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Personal Kinder Surprise Collection - Hand-Painted Figurines (cont.)






This set of birds playing tennis has only ever been released in Germany. Thanks to Anja Engeln for the figurines, and Wayne Lovett for the paper.


1996 1 - Anja Augenaufschlag (carrying tennis racquet). Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Bingo-Bird. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 2 - Willy Wichtig (talking on mobile phone, wearing sunglasses and a loud suit, obviously someone's agent!). Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Bingo-Bird. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 3 - Rudi Ratlos (with money chest that doesn't have much cash!). Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Bingo-Bird. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 5 - Fritz Vorsitz (proudly holding a trophy aloft). Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Bingo-Bird. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 6 - Conny Coach (with tennis racquet and ball). Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Bingo-Bird. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 7 - Peter Kneter (chilling out with towel and drink). Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Bingo-Bird. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 8 - Tina Topspin (lady bird with tennis racquet). Thanks to Ulrike Degen for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Bingo-Bird. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 9 - Schorschi Schlichter (umpire standing on capsule with ladder). Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Bingo-Bird. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 10 - Mecker Joe (disputing a call with the umpire - this guy has been to the John McEnroe school of sportsmanship, methinks!). Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Bingo-Bird. No. of Duplicates: 0




This second set of Top Ten Teddies was first issued in Germany in 1996. It has also been released in Italy (1998, "I Luna Park") and France (1999, "Les Ours Bavarois").


1996 1 - Sause Sepp (riding a dodgem, with some sort of stick called a "Stoßfänger"). Thanks to Anja Engeln for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Top Ten Teddy. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 2 – Herbert Herzbube (holding heart with words “Ich liebe Dich” - I Love You). Thanks to Mick Britton for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Top Ten Teddy. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 3 - Vroni Frohsinn (holding heart). Thanks to Anja Engeln for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Top Ten Teddy. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 4 - Güstl Glücksplilz (ventriloquist with hippo dummy). Thanks to Grisha Nikolov for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Top Ten Teddy. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 5 - Max Macht's Möglich (with microphone and raffle tickets all saying "LOS"). Thanks to Michelle Plakas Kaiser for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Top Ten Teddy. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 6 – Fanny Pfundig (holding four plates of sausages and scrambled eggs). Thanks to Sheila Bundy for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Top Ten Teddy. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 7 - Emil Eiermann (holding a "Kinder Überraschung" egg and a box with nine more Kinder eggs). Thanks to Michelle Plakas Kaiser for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Top Ten Teddy. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 8 - Alois Abräumer (throwing ball at cans). Thanks to Anja Engeln for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Top Ten Teddy. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 9—Bruno Brotzeit (with hot dog and milkshake). Thanks to Ulrike Degen for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Top Ten Teddy. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 10 - Paul Puppenspieler (with two hand puppets). Thanks to Grisha Nikolov for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Top Ten Teddy. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 11 - Heidi Herzilein (with heart balloon). Thanks to Anja Engeln for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Top Ten Teddy. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 12 - Mucki Maxl (doing hammer strength test). Thanks to Anja Engeln for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Top Ten Teddy. No. of Duplicates: 0

Paper in German. Thanks to Wayne Lovett for this one. Thanks also to Jean-Baptiste Ollier for a French paper for this set, entitled "Les Ours Bavarois à la foire".




This cute set of bunnies taking to the slopes was first issued in Germany under the name "Hanny Bunny's lustige Ski Hasen". It has subsequently been released in France, Benelux, Spain, Portugal and Scandinavia (1998, "Ski Bunnies") Ireland (1999, “Barmy Bunnies”), Canada (1999), Eastern Europe (“Robby Rabbits”, 1999) and Italy (Gli Sportivissimi Happy Rabbits, 2000).


1996 1 - Dougie Fir (French name: Alain Pinpin). Thanks to Barbara Mann for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Eco Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 2 - Habitat Pat (French name: Laurent Lamontagne). Thanks to Jean-Pierre Comtois for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Eco Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 3 - Powder Puff (French name: Jean Filevite). Thanks to Barbara Mann for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Eco Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 4 - Flaky Bunny (French name: Edmond Boflocon). Thanks to Jean-Pierre Comtois for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Eco Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 5 - Snow Plow (French name: Planche Neige). Thanks to Ron Anglin for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Eco Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 6 - Trip Hop (French name: Lola Lachute). Thanks to Barbara Mann for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Eco Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 7 - Rocky Peaks (French name: Roc Lepic). Thanks to Ron Anglin for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Eco Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 8 - Tommy Tracker (French name: Thomas Latrace). Thanks to Jean-Pierre Comtois for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Eco Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 9 - Honey Bunny (French name: Jeannot Latire). Thanks to Barbara Mann for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Eco Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 10 - Sally Fields (French name: Lulu Lavallee). Thanks to Ron Anglin for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Eco Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

Papers, Canadian (English on one side, French on the other). I forget who sent me my first now! Also an Eastern European "Robby Rabbits" paper, which includes the character names in Russian! Thanks to David Skrlda for this one.




This spooky set was not released in New Zealand, but I actually got one in a Kiwi Kinder egg which came with an Italian paper! Unfortunately, this paper has been lost, probably thrown out by mistake. (I'm haunted by that, I can tell you!) But my thanks to Jean-Pierre Comtois for a French "Fantomini" paper! Thanks also to David Skrlda for a "Fantomini" paper in Czech. And thanks to Michelle Plakas Kaiser for a paper in Chinese and English! Last but not least, thanks to Leslie Leaver for a straight English "Glowing Ghosties" paper. Anyway, the set was originally issued in Italy under the name "I Fosforescenti Fantasmini", and is one of only two glow-in-the-dark Kinder Surprise hand-painted sets. After release in Italy, it has subsequently been issued in France (1997, “Les Fantominis Phosphorescents”), Benelux, Austria and Switzerland (1997, “Fantomini”), Denmark, Norway and Sweden (1997, “Spookies”), Finland (1997, “Spookies Självlysande Spöken / Spookies Hohtavat Haamut”) UK and Ireland (1997), Spain and Portugal (1997, “Fantasmini”),  Brazil and Argentina (1998, “A luminosa Familia Fantasmini / Luminosos Fantasmini”), Israel (1998, “Glowing Ghosties”), Eastern Europe (2000, “Fantomini”) and China/Hong Kong (2000, “Glowing Ghosties”).


1996 A - Walk-Through Walter (Italian name: Arturo Passamuro). Thanks to Ron Anglin for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Glowing Ghost. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 B - Forgetful Freddy (Italian name: Tato Semmorato). Thanks to Ron Anglin for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Glowing Ghost. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 C - Gurgly Ghoul (Italian name: Puccio Ciuccio). Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Glowing Ghost. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 D - Stroller and Rover (Italian names: Arf Babau & Ubaldo Passeggio). Thanks to Ron Anglin for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Glowing Ghost. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 E - Hostess Ghostess (Italian name: Bice Stiratrice). Thanks to Karen Smith for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Glowing Ghost. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 F - Lukewarm Lucy (Italian name: Molly Ammollo). Thanks to Ron Anglin for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Glowing Ghost. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 G - Drip Dry Dougal (Italian name: Ugo Asciugo). Thanks to Leslie Leaver for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Glowing Ghost. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 H - Shaking William (Italian name: Berto Tremor). Thanks to Ron Anglin for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Glowing Ghost. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 I - Soapsud Suzy (Italian name: Lalla Frullata). Thanks to Karen Smith for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Glowing Ghost. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 L - Cuckoo Clock Charlie (Italian name: Carlo Cucu'). Thanks to Ron Anglin for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Glowing Ghost. No. of Duplicates: 0




Thanks to Sheila Bundy for this set, which differs from the above Canadian Eco-Bunnies set in that the ski goggles have stickers, and in many cases the German bunnies have differently-coloured mittens, scarves, shoes etc. from their Canadian counterparts. Thanks to Anja Engeln for the paper that accompanies this set.


1996 1 – Charly Crash, having an altercation with a pine tree. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Ski Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 2 – Hanny Bunny, just standing holding a pair of skis. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Ski Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 3 – Toni Tollkühn, skiing at full speed. He’s on red skis. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Ski Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 4 – Sunnyboy, relaxing in a folding chair, which is red. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Ski Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 5 – Rita Ratlos, in a bit of a tangle. She’s on green skis. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Ski Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 6 – Fritz Fiasko, taking a tumble. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Ski Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 7 – Hubert Heartbreaker, a bit of a poser. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Ski Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 8 – Timmy Trendy, riding a snowboard on his hands! Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Ski Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 9 – Anna Après-Ski, serving some food and drink. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Ski Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0

1996 10 – Hajo Happy Hour, with a crutch and plaster, but also enjoying a drink of some sort. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Ski Bunny. No. of Duplicates: 0



Originals: 51

Duplicates: 0

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