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November 10th, 1999 in Montreal, Canada

Hey, What's up all you BSB fans. My name is Katie and I went to the Backstreet Boys concert on Nov.10 1999. It was the best show that I had ever seen in my life. I had seen there show last your and feel even more deeply in love with them all but this year there true talent really showed. If you have seen the show you know what i mean. The was one said thing though Kevin had dislocated his shoulder, he could preform but he didn't fly in and some of the time he wasn't able to dance. AJ looked so sexy he ripped off his shirt and ran in the hockey tunnel (looking like he was running in the crowd) It was wonderful and i hope that everyone enjoyed it. !GREAT JOB GUYS I LOVED IT! Thanx for everything~love ya!


When my friends and I first got there we had no idea what to expect. We had really good seats and I loved the way that they flew out onto the stage to the Star Wars Theme. It was great how the stage was in the center of the arena. I was kinda upset that they didn't do solos. I really wanted to see AJ sing "Return of the Mack" The dancing was so good too.
