Near Side 1 - Tyson vs McGruff?

In a world where the government can make 6 years disappear in the blink of a camera flash in New Mexico, where the organization set up by to take us to the stars and beyond, has only given us snow, where the lives of US and Russians hang in the balance and we are told only to stay calm, the great American Southwest is becoming more and more, the center of corruption and deceit..witness:
The Lights over Phoenix in March, followed by the Lights over Las Vegas
The flaccid explanation for Roswell, and the subsequent focus on museums and jokes rather than the inescapable truth
The mysterious disappearance and crash of the A-10 in SW Colorado we learn not to trust our government, we retreat inside, to be entertained, but alas..when a film can cost more than 1 dollar per US citizen (Titanic, 200 million and rising (or sinking) so to speak), serious so called filmmakers can put out a cliched incohesive piece of garbage (Batman & Robin, see) and of the hottest songs in America is the most sappy piece of drivel since "You Light Up My Life (the overtly emotional "Butterfly Kisses", what sanctity do we have left..ahh sports, seeing those blessed with talent that God gave only a select few, performing to entertain and competing suppoesedly, for the sheer joy of it (bows to Cal Ripken, George Brett (for being true ambassadors to the game) Darren Daulton (for showing that perserverance with one team (12 yrs, longest current active sting with one team)) but alas, the corruption has seeped into this..the greatest of American icons. The sport known as the gentleman’s sport..the sport of kings, has taken off it’s mask and revealed its true self and nature. Skyrocketing salaries..greedy mindless promoters and worst of all the athletes themselves.
Last week’s biting incident in Las Vegas is just the icing on an already rotting cake, Tyson has always gotten by on intimidation, it was how he was taught, fostered even, play the bully..and when you can’win, cheat! He is a boy in the sport of gentlemen..the head clown in a rampantly insane circus, headed by a man who stares at Devil’s Tower pictures to do his hair every day. How fitting is it then, that this next chapter of boxing infamy happened in the one place that has become synonamous with the demoralization and corruption of today’s society, and true to form, the citizens reacted accordingly, rioting, shooting, rampaging, assuming the persona of their insane performing jester. The sights of that night made me embarassed to have ever called Las Vegas home, I saw and experienced so much good their, but it is all washed away by the masses, determined to live up the label that the rest of the world has given, refusing to shed the albatross, but rather to feed and foster it, until it weighs and drags us down. I am ashamed to be a citizen of the country that allows this thing to go on, even encourages it (already rematch rumors abound, what will this one be "The Bite in the Night?, Lobe em or Leave em?
Finally, I am ashamed to even be a member of the same species as Tyson, Don King, and anyone else who associates themselves with this madness, thank you Mr King, you have taken the pride of a once great sport and reduced it to a sideshow, laughing all the way to the bank, enjoy your ride, because the bus is happily picking up speed, towards the bottomless abyss

My Weekly Doses of Sunshine

A Comic View of Tyson
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