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Cast: Cameron Diaz, Ben Stiller, Matt Dillon, Lee Evans

Director: Bobby and Peter Farrelly

Previews Shown: Disturbing Behavior, BASEketball, Ever After:A Cinderella Story

Picture this.  Whenever we are about to get into a pool, of which, the temperature may be questionable, what do we do.  Well, most of us, will stick one foot in, to test, then the other foot a little further, then we either ease in slowly, or just jump right in, subjecting our body to a great shock, but with knowledge that we'll either a) Adapt, or b) Go running for the shore cursing. Remember this analogy, I'll come back to it

I was never a fan of the Farrelly brothers movies, albeit only two, I just didn't find their brand of humor fulfilling.  Each movie had scenes which made me laugh, their first, Dumb and Dumber had one or two (The town is that way) and Kingpin, their second, had a few more (We don't have a cow, we have a bull), was it growing on me, not sure really, was curious as to their next effort, to see how the progression went.

There's Something About Mary is that third installment, and the film works for me.  I laughed, quite hard at times.  This was, in my eyes, a successful progression for the brothers.  In Dumb and Dumber, they tested the water, some laughed, some were disgusted (vote me in category two) In Kingpin, they put their foot in a bit more, being a little more daring, a little smarter, but still missing something, maybe a cohesive plot to hold it together. Now, with this movie, they have taken the plunge straight into the water, and successfully stay afloat.  Nothing is taboo here, ethnic groups, bodily functions, voyeurism, handicapped, noone is spared here, most of the jokes work, some don't, but those that don't in no way detract from the movie.

The opening scene is funnier than the previews which sort of spoil it a bit (Note to other studios, Fox got this one right, it was a promotional genius move, they teased, but never revealed, they showed some humor, but never tipped their hand, they piqued your interest just enough to get you in the theater, and then they unleashed, can be done), but it still has to be seen, then the movie lags, as it sets up the premise of the movie, but by the final third, the movie is in full gear, and I was laughing, almost rolling, at times, I had fun here, that's all I ask of a movie sometimes.

This is not a perfect movie, but then, the characters in it aren't perfect, so it fits.  Each has their own issues, and they are dealt with in the smile, and laugh at life, but still take things seriously, attitude.  These are real people, that exist just on the other side of that line of reality that we all sometimes walk.  These are characters that we are afraid to admit exist, but make up the ecletic melting pot which is America.

Another sign that I use for good movies, is my after movie reaction,   are you smiling, crying, showing some emotion, talking about it in general..or is it the cinematic equivalent of Chinese food, and an hour later, you forget what you saw.   Basically, did it leave an impression, or not.  Well, the length of time it takes me from leaving the theater, to writing the review, is usually a good reverse gauge, the faster I get it posted, the more of an impression it left on me (because I want to get the thoughts down while they are fresh)..I am less than 2 hours out of theater seeing this one, and I am still smiling.  I had fun, I was bouncing, floating, laughing again remembering scenes. (Another note, to Mr's Bay, Devlin and Emmerich, this movie clocks in at just around 2hrs and 10 minutes, only about 30 mins short of Armageddon, and about the same as Godzilla, yet, I didn't even notice, nor check the time at any point, because I have was having a great time, see guys, a movie can be long, and effective still, Size Does Matter, but so does quality)

I commented the other day, that it had been a long while since I had truly laughed at movie, In & Out, last year, although not this much, and The Birdcage two years ago, are the only ones that I can remember rivaling the merriment of this movie, but be forewarned, this movie is not for all.  It is very dark, and the humor is quite crude, and possibly offensive, so take that into consideration, but if you sat through the first two movies by these guys, than this one won't shock you, but rather take their craft one step farther, and come into their own, as makers of honest, dark, real, comedies. See this one, if you have a strong stomach, and an open mind

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