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November 11th, 1999 in Toronto, Ontairo

Hey, eveyone. I went to the Backstreet Boys concert in Toronto. It was the bomb. I've been to only two of thier concerts, but this one was the best. They sang awesome, as always. It was so much fun and the special effects were great. AJ was so cute, he danced around the stage doing ballet and then he took his shirt off. They flew over the audience during "Quit Playing Games With My Heart." Oh, and when they first came on they sang "Larger Than Life" and flew in on boards like the one that Brian was flying on in the video. To sum up my review, they sang great, they looked great and the concert was AWESOME


At the beginning of the concert the guys flew in from the ceiling and when they finally landed they lined up in a row and Kevin shook his head up and down four times. Then they moved on to another part of the stage and did the same thing. They did this 5 times cuz the stage was a pentagon. Then they sang Larger than Life and were lifted up to the ceiling again. After they sang like one or two more songs each guy introduced himself and said something to the audience. Nick told us what they did before the Toronto concert (recorded Millennium, toured a little) AJ (who had red hair) said that Toronto was such a wicked place that if he could live anywhere else but Florida he would live in Toronto. Kevin took a moment of silence cuz it was Remeberance Day (a day where Canadians remember the people that died for Canada in the wars) I'm not sure what Howie and Brian said cuz I wasn't really listening. Then they did like 6 more songs and then there was this thing where they introduced ! the dancers and the band. At that point Nick was so sick (he had the flu) that he couldn't talk. They did a couple of more songs and ended with I Want It That Way. The concert was too good for words! After it was done me and my friends saw their tour bus and AJ waved to us.


I had excellent seats (4th row). The concert was wonderful! My baby, AJ, his hair was bright red. During Dont want you back he humped and hang up side down from the ladder thing. He ripped of his shirt during Thats the way I like it and he was doing all these break dancing moves with one of the dancers. Kev preformed with out his sling and did a great job too. Iam going to another concert in March also. :o)