Great Losses

Great Losses

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In the past few weeks, a lot of tragedy has befallen the world, unnecessarily I believe. Two of God’s angels were taken away long before their time, one in the height of her prime, the other, after a lifetime of giving. Both of them gave of themselves ahead of others, opened their hearts to those less fortunate, shared in the riches of their soul, leaving legacies that will not, and should not be forgotten.

Overshadowed by the tragic and controversial events of that black Sunday morning in Paris (more below) the death of India’s Mother Teresa was a paramount loss to the world, although not very familiar with the events of her life, and not following her good deeds as much as I should have, it seemed like every time I did hear her name, it was about helping, aiding, giving to the needy. Not afraid to bend down, get dirty, go where others were afraid, and extending her helping hand beyond the call of most other humans. She was revered worldwide for helping the homeless find homes, the hungry find food, and basically those who needed something, were given everything she had. Her loss was tragic, but her memory will live on, must live on in all of us.

There are so many opinions flying around after the death of Princess Diana, so many fingers being pointed, that we may forget how much she really did and meant to so many people. Her death has left a hole in the lives of millions worldwide, and yet the focus still seems to be on why..and who, instead of mourning, we are falling into the same trap that may have cost her life, the need for dirt, for juicy info, for a glutton of useless details that in the grand scheme of things are inconsequential. Whether it was the push of the paparazzi, the negligence of a driver, the anguish of rejection from inattentive ex-husband..(who has no room to be choosy in my opinion)..none of those things matter. Having spent time in England, living there for 2 years, I too fell under her hypnotic spell, she was so radiant, so beautiful inside and out, and had a heart (cliché here) as big as all England. Her loss will have rippling effects throughout the world, long after this initial buzz has gone. The memories of her must always be good, we must show that we have learned something from the short time that she was given to us, she suffered so much, yet continued to give, somewhere in there, lies a lesson for us all, it is in our hands to take this gift she has left us, open it up, cherish it and keep her memory alive eternally.
