with everyone and everything, we miss the simplest wonders of the world.  The birth of a child, the look, the feel of a new life created, a sense of spirit, hope, happiness, love, the potential to be anything, anyone, to think freely, and to live.  

Welcome to the world Harper, I hope we haven't left it in too much of a state of disarray, we have tried our hardest to make the best of what we've been given, sometimes we make mistakes, sometimes we err, but the key is to always try.  Keep your mind and eyes open, your heart of full of passion, desire and love, and always keep learning and loving.  You have been blessed with two of the best people I know in the world for parents, they will love you unconditionally, and to no end.  They have anxiously awaited your arrival, and will cherish every moment, giving you everything you desire (to a realistic extent of course).  This new life, this new world to you, so amazing, so full of anything you want it to be.  So as you close your eyes from your first day here, your first memories engrained, your first dreams beginning, grab onto this world for all its worth, know its full of hope and love for you, there will be happiness, sadness, joy and sorrow, but the world is yours now.  Your first of many, your first smile, your first breath, and the happiness your bring to the eyes of your parents.  So much to experience for you, cherish it dear little Harper, and welcome.

Goodnight, my angel
Now it’s time to dream
And dream how wonderful  your life will be
Someday you child may cry
And if you sing this lullaby
Then in your heart
There will always be a part of me

(Lullaby (Goodnight, My Angel) - performed and written by Billy Joel, 1993)

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From Kat

on the birth of your beautiful baby girl!

May your sweet angel-baby, Harper Elizabeth, enjoy a long, healthy, successful life, with the love, care and tender adoration of all who are blessed with knowing her!

Thanks from Jeff and Sandy, your words give a beautiful touch to an already blessed event.

The Face of An Angel

Harper D.

Name: Harper Elizabeth
Birthdate: 1/29/2001 at 2:46 a.m.
Weight: 7 lbs. 1 oz.
Length: 19.5 inches
Mother: Sandy 
Father: Jeff
Image and information courtesy of Baptist Medical Center in Kansas City, Missouri