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Personal Kinder Surprise Collection - Hand-Painted Figurines (cont.)






This set was originally issued in Italy in 1998 under the name "Sir Condor". It was also released in Spain and Portugal in the same year under the name "Los/Os Butres de Butrelandia". The French know this set, however, as "Chevaliers Condors". They got it in 2001, as did the Benelux countries (who know it as the “Excalibirds”) and Mexico (where it’s called “Reino Condor”). My thanks to Katy Jourdain for this set, and also for a French paper. Thanks also to Heidi Veldheer for a Dutch/French "Excalibirds" paper (which only features five of the figurines).


1998 A - Padbol (falconer). Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Chevalier Condor. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 B - Jean Peuplu (guard with fan in one hand and club in the other). Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Chevalier Condor. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 C - Dame Cunegonde (on castle turret, holding flower). Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Chevalier Condor. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 D - Dodo Catapulte (guard sleeping in catapult). Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Chevalier Condor. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 E - Chevalier Junior (young condor with wooden sword riding rocking horse). Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Chevalier Condor. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 F - Coquin Gredin (prisoner in stocks, but he has the key to the padlock!) Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Chevalier Condor. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 G - Lady Gertrude (trying to kiss a frog). Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Chevalier Condor. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 H - Compere Saucisson (chopping sausage with axe). Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Chevalier Condor. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 I - Cederom (court jester playing a guitar and singing). Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Chevalier Condor. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 L - Messire Lacible (condor shielding himself from arrows, standing with "DANGER" sign that has grey back). Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Chevalier Condor. No. of Duplicates: 0




Released in Germany initially, this set of foxes working on both sides of the law has also been issued more recently in: Canada and Mexico (2001, no name), Spain and Portugal (2002, “Zorrolistos / Esperti Raposas”), Poland and Lithuania (2002, “Liski Rabusi / Super Foxes”), Hungary and Romania (2002, “Ravaszdi Rokak” / Vulpoii  Vicleni”), Czech Republic and Slovakia (2002, “Veselé Liskys”), Russia, Estonia and a couple of other former Soviet Socialist Republics (2002, “Super Foxes”), Albania, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria (2002, “Funny Foxes”), Croatia and Slovenia (2002, “Funny Foxes”) and Japan (2003, “Super Foxes”) and Israel (2003, “Super Foxes”). Thanks to Grisha Nikolov for a German paper,  to Kay Bundo for a Croatian/Slovenian “Funny Foxes” paper and to Seanoha Finigan for a Spanish/Portuguese “Zorrolistos/Esperti Raposas” paper.


1998 1 - Tony Tiefschlaf, policeman sleeping on the job. Thanks to Anja Engeln for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Fancy Fuxie. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 1 (2) - Tony Tiefschlaf, with six keys rather than four and thicker legs on his stool. Thanks to Vesna Beifuss for this Eastern European variation. (Indeed, perhaps I should call it Ivaca Spavalica or Bobi Zaspani.) Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Fancy Fuxie. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 2 - Harry Handicap, prisoner trying to hit his ball and chain with a golf club! Thanks to Ulrike Degen for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Fancy Fuxie. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 3 - Danny Durchbruch, coming out of hole. Thanks to Anja Engeln for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Fancy Fuxie. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 4 - Ulli Unschuld, carrying bag with duck’s head poking out and trying his best to look innocent. Thanks to Ulrike Degen for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Fancy Fuxie. No. of Duplicates: 1 (loose and near mint)

1998 5 - Nik Neugier, detective examining pawprints with magnifying glass. Thanks to Ulrike Degen for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Fancy Fuxie. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 6 - Fred Findig, dusting pot for fingerprints. Thanks to Ulrike Degen for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Fancy Fuxie. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 7 - Benny Bohrer, with drill and toolbox. Thanks to Anja Engeln for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Fancy Fuxie. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 8 - Fritz Furchlos, policeman blowing whistle and chasing the bad guys. Thanks to Ulrike Degen for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Fancy Fuxie. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 9 - Richter Rechtso, judge pronouncing sentence. Thanks to Ron Anglin for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Fancy Fuxie. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 10 - August Ausrede, holding cap in hand and, despite the burglar's mask, wearing a "butter wouldn't melt in my mouth" look. Thanks to Ulrike Degen for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Fancy Fuxie. No. of Duplicates: 0




So far, this set of elephants at the circus has only been issued in Germany.


1998 1 – Grazia Graziella, elephant holding an umbrella and balancing on a capsule. Thanks to Mick Britton for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Funny Fant. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 2 – Der grosse Fantini, elephant magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat. His wand is black. Thanks to Mick Britton for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Funny Fant. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 3 – Toni Tröte, marching with a drum that has a white “ZIRKUS FANTINI” sticker. Thanks to Mick Britton for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Funny Fant. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 4 – Rudi Reisser, elephant lifting weights. Thanks to Mick Britton for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Funny Fant. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 5 – Arnold Angsthase, elephant taking fright from a mouse. The base has a red sticker. Thanks to Sheila Bundy for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Funny Fant. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 5 (2) – Arnold Angsthase, with dark blue or purple sticker on base. Missing the mouse, but all the same, thanks to Sheila Bundy for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Funny Fant. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 6 – Rosi Prognosi, elephant clairvoyant with crystal ball. Thanks to Mick Britton for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Funny Fant. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 6 (2) – Rosi Prognosi, with crystal ball that has a bubble inside. Thanks to Sheila Bundy for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Funny Fant. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 7 – Zacharias Zitterfrei, elephant balancing ball, skittles and white rings. Thanks to Mick Britton for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Funny Fant. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 7 (2) – Zacharias Zitterfrei, with yellow rings. Thanks to Sheila Bundy for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Funny Fant. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 8 – Rudolfo Rüsselini, ringmaster elephant with top hat. Thanks to Mick Britton for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Funny Fant. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 9 - Fridolin Fröhlich, elephant clown squirting water from a flower. Thanks to Sheila Bundy for one complete with the water! Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Funny Fant. No. of Duplicates: 1 (loose and mint)

1998 10 – Pauli Popcorn, elephant eating popcorn. Thanks to Sheila Bundy for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Funny Fant. No. of Duplicates: 1 (loose with very minor wear)

BPZ, German paper accompanying the set. Thanks to Wayne Lovett for this one.




This set has only been released in Germany. Two versions came out; one without numbers, and one with six-figure German numbers. Figurines issued with papers that don't have the six-digit numbers are harder to find. There are some variation differences between figurines issued with numbers and those issued without. Thanks to Vic Morris for the first four figurines in my personal set.


1998 1 - Tanzender Bison (Dancing Bison, doing rain dance). I think the underside of his hair is ocre. In any case, it includes paper without number. Thanks to Ulrike Degen for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0

703 249* - Tanzender Bison, with what I think is a hairpiece that’s flesh-coloured on the underside. Thanks to Andrea Kessler for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 2 (also 705 187)* - Stampfender Mokassin (Stamping Moccasin), witch doctor with mask and feathers. Thanks to Andrea Kessler for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 3 (also 703 516) - Totem. Includes paper with number. Thanks to Ulrike Degen for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 4 (also 703 176) - Sprechendes Fell (Talking Hide, with drum, that I think has a red skin). Includes paper with number. Thanks to Ulrike Degen for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 5* - Aufgehende Sonne (Rising Sun, throwing something, probably to ward off an unwanted male admirer! Appears to have graduated from the Liz Hurley school of (un)dressing. Think this is the “small head” variation). Thanks to Andrea Kessler for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0

703 281 - Aufgehende Sonne (“large head” variation). Thanks to Ulrike Degen for this one and a numbered paper. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 6* - Donald O'Dollar (tycoon, with non-glossy jacket). Missing mat, unfortunately. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0

703 257 - Donald O'Dollar (with glossy jacket). This one has the mat and a paper with number. Thanks to Ulrike Degen for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 7* - Flatternde Pfeil with blue armband. Thanks to Anja Engeln for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0

703 273 - Flatternde Pfeil (Flying Arrow, Indian shooting arrow, with red armband and all-white chest band). Thanks to Ulrike Degen for a paper with number. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 8 (also 703 222) - Häuptling Weißer Adler (Chief White Eagle, with small numbers on base). Includes paper with number. Thanks to Ulrike Degen for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 9* - Lächelnder Wind, with solid base. Thanks to Andrea Kessler for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0

703 184 - Lächelnder Wind (Smiling Wind, mother Indian and baby with hollow base). Thanks to Ulrike Degen for a paper with number. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 10 (also 705 179) - Sanfte Wolke (Soft Cloud, carrying pot on head and bowl of food in left hand). Includes paper with number. Thanks to Ulrike Degen for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 11 - Flinkes Paddel (Swift Paddle, without blue dots on canoe). Includes paper without number. Thanks to Ulrike Degen for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians/Vehicle: Boat. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 12* - Digger McNugget (panning gold and smoking brown pipe). Includes paper with number, although this really belongs with the other variation. Thanks to Ulrike Degen for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0

703 192 - Digger McNugget (panning gold and smoking white pipe).   Thanks to Andrea Kessler for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 13 - Trapper Scharfes Auge with thin telescope and glossy trousers. Thanks to Ulrike Degen for this one. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0

703 338 - Trapper Scharfes Auge (Trapper Sharp Eye), with thick telescope and non-glossy trousers. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Trappers & Indians. No. of Duplicates: 0




This set of daffy space aliens was released in New Zealand in 2000/01, albeit minus two of the toys that were issued in Europe. Both here and in Australia, it was known by its British name of "Galacteenies", and our paper was identical to the British one. But it was originally issued in Italy in 1998 under the name of "Extraterrestri Stratulani", and thereafter released in: the Benelux countries (1999, “Galaxini”), Scandinavia (1999, “Space Mates”), France (1999), Spain and Portugal (1999, "Extranulatis"), Israel (1999, “Galaxini”), UK (2000), Eastern Europe (2000, “Astrocomic 2000”), Argentina and Brazil (2000, "Extralunáticos") Mexico (2000, "Extralunáticos") and Germany (2000, "Super Spacys"). The German figurines are different to their Italian /European counterparts, and I have listed the ones in my collection separately.


Thanks to Jean-Baptiste Ollier for this set, which came with a French Astrocomics paper. Thanks also to Jean-Pierre Comtois for a Scandinavian "Space Mates" paper. Thanks to Christine O'Grady for an English "Galacteenies" paper. And thanks to Gian Marco Silvi for a Brazilian "Extralunáticos" paper. Last but certainly not least, thanks to Ulrike Degen for a Benelux "Galaxini" paper.


1998 1 (also I) - Lola Pasta (Italian name: Unci Net), knitting with spaghetti Has orange box with "SPAGHETTI" on it. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Astrocomic. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 2 (also A) - Patrice Practice (Italian name: Robo Golf), playing golf with an ice cream cone! Cone is yellow and blue. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Astrocomic. No. of Duplicates: 2 (loose and mint)

1998 3 (also G) - Max Remix (Italian name: Cidi' Sko), with yellow mixer that has narrow red handle. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Astrocomic. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 4 (also D) - Francesco Pie (Italian name: My Copy) with photocopier. Word "COPY" is in yellow lettering. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Astrocomic. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 5 (also C) - Marin Dodouce (Italian name: Ski water), playing with toy yacht in a toilet. Down the toilet is where, alas, Team New Zealand went in the 2003 America's Cup! Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Astrocomic. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 6 (also E & M) - Archibelle and Franklin D'Oeil (Italian names: Galaxina and Alf Green). Franklin D'Oeil has special "magic motion" eyes which wink! Is giving Archibelle an artichoke with yellow stem. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurines: Astrocomics. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 7 (also F) - Alex Press (Italian name: Space Post), with rocket that has red body and yellow tip. Sending "Ciao" message back home. Has "magic motion" eyes which move up and down. NB: This was not issued outside Europe! Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Astrocomic. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 8 (also H) - Sophie Stickée (Italian name: Venerella). Has spray gun with yellow handle and "magic motion" eyes which move up and down. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Astrocomic. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 9 (also B) - Toufeu Touflam (Italian name: Tarta Ridens & Kosmonello). Astrocomic lighting yellow rocket on tortoise. Astrocomic has "magic motion" eyes that move up and down. NB: This was not issued outside Europe! Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Astrocomic. No. of Duplicates: 0

1998 10 (also L) - Chantal Heureux (Italian name: Tic & Tokko). Feeding cuckoo in clock. Toy Type: Hand-Painted Figurine: Astrocomic. No. of Duplicates: 2 (loose and mint)



Originals: 64

Duplicates: 6


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