Stuart Little

Date:   April 19, 2000


Geena Davis Mrs. Little
Hugh Laurie Mr. Little
Jonathan Lipnicki George Little
Jeffrey Jones   Crenshaw

Director: Rob Minkoff 

Sometimes, as a movie critic and fan, I have to remember that the purpose or them is to entertain and delight.  Some may educate, and provoke thought, others may just be eye candy.  However, ultimately, in some way, movies are there to provide with an escape from reality.  Stuart Little is a perfect example of pure, innocent entertainment. 

Nothing fancy, nothing outlandish (except for some wonderful effects to bring Stuart to life) just a tale of a mouse in search of a family, and a family in search of someone to love.   The Littles are a family who want to grow more and while at the adoption agency, one resident catches their eye.  It just happens that this resident is a talking rodent.  There are plot points, dilemmas, etc, but analysis of them is not important. Even in a movie that is all about fun, and cuteness, intelligent writing is necessary, so that it does not become corny or condescending. Co-written by Sixth Sense scribe M Night Shyamalan, this movie acheives mastery in its simplicity.

The performers (including the cute Mr Lipnicki) are all wonderful in their common relatibility, not to mention the plethora of celebrity voices (Nathan Lane, Chazz Palmentieri, Bruno Kirby, Jennifer Tilly, and of course, Michael J. Fox, having as much fun as I’ve seen/heard him have in a long time. 

Ultimately, Stuart Little is  sweet, innocent, funny and never insulting to kids or adults because it carries a message in its simplicity about the importance of love and family.  See this, buy this one, just get it.  It is a movie that, like it’s star, may be small in stature, but is very large in heart. ($$$ out of $$$$)

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