This is my new undertaking, a webpage dedicated to the tragedy of 11 September 2001.  It is still in the works, and growing every day.  I don't know where it will go, just as I don't know where our country and the world will.  But as we all struggle to regain our new semblance of normal, this page shall be a part of the growth, and a part of the healing. 

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This is a collection of my thoughts and ramblings on various newsworthy, and personal issues in my life.  In addition, my ramblings on various happenings in the movie world.  Also, my occasional dabbling into the poetry world

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This is where my reviews of movies are, agree?,disagree? tell me. This is also the ultimate movie reference and opinion section. Look here for Coming Attractions to theaters this fall/winter and links to many great and informative pages for that movie buff in all of us. Check back, as this page will be updated often. Also, look at my schedule for movie viewing and reviews. 

Visions of an Angel  

The homepage of Harper Elizabeth Dziedzic, the newest angel to grace our world. 

Who Am I? - Can words and images really reflect and represent the true essence of a person, probably not, but here's my attempt anyway

Talk to Me!