Sad News


"His name was Peter Wilson and he was our 4th kid. Anyway, he passed on Sunday the 8th of November. The Pilot for a Day program made a huge impression on this young man of 13 yrs. His Mom, Michelle told me that Peter said it was "the best day of his life". In fact, Peter was laid to rest in the flight suit, dog tags, and flight cap that your contributions helped to provide. This tragic loss has taught me never to underestimate the difference that people can have on a child! I thank you so much for contributing your time and finances to support such a worthy cause."Thank you all for helping contribute to the fund, and making a dream come true for Peter. (Courtesy of Capt (ANG) Gil Delgado, McConnell AFB, KS, and Steve Strasser, our group organizer for this project.)

This relates to the "Pilot for a Day" program, that we, as a group funded,and that I wrote my story about before. This was not the same child, but the loss of any child is a tragic. In this time of sadness, and loss, I believe it is always helpful to look back at the bright spots, and happy moments, in order to help cope with the loss. I feel honored, and deeply touched, that I, in some small way, helped to provide a bright spot during his final day, and something inspirational for the family to look back on,and hang on to, along with their other memories of him. The image and emotion, that some of his final moments, thoughts, and memories, were, even in the most minute way, brought about by something that I helped with, and contributed to, touches me deeper than words can truly describe.  Thank you for letting me be a part of it. 

Sometimes, in the greatest darkness, we can find light

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